The Strategies to Make an Essay in Mass Media











First of all I want to say thank you Allah SWT because He give me easiness and smoothness when I worked the job training until finished. And Alhamdulillah He always gives me power to spirit study.

In arranging the job training report, a lot of people have helped me. Therefore in this valuable chance, I wants to appreciation for the completing of this job training report to the following:

1. The Dean of Faculty of Letters, Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Tadjudin, MA, for giving approval to conduct the job training;

2. The Head of English Department Dr. Juanda;

3. The coordinator of Job Training, Asih Prihandini, S.S., M.Hum., thank you for your support;

4. All Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat staffs who gave opportunity to the present me to conduct job training there. Especially Asep Rahmat Hidayat., M.Hum., as the present writer’s tutor who always led during the job training;

5. The write’s advisor, Nungki Heriyati, S.S., MA., thank you for your guidance, valuable and motivation to me when I worked the Job Training from started to finished. You are the best, I love you Mam ;

6. All English Department lectures, staffs and students, thank you so much; 7. My beloved parents, thank you for your pray, endless love and support



8. My young brother, thank you for your pray and support given to me, I miss you;

9. My boyfriend, thank you for your pray, support, motivation to me, thank you so much

10. All my friends and my sisters, Helga, Eva, Dini, Astri, Unye, Yanti, Teh Euis, Teh Nadia, Teh Nisa, Teh cupi,The Aci, Teh Uci, Mba Ica, Dania, Ceuceu, Vivi, Ka Aldo, A willy, wildan, abang, om, daliman, Guntur, lutfi, thank you for your support and pray.

I expect that this job training report will be useful for us.

Bandung, December2013 The present writer


vi Contents

Abstract iv

Abstrak v

Acknowledgments vi



1.1 Background the Topic 1

1.2 Scope 2

1.3 Objectives 2

1.4 Significant to Knowledge 2 1.5 The Framework of The Theory 3

1.6 Research Method 4

1.7 Place and Time 4








Oshima Alice & Hogue Ann, 1991, Writing Academic English

Hutari, Fandy. 2011. Menulis di Media Massa, Why Not?. 4 November 2013

Ardianto, Ahli. 2013. Media Massa Menurut Ahli Ardianto. 26 May 2013 http:/

B., Clarke, A.M. Jack, 1998, The Value of quantitative research in nursing. Professional Nurse 13:1 753-756




1.1 Background to the Topic

Job training is an obligation for seventh semester student in English Department. The present writer undertook the job training in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat at Sumbawa street No. 11. The function of Badan Bahasa office is to develop Indonesia linguistic and literature and to cooperate with the province, city and regency bureaucrat.

Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat has five job programs. One of them, couching language and literature program in mass media. The program is a media for society to show their ability in appreciate of literature. Then the function of the program is a media to express the several of modern opinion, the reflection of identity and create of harmony.

The present writer was also assigned as writer in the program. The task of the present writer in the program was writing essay in mass media. The present writer hopes writing essay in mass media can help society to understand linguistic and Indonesian literature. Essay in mass media has a lot of benefit because essay can read widely by the society, so the writing has to use a language understood by the reader.

Writing an essay in mass media is not an easy job. The article should be attentively examined to be sure that the reader can read it easily. Thus, to write an



essay in mass media we have to have a particular strategy to write it. In other words, writing in mass media becomes challenge for writer. It is the reason this topic is interesting to be analyzed.

According to that case, this job training reports entitled “The Strategies to

make an Essay in Mass Media”.

1.2 Scope

This paper explains about strategy to write essay in mass media. The data is taken during job training process on July until September.

1.3 Objective

1. To explain about strategy to write essay in mass media in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat.

2. To report the job training that had been conducted in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat.

1.4 Significant to Knowledge

The present writer expects that this report will give significant benefit in the form of information and experiences, especially for English Department students who want to increase their knowledge in writing an essay. It is also hoped to be a reference for the next researcher.



1.5 The Framework of the Theory

Mass media is use to give information to society, especially for community mass. So in writing an essay, it must use understandable and popular language. Therefore required some strategies that is used in writing in mass media because everyone read mass media.

Therefore in the job training, the present writers explain how the strategy to writing essay in mass media. In e-book Menulis di Media Massa, Why Not? by Fandy Hutari (2011:26) it is explained the strategy to write essay in Mass media. They are:

1) Choosing the topic; the present writer should choose the specific topic that is interesting and contemporary.

2) Making the writing frame; the writer makes an outline from the topic. An outline contains your argument.

3) Writing your opinion; the writer gives an opinion to the topic. It should use clear language so the reader understands about the topic.

4) Choosing points and making sub theme; choose the point that you will explain and make sub theme so the reader can understands about an idea. 5) Developing sub theme; developing the sub theme in order to attract

reader’s attention to read the essay.

6) Writing introduction in first paragraph; the writer should make background from an essay.



7) Writing a conclusion: the function of the conclusion is to make the reader understands the main point of the essay.

8) Writing a sentence that a reader can take benefit from essay; after reading your essay, the reader should get the benefit from it. So the reader wants to read your writing.

1.6 Research Method

This analysis uses descriptive analysis method. Descriptive analysis is the most basic analysis to describe the general state of the data. According to Sugiyono (2008:5) define descriptive method “Penelitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai variabel mandiri, baik satu variabel atau lebih (independen) tanpa membuat perbandingan, atau menghubungkan dengan variabel lain.”

So the research of descriptive method is a research describes or explain the problem.

1.7 Place and Time

The present writer conducted the job training in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat located at Jl. Sumbawa No.11, Bandung. The writer worked in the office for about a month, started on 15 July until 9 September 2013. The present writer started working from 10 am to 3 pm from Monday to Thursday





2.1 Description of Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat

Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat was officially established in September 1999. It is located at the Sumbawa No. 11, Bandung. The primary task of Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat is to develop, to increase, and to protect the language and literature both of Indonesia and indigenous language in West Java. Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat was built for many responsibilities of language there are:

1. Improving the quality of language and literature;

2. Increasing the positive attitude towards language and literature; 3. Developing informational materials and literary language; 4. Cultivating of language and literature;

5. Improving cooperation.

Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat services includes, as follow:

1. Receiving questions related to the issues of linguistics and literature of Indonesia and the indigenous;

2. Consulting services: individual or group, either through face-to-face, mail, fax, phone regarding to arrange papers, reports, thesis and the language used in formal letters;



3. Providing the manpower to edit manuscripts, documents or other materials published in Indonesian or indigenous language;

4. Providing the manpower in counseling related to linguistics and literature of Indonesia and the indigenous language;

5. Providing a judge at the competitions related to linguistics and literature, commonly in writing competition;

6. Providing a library for the community, especially those interested in the problems of linguistics and literature;

7. Providing the Proficiency Test (Uji Kemahiran Bahasa Indonesia /UKBI) for students, teachers, and community;

8. Providing the expert in language (linguist) as the leader for manufacturing the legislation, court proceedings, police investigations, etc.

2.2 Job Position

In Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat, the present writer was assigned as writer in the couching language and literature program. The jobs that were given to the present writer is to make essay in mass media.

2.3 Job Coordination

During job training process, the present writer coordinated with some staffs: 1. Drs. Muh. Abdul Khak, M.Hum



b. Job Authorities : Allowing the present writer to conduct the Job Training

c. Job Responsibilities : Monitoring the program in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat

2. Asep Rahmat., M.hum

a. Job Position : Training Coordinator

b. Job Authorities : Giving the job and grade to the present writer c. Job responsibilities : Monitoring the present writer during the job

training process 3. Anne Erlyane

a. Job Position : The Head of Administration

b. Job Authorities : Receiving the present writer to conduct the Job Training




3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Explanation

Essay is short writing that contains the writer’s argument about a topic. Essay in mass media should use understandable language by a reader’s common language and there are

few strategies in writing essay in mass media. Fandy Hutari describes few strategies in writing essay in mass media, as follow: (1) Choose the topic (2) Make writing frame (3) Write your opinion (4) Choose points that your explain and make sub theme (5) Develop sub theme (6) Write introduction in first paragraph (7) Writing a conclusion (in write conclusion the present writer should write a sentence that a reader can take take benefit from essay.

3.1.2 Analysis


Choosing the topic

Write an essay in mass media has to be interesting and up to date phenomena. So the present writer must choice topic that interesting. During job training in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat the present writer is given a task to write contemporary topics for mass media to full fill the task, the present writer observes the phenomena in mass media. Based on the observation, it is found out that mass media often uses uptake language, for example the usage of word actress. Word actress is uptake word from English to Indonesia. In Indonesia the word actress


becomes aktris. There is change letters in c become k. But when it is written in mass media, they often use artis than aktris. It happens because they write the way they say it.

The present writer collects the data from reading a book about uptake language, observing or surfing over the internet about uptake language. The present writer chooses the topic because many people often use the uptake language in daily life. People use to pronounce pronoun the uptake language different from the original word, that is why the present writer is interested to discuss the uptake language. Thus the title of the essay is actress, aktirs, artis.


Make a frame

After choose the topic, to make a qualified essay the present writer should make a frame. To make frame or outline, it should be more directional and structured. In making the writing frame, it has to contain:


To make an introduction in mass media, there are few steps that the present writer does. First the present writer elaborates the phenomenon of uptake language Indonesian daily life. Which focuses on a change of aktris to artis in the written form.

Then in first paragraph, the present writer tells about reason of the topic. A first paragraph should attract attention of reader to make them want to continue reading. Therefore, the present writer writes opinion phenomena uptake language nowadays in Indonesia. To write the introduction, the present writer should be uses language that is unique and reader understands it. So the reader keeps on reading an essay. This is an example about sentence of introduction:


Bahasa yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia sering mengandung kata serapan dari bahasa asing. Contoh yang sering diucapkan oleh masyarakat kita adalah kata artis dan aktris.


Content is the body of the essay. In the content, there should be a sub theme that is used to explain the topic chosen. A sub theme is used to develop a topic sentence in each paragraph. Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue (1991:93) explain how to write content in essay: The body of an essay discusses your subdivide topics, one by one. It contains as many paragraphs as necessary to explain the controlling ideas in the thesis statement.

Based on the explanation above, the present writer makes content by choosing the points to be explained first and develop it into topic sentence. After that, choose the supporting statement that supports the topic sentence. The steps above describe as follow:

1. The differences between writing and pronunciation aktris and artis Aktris is used in writing whereas artis is used as pronunciation.

In some article many author use artis. Aktris and artis is different meaning.

2. The reason why Indonesian use uptake language Indonesian is ex-colonize country

They cannot different aktris and artis.


Conclusion is summarize in topic discuss. Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue (1991:98) explain how to write conclusion in essay: “Summarize the essay by restating what the process are, what the purpose of the process is, how to it operates, and why it is important. In other words, the conclusion repeats the information given in the body of the essay, without going to specific details.”

Thus, in the conclusion the present writer will give a summary that explain and give solution of the phenomenon in Indonesia.


Write your opinion

After make a frame, the present writer should write her opinion. The opinion should make the reader convince to the information given. The opinion is based on the subtheme that has been chosen. In this article the present writer chooses two sub themes, first the differences of Aktris and artis and the second the reason of Indonesian society uses up take language. Based on the first subtheme, there are three argument that are: Aktris is used in writing whereas artis is used as pronunciation, In some article many author use artis, Aktris and artis is different meaning. The differences of them are Actress and aktris have same meaning that is a woman who performs on the stage example on television or in films or movies, the difference of them is only in writing. Whereas artis is art expert means artiste (singer, performer in film, painter and performer in drama).


In the second subtheme the present writer finds that Indonesian often imitates words from what they read and listen. Therefore, they write the same way they say it. The example of opinion is as follow:

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Indonesia sering menggunakan kata artis ketika membicarakan aktris atau memanggil aktris. Padahal terdapat perbedaan antara arti kata aktris dan artis

Kesalahan pelafalan dapat terjadi karena sifat masyarakat yang instan dan tidak kritis. Ataukah lidah masyarakat Indonesia mau menggunakan yang sederhana saja atau tidak mau susah?

Negara Indonesia mempunyai keaneka ragaman bahasa jadi hal ini memang bisa terjadi. Keanekaragaman bahasa terlihat dari logat bahasa daerah yang berbeda-beda. Dengan demikian, satu kata serapan asing yang sulit diucapkan bisa berubah penulisan dan tentunya pengucapan.


Writing a conclusion

The conclusion is a summary of the elaboration of the phenomena of up take language. In the conclusion, the present writer should make sure that all the important points of the phenomena is discussed. The chosen word should be easy and readable so the reader can understand and get the benefit from it. In addition, the present writer also chooses the word that can convince the reader. Below is example of the conclusion:

Kosa kata yang diserap dari bahasa asing mungkin mengalami perubahan, entah karena budaya, dan logat bahas.


During job training, the present writer found issue about the strategy to write essay in mass media. The issues are:

1. The present writer get difficulty in making an essay

2. The present writer has problem in choosing contemporary topic;

3. The present writer get difficulty in choosing language that reader understands it.

Based on the problem, the solutions are:

1. The present writer learn the strategy in making an essay

2. The present writer tries to find the update news from many sources. 3. The present writer learns the appropriate language from the dictionary.





4.1 Conclusion

Job training is an obligation for seventh semester student in English Department. The present writer conducted job training in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat.

During job training in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat, the present writer is given tasks to write essay in mass media. In writing essay in mass media the present writer use the theory by Fandy Hutary and Carole Rich about Writing and Reporting News a Coaching Method.

Writing essay turn out to be different with write regular. To write content essay in mass media there are pyramid diagram and steps to writing.

The topic in essay is uptake language entitled actress, aktris, artis. In the writing an essay, the present writer uses strategies to make the reader interested to read it. The strategy is on choosing the topic, making a frame, write an opinion and write a conclusion.

4.2 Suggestion

After finishing the research, the present writer has some suggestions for the students who will take the research of scientific essay.

For faculty, the present writer suggests that for next job training the faculty should give references of the company that accept the job training. The present writer also suggests for student to collect the job training report on time.


For Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat, the present writer suggests that the explanation of task given should be clearer.



1. Student’s profile

a. Name :Vini Nindyani

b. Address : Kp. Munjul Kidul RT/RW 31/06 Desa Curug Kec. Klari Kab. Karawang 41371

c. Place and date of birth : Karawang, 19th November 1991

d. Sex : Female

e. Religion : Moslem f. Phone : 082315827819 g. Email

2. Educational background a. Formal education

No Year Institution

1 1996-1998 TK (Taman Kanak-kanak) Karawang 2 1998-2004 SD Negri Curug II Karawang 3 2004-2007 SMP Negri II Klari Karawang 4 2007-2008 Islamic Boarding School Nihayatul

Amal Karawang


6 2010-present Indonesian University of Computer

b. Informal education

No Year Name of Education Certification

1 2010 Feminist, Feminine and Text seminar Certified 2 2010 Latihan Kepemimpinan Manajerial



2 2011 Public Speaking seminar Certified 3 2011 The Seminar and Workshop of Semiotic

in Literature and Media


4 2011 Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Tahun Akademik 2011-2012


5 2012 English Literary Internal Training of Education


6 2012 “Kreatif Menulis, Rejeki Tak Akan

Habis” Bersama Raditya Dika Talk show


7 2012 English Contest Certified

8 2012 Hari Sastra Certified

9 2012 Training-LIFE Training and Learning Certified 10 2012 Seminar-OBIF Training and Learning Certified 11 2012 Character Building Training Certified


13 2013 Building The Translation Skill and Confidence


14 2013 Harmonisasi Prestasi dan Kreasi Mahasiswa Sastra


15 2013 Muslimah Exhibition Certified

c. Competency 1. Spoken

2. Master of Ceremony

3. Operating computer, especially. Ms office d. Organization and work experiences

No Year Organization

1 2010-2011 Member of English Major Organization 2 2011-2012 Leader of English Major Organization













