The Development of Bioinsecticide in Controlling Insect Pests of Estate Crops

Makalah 1 5




Dibiana L a y , Teguh Santoso dan Sugyo Hastowo



The mainstay o f the Indonesian economy i s agricult u r e . The major e s t a t e crops i n Indonesia are o i l p a l m ,
rubber, coconut, cocoa, c o f e e , tea and pepper. I n s e c t
pests o f various types may attack these crops causing
s i g n i f i c a n t economic l o s s . Chemical pesticides have been

used e x t e n s i v e l y t o reduce damage from i n s e c t pests, but
they have also created serious problems such as environmental pollution, chemical residues, and development o f
resistance i n i n s e c t population leading t o resurgence o f
both target and non-target p e s t s .
The group o f microorganisms pathogenic f o r i n s e c t s i s
varled and diverse. Among these are a broad range o f
v i r u s e s , bacteria, protozoa and fungi. Each o f these
groups i s composed o f a spectrum o f organisms t h a t vary i n
t h e i r mode o f i n f e c t i o n , s i t e o f r e p l i c a t i o n , and mechanisms o f pathogenicity.
Among the bacteria, the spore-forming b a c i l l i , Bacill u s thuringiensis i s one o f the most promising potential
agent for use i n the management o f i n s e c t population. B .
thuringiensis produces c h a r a c t e r i s t i c proteinaceous parasporal inclusions i n sporulating c e l l s . This parasporal
inclusion i s a l s o known as delta-endotoxin which i s h i g h l y
t o x i c t o i n s e c t s i n several orders o f Lepidoptera, Diptera
and Coleoptera. Although t o x i c t o i n s e c t pests, t h e t o x i n
i s harmless t o non-target invertebrates, vertebrates and
Due t o i t s potential and s e l e c t i v i t y , B . thurinqiens i s has received the greatest commercial a t t e n t i o n . Many



Disampaikan pada Seminar Bioteknologi Perkebunan dan Lokakarya Biopol imer untuk lndustri
PAU Bioteknologi IPB. Bogor 10 1 1 Desember 1991.


PAU Bioteknoiogi, IPB