25 lens is the lens that has ability to divergespread out the light beam. The special ray of diverging lens are: 1 light ray parallel to the principal axis is refracted so that it appears to come from the principal focus behind the lens. 2 a ray directed towards F on the other side of the lens bends, so that it becomes parallel to the principal focus. 3 a light ray passing through he optical center travels without changing its direction. The special image that is formed by diverging lens is Virtual, upright, diminished. An optic topic that is explained has relationship with other subject in science. For instance in biology, optic topics can be integrated with the human body, there are the structure of human eyes. Also in chemistry, optic topics can be integrated with the structure of particle that arranged in each substance. It can causes the differences of image which is formed by light rays that travels from two different medium.

G. Hypothesis

The research hypothesis in this result as following: H : There is no differences of students conceptual mastery improvement between boys class and girls class by using virtual laboratory media on optic topic. H 1 : There is differences of students conceptual mastery improvement between boys class and girls class by using virtual laboratory media on optic topic. Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013 GENDER DIFFERENCES AND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS CONCEPTUAL MASTERY BY USING VIRTUAL LABORATORY MEDIA ON OPTIC TOPICS Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu


A. Research Method and Design

1. Research Method

In general, the research method is defined as a scientific way to get the data with the purpose and specific uses. How meaningful scientific research activities are based on the characteristics of science, namely rational, empirical, and systematic Sugiyono, 2007: 1. Various methods can be used to obtain research data. However, taking into account the objectives of this research are to determine the differences of students conceptual mastery based on gender differences through virtual laboratory learning media in optic topic. The method is used method of Quasi experiments. In this method, the research carried out on two groups of students VIII Grade, girls class VIII B and boys class VIII A

2. Research Design

The design used in this research are two groups pretest-posttest design Fraenkel and Wallen, 2007: 253, it can be called matching pretest-posttest comparison group design Sukmadinata, 2011: 208, because in this design, there is no control class. Both of class become experiment class by non-random taken a group.In this design, both of class are given a pretest before learning. Pretest in this research can become as statistical control and also can be used to see the effect to the gain score. Here is the study design matching pretest-posttest comparison group design are illustrated in tabular form Sukmadinata, 2011: 208.