17 feedback. Hence, based on the studies above, it can be concluded that the direct written corrective feedback is superior to indirect written corrective feedback.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this theoretical framework, the researcher tried to relate the theory to this research in order to answer the research question. As stated by Bell and Burnaby 1984; as cited in Nunan, 1989, p. 36 writing is an extremely complex cognitive activity that demands the writer to demonstrate control of a number of variables simultaneously; at the sentence level, including control of content, format, sentence structure, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling and letter formation; beyond the sentence, structure and also integrate information into cohesive and coherent paragraphs and texts. In order to write something well, the students must be able to organize their ideas, use correct punctuation and also well spelling. Thus since writing needs to demonstrate control of variables, it is important for the students to learn to write. In teaching writing, the researcher chose four principles of teaching writing as stated by Sokolik 2003. The principles are understanding students‟ reason for writing, providing many opportunities for the students to write, making feedback helpful and meaningful, and clarifying how the students‟ writing will be evaluated. The researcher applied these principles to design the learning material and also the learning activity for the students. The VIII H students of SMPN 15 Yogyakarta had difficulties in writing English. They misspelled many English words in their writing. It is believed by 18 Bannatyne 1971 that the difficulty is due to the fact that the language of English consists of irregular relationships between phonemes and graphemes. This theory was used by the researcher for analyzing the data. The researcher offered giving direct written corrective feedback in order to overcome this problem. As suggested by Ferris and Roberts 2001, as cited in Ellis, 2009, direct written corrective feedback is probably better than indirect written corrective feedback with writers of low levels of language proficiency since it provides the learners with explicit guidance about how to correct their errors. The spelling accuracy of the students would improve because according to Ahmed 2012 there are three main purpose of written corrective feedback. The first one is to enable students to revise their own writing. The second is to assist students to acquire correct English. Then, the third is to provide learners to correct errors. Therefore, the researcher used direct written corrective feedback to improve their spelling accuracy since it also has many advantages. As stated by Ferris 2010, direct correction might be considered as the most advantageous approach since it provides the kind of efficient and explicit input necessary for acquisition. The researcher also used those theories to design the questionnaire and the questions for the focus group. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19


In this chapter, the researcher would like to present the methodology employed in this study in order to answer the research questions as mentioned in Chapter I. This chapter covers research method, research setting and participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis techniques, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The study employed Classroom Action Research CAR as the method. This method was used in order to answer the research problem which was to what extent the direct written corrective feedback improved the eighth grade students‟ spelling accuracy. According to Mills 2007 “action research is any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher researchers, principals, school counselors, or other stakeholders in the teachinglearning environment to gather information about how their particular schools operate, how they teach, and how well their students learn. Action research is done by teachers for themselves; it is not imposed on them by someone else” p. 5. It means that action research is a research which is done by gathering and analyzing the data in order to solve the problem in the environment of teaching and learning.