Agresif Diversifilasi 1. Difensif STRENGTH Economy 50

ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 148 P IGURE 2. SWOT A NALYSIS D ESIGN Opportunity Weakness Strength Threats

3. Agresif

4. Diversifilasi 1. Difensif

2. Turn around

ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 149 Caption : Quadrant 1: This is a very favorable situation. The company has the opportunity and the power, so it can take advantage of existing opportunities. The strategy should be applied in these circumstances is to support an aggressive growth policy Grouth oriented strategy. Quadrant 2 : Despite facing various threats, it still has the power utilization of the internal aspect. The strategy should be applied is to use force to take advantage of long-term opportunities by way of business diversification strategy product market. Quadrant 3 : The company faced enormous market opportunities, but on the other hand faces several constraints internal weaknesses. The strategy should be applied is to minimize the companys internal problems so that they can seize market opportunities better Quadrant 4 : This is a very unfavorable situation, the company is facing various threats and internal weaknesses. Through SWOT analysis can produce a 4 four the possibility of alternative strategies Rangkuti, 2006, namely: 1. Strength-Opportunities Strategy SO. This strategy is based on the cultivation of mind, that is by utilizing all the power to seize and exploit opportunities as possible. 2. Strategy Weaknesses-Opportunities WO, this strategy is applied based on the utilization of existing opportunities by minimizing weaknesses. 3. Strategy Strength-Threats ST, this is the strategy of using the power of the company to overcome the threat. 4. Strategy Weaknesses-Threats WT, this strategy is based on activities that are defensive and try to minimize weaknesses and avoid threats. As an alternative strategy matrix can be seen in Table 2 below, are as follows: ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 150 T ABLE 2. SWOT M ATRIX INTERNAL Stengths, Determine 5-10 chance factor. Weaknesses, Determine 5- 10 chance factor. EXTERNAL Opportunities, Determine 5- 10 chance factor. SO Strategy, Create a strategy that uses the power to take advantage of opportunities WO Strategy, Create a strategy that minimizes the weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities. Threats, Determine 5-10 chance factor. ST Strategy, Create a strategy that uses the power to overcome the threat. WT Strategy, Create a strategy to minimize weaknesses and avoid threats. Source : Rangkuti, 2006 ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 151 R ESULT AND D ISCUSSION Analysis of SWOT Matrix The SWOT analysis is done on environmental factors internal and external environmental factors, which can directly affect the business in National Parks, these factors are as follows: According of results internal and external analysis, that compilation like below : 1. Total Score of Strength is 17,60 2. Total Score of Weakness is -3,1 3. Total Score of Opportinity is 2,20 4. Total Score of Threats is -2,20 The calculation above, that in the calculation of the strategy requires confirmation of the position in the cross axis is between STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS or all of which are described in the lines of positive and negative. This resulted, total score total score of 17.60 fixed power while the total score of -3.1 weakness OPPORTUNITIES THREATS 2.20 and a total score of -2.20. The analysis showed that the factor is greater than a factor STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES factor and the effect of greater than a factor THREAT. Thus positioning Sebangau National Park in the axis system is in quadrant I, which means that for the development strategy of the TNS region as a destination for ecotourism in the position of GROWTH. Learn in a position quadrant coordinate axes, can be described coordinate internal and external analysis as follows: Coordinate internal analysis Score total force - Total score weakness : 2 From 17.9 to 3.1 = 14.8 : 2 = 7.04 and coordinate external analysis Score total force - total score of threats : 2 2.20 to 2.20 = 0.20: 2 = 0.1, so that the coordinate point lies on the axis 0.1 : 7.04 with the following pigure: ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 152 Supported Environment Opportunity 0 : 2,20 II. Stabilities....ST I. Growth 17,60 : 0 ....SO 17,60 : -2,20 0,01 0,01 : 7,04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 III. Prioritas... WT IV. Combination...WO 3,10 : -2,20 3,10: 2,20 Unsupported Environment P IGURE 3. T HE SWOT OF SCORE OF S EBANGAU N ATIONAL P ARK AS T OURITS VISIT According examated rating and bobot, so we can find the point of position and wides matrixs and rank as well as in the table below. T ABLE 3. T HE W IDES OF M ATRIX AND S RATEGY OF PRIORITIES Quadrant Point Position Matrix size Ranking Priority Strategies I 17,60 : 2,20 37,59 1 Growth II 2,20 : 3,10 6,51 3 Stability III 3,10 : 2,20 6,2 4 Contraction IV 17,60 :- 2,20 35,8 2 Combinations Source : Primer Data, analyzed. 2014 ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 153 According of exploring data to determine the matrix and the priority strategies in Table 3, the obtained result is the largest area in the quadrant matrix I with an area of 37.59 matrix, however it should be noted that the vast matrix in quadrant II also has an extensive matrix that is taken into account, namely 6 , 51 Description of the largest matrix wide ranking position on the quadrant I with an area of 37.59 matrix, however it should be noted that the vast matrix in quadrant IV also has an extensive matrix that is taken into account, namely 35.8. A description of the broad ranking position matrix quadrant in the above table include: 1. Ranking 1st : in quadrant II with an matrix area 37.59 2. Ranking 2ed : in quadrant IV with an matrix area 35.8 3. Ranking 3trd : in quadrant II with an matrix area 6.51 4. Ranking 4th : in quadrant III with an matrix area 6.2 Policy Analysis and Development Strategy Each strategy in the positioning analysis and evaluation map shows the important factors, as indicated in the quadrants in the SWOT analysis of each quadrant has the properties as follows: 1. First Quadrant depicts aggressive internal conditions, such as improving the economic strategy, ecotourism, environmental services, education and community participation. 2. The second quadrant depicts internal condition rather weak compared to the quadrant into one, because the extent of this quadrant matrix is far lower than the quadrant I. 3. The third quadrant illustrates the internal conditions of a strong and robust environment supports so that the direction of the target and strategy oriented to the tourism policy on government support, training and harmonization of local residents and migrants. Then strengthen the security of natural resources beyond Sebangau National Park in order to not be a private business, especially plantation. 4. Fourth Quadrant illustrates the internal conditions of strong support so that the direction, objectives and strategies appropriate tourism the nature of business diversification. Previous community involvement is very limited, with the diversification of business then there is a chance people to partner with managers Sebangau National Park in order to provide the supporting infrastructure of tourism such as the provision of means of transport, the Cottage Inn home stay, food stalls including farmers who tried around the National Park area Sebangau as a buffer Sebangau National Park. Ecotourism development in Sebangau National Park in essence, is to improve the welfare of society both materially and spiritually, in an atmosphere of livelihood is safe, comfortable, orderly, peaceful and environmentally friendly. SWOT analysis of the results yielded four 4 the possibility of alternative strategies, namely: 1. Strength and Opportunities SO strategies, which is a strategy which optimizes the strength to take advantage of opportunities opportunities, are: a. Object offers tourist destination areas such as biodiversity flora and fauna, the beauty of the landscape, leading tourism products such as mountain climbing, tracking, outbound, canoing, wildlife observation, etc. to attract foreign tourists and domestic tourists. b. Entered into a collaboration with public and private stakeholders, such as local government, the private ecotourism businesses to manage Sebangau National Park. c. The importance of community participation in ecotourism activities, such as holding local arts performances. d. Promotion of intensive and continuous, either through mass media, television, and internet. 2. Weaknesses and Opportunities WO strategies, which is a strategy that minimizes the weaknesses weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities opportunities, are: a. Creating an attractive tour packages, such as climbing Mount Street, Mount of Love Sexual arousal, tracking, outbound on TNS region, while enjoying the beauty of the landscape in a cluster of Tangkiling hills . b. Hold Agrofishing package, namely fishing, given that some areas with potential TNS lake fish are high enough. c. Improving the investment climate, to provide guidance and oversight to the community around the area of TNS, as well as ecotourism entrepreneurs conducted by professional staff of TNS Tourism Office Local Government. ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 154 d. Motivate people to take an active role in the development of industrial manufacturing of home appliances, such as making souvenirs that are typical TNS region. 3. Strength and Threats ST strategies, which is a strategy that uses the power strength to address threats, are: a. To supervise and act decisively against employers ecotourism in order not to damage the existing natural order. b. Motivating local communities to provide guidance and oversight so that local indigenous culture is not displaced or contaminated by foreign cultures. c. Increase innovation in packaging tourism products. 4. Weaknesses and Threats ST strategies, which is a strategy that minimizes the weaknesses weaknesses and avoid threats threats, are: a. Establish cooperation with relevant stakeholders Local Government, Department of Tourism and Ecotourism Entrepreneurs to develop tourism in a safe, convenient, continuous and sustainable. b. Providing guidance, direction, and build a sense of community perception and importance of the SebangaunNational Park. From the results of SWOT analysis is done, the management of the Sebangau National Park SNP into First Quadrant on the diagram SWOT, while alternative strategy used, is Strength and Opportunities SO, with the consideration that SNP has the natural potential and large to be marketed, but not yet utilized optimally, for it to develop its business SNP must create a strategy of using force strength to take advantage of opportunities. Therefore, on the basis of the results of the analysis of internal environment and the external environment SWOT mentioned above, the policy development of nature tourism in the Sebangau National Park directed to: a. Allowing all parties stakeholders in developing nature tourism in TNS, in addition to the participation of stakeholders is expected to support an increase in well-being and quality of life of the community and to encourage the preservation of natural resources. b. Improve the integration of the planning of regional development that is able to drive the local and national economy on an ongoing basis. c. Raising public awareness to actively participate in the conservation of natural resources. C ONCLUSION The strategic position is in quadrant I, with the formula SO namely to maintain and increase the diversity of tourist attractions, community involvement in management activities package ecotourism began the planning, implementation and evaluation, increasing the capacity of communities to provide services to tourists, to develop cooperation between the manager with the community outside in the development and promotion of ecotourism. 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Quality Total 1. STRENGTH 1.1. Economy a. The availability of different types of fish 4 0.20 0. 8 b. Transportasi available to Sebanga Nasional 3 0.20 0. 6 Park c. Provision Cottage Inn in surrounding villages Sebangau National Park Service inn 3 0.10 0. 3 d. Guide services for visitor 4 0.10 0. 4 e. Hotels, agent travel, restaurant at Palangka Raya City 4 0.10 0. 4 f. Supplier of foods from community around Sebangau National Park 2 0.10 0. 2 g. No Monopoly bussiness around Sebangau 4 0.20 0. 8 National Park Number of Economy Factors 1.00

3. 50

1.2 Ecotourism

a. Tthe shift of mass tourism to special interest tourism 4 0.20 0. 8 b. Local wisdom from community cultur 4 0.20 0. 8 c. Tourist spots rivers, lakes, hills, bays, peat ecosystems 4 0.20 0. 8 d. Tourist sites such as Tanjung Puting side in 3 0.20 0. 6 Kotawaringin Barat, ourist cascade in Katingan district Riam Mangkikit e. Sago palm and narcissus plants 2 0.2 0. 4 Number of Ecotourism Factor 1.00 3. 4

1.3. Environmen Services

a. Maintain hydrological balance 4 0.20 0. 8 b. Supplier of Clean air for human life 4 0.20 0. ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 157 8 c. The absorption of carbon dioxide 4 0.20 0. 8 d. The presence of rare and unique species 3 0.20 0. 6 e. Herbs and flowers 4 0.20 0. 8 Number of Environment Services Factor 3. 8 ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 158

1.4. Education

a. Society has the ability to read and write 4 0. 2 0.8 b. The community has the capability of regional languages and the national language 3 0. 2 0.6 b. Ttransfer of knowledge, informal education migrant communities to communities surounding villages Sebangau National Park about modern cultivation methods, preserving the environemtn and others 4 0. 2 0.8 d. Sebangau National Park has been used as a place 4 0. 2 0.8 educational, peatland research location e. Community learn from the success of conservation 3 0. 2 0.6 nature in Sebangau National Park Number of Education Factor 1

3.6 1.5. Community Partisipation

a. Society does not over exploitation of resources at Sebangau National Park 4 0. 2 0.8 b. Society does not hunting fauna at Sebangau National Park 4 0. 2 0.8 c. Society does not taking the ornamental plants 3 0. 2 0.6 From Sebangau National Park c. Society does not use poisons and stun to catch fish in Sebangau National Park 3 0. 2 0.6 e. Firefighting team cooperation with society 4 0. 2 0.8 for the prevention of forest fires Number of Community Participation 1 3.6 Number of Strength 17. 90 2. Kelemahan a. The price of fish is not worth to daily of price needies -4 0. 1 - 0.4 b. No official tariff for tourist transportation, but depending on aggrement of supplier and demander -2 0. 2 - 0.4 c. There is a tendency over the business from -4 0. 1 - 0.4 Vegetables to forestry logging Galam d. Lack of cultural attractions in the surrounding villages Sebangau National Park -3 0. 1 - 0.3 ISSN: 2460-5832 November 27-28 th , 2015, Semarang, Indonesia 159 e. The people are less interested in a job that -2 0. 1 - 0.2 requires rules and work discipline f. There are illegal hunting of animals, resulting -4 0. 2 -0.8 g promotion Sebangau National Park as ecotourism is still low and does‘nt national and global scope -3 0. 2 -0.6 Number of Weakness 1 -3.1 INTERNAL FACTOR POSITION


Rati ng Quality Tot al Faktor-faktor Strategi Eksternal

1. Opportunity