Research Problems Problem Limitation Research Objectives

9 There are 10 sets of written reflections used here in this study. The written reflections were the products required by the lecturer of English subject Bahasa Inggris I class B, Theology Faculty of Sanata Dharma University, Academic Year 20152016. Each set was written under four different topics related to themes or issues discussed in the class. Two of the topics are related to Holy Bible in forms of homily, and the other two related to personal experience, opinion and arguments about learning strategies and children stories. 3. Student s‟ personal experience In this research, the researcher conducted interview towards some participants in order to gather data. The interviews were conducted under the general topic namely „personal experience in learning English‟. The result of the interview then called as personal experience. 4. Students of Bahasa Inggris I Class B There were 22 male students undergoing their first semester in Theology Faculty of Sanata Dharma University and taking Bahasa Inggris I class with Mr. Markus Budiraharjo as the lecturer, Academic Year 20152016, when the data were gathered. However, only 10 out of those 22 were taken as the objects of this study. Those ten students are called here in this study „the students of Bahasa Inggris I Class B. 5. Theology Faculty of Sanata Dharma University Theology Faculty is one of the faculties in Sanata Dharma University which enrolls undergraduate and postgraduate in Philosophy and Theology. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 male students that are studying in the faculty are generally Catholic priest candidates seminarians. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11


This chapter consists of some theories from related literature that are used by the researcher to conduct the analysis in this study. The major parts of this chapter are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

Researcher reviews on some literature to find out some theories of learner language and the language competencies required to describe written reflection of Bahasa Inggris I class B students in Theology Faculty of Sanata Dharma University and to define their personal narratives. Researcher found some major theories that meet to support the analysis on this study. 1. Analysing Learner Language According to Ellis 2005, learner language serves as a primary data for second language acquisition research. For many SLA researchers the goal of SLA is the description and explanation of L2 learners‟ competence and how this develops over time. Further he explains that there are implicit and explicit knowledge that cover what so called learners‟ competence. Implicit knowledge is the kind of knowledge we gain from our L1 mother tongue. The implicit knowledge we produce is unconcious and spontaneous.

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