










This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education









The future is called "perhaps," which is the only possible thing to call the future. And the only important thing is not to allow that to scare you. (Tennessee


Never put of till tomorrow what you can do today (Anonymous)

I dedicate this thesis to: My beloved father and mother My beloved Grandma and family

My beloved friends




At the earliest opportunity, the greatest gratitude is praised to Allah SWT, because it was impossible for the writer to complete this thesis without all bless.

For my advisor Drs. Jarum, M.Ed and Mrs. Santi Prastiyowati, S.Pd, thank you very much for your patience, contribution, and suggestion that you give to me to complete this thesis.

My deepest gratitude is also addressed to my parents Mr. Sutrisno and Mrs. Munfarida who always pray for me every day and give me love, motivation, attention, and financial supports. I also thank to my beloved sister, my beloved grandmother and my family that I can’t mention one by one. Thank you for the support, motivation and attention, I can’t say anything and I can’t give anything except I love you all and thank you very much.

The special thank also goes to all my friends in University of Muhammadiyah Malang whom I cannot mention one by one. My biggest thanks also dedicated to my epic friends Mirna, Ilmi, Piche, Nying, Alfi, etc. Thanks for your support and relationship.

Thank you to everyone who has been unknowingly involved in my data collection. Thank you to you all…!!!

Malang, October 18, 2013




APPROVAL ... iii






CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problem ... 4

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.6 Definition of the Key Term ... 6


2.2 Sociolinguistic ... 8

2.3 Language Varieties ... 9

2.4 Bilingualism and Multilingualism ... 11

2.5 Code ... 12

2.5.1 Code Switching ... 13

2.5.2 Code Mixing ... 17

2.6 Novel ... 25

2.6.1 Character ... 26

2.6.2 Theme ... 27

2.6.3 Plot ... 27

2.6.4 Setting ... 29

2.6.5 Conflict ... 29

2.7 My Stupid Boss Novel ... 30


3.2 Research Subject ... 32

3.3 Research Instrument ... 32

3.4 Data Collection ... 32

3.5 Data Analysis ... 33


4.1.1 Indonesian-English code mixing are found in My Stupid BossNovel... 34


4.1.2 Forms of code mixing ... 42 Code Mixing in the form of word ... 42 Code Mixing in the form of phrase ... 43 Code Mixing in the form of hybrid ... 43 Code Mixing in the form of repetition word ... 44 Code Mixing in the form of idiom ... 44 Code Mixing in the form of clause ... 45

4.2 Discussion ... 46

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion ... 49

5.2 Suggestions ... 49

5.2.1 Suggestions for the Lecturers ... 50

5.2.2 Suggestions for the Students ... 50

5.2.3 Suggestions for Further Researchers ... 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY




BIBLIOGRAPHY Afrianto, Irsyad. 2009.

AlihKodedanCampurKode. ih-kode-dan-campur-kode.html accessed on March 18, 2013 at 08.16 am Amalia, Lusi. 2007. An Analysis on Code Switching in Dealova Novel. Unpublished

Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Aprila, Romadhona. 2011. An Analysis on the Use of Indonesian-English Code Mixing Found in the Novel “De Journal” by NenengSetiasih. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM

Aqiidah, Zuyyina. 2011. A Study on Code Mixing in “Colors” Program Used by Madani FM Briadcaster in Bojonegoro.Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM. Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. USA: Cengage Learning. Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 2002. Understanding and Using English Grammar-third

edition. New York: Longman.

Chrismawanto, Hendrix. 2010. Code Switching Used by The Host of “Ala Chef”. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Deckert, Sharon. 2011. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Society and Identity. Retrieved from on May 15, 2013 at 15.05 pm

Fanny, Ardhelia. 2012. An Analysis of Code Switching in the Novel Cinta by Ollie. Malang: Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Fraenkel, Jack. 2009. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill, an imprint of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Gove, Philip Babcoc. 1993. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. Massachusetts: Meriam-webster, Inc.

Hamers, Josiane. 2000. Bilinguality and Bilingualism. Retrieved from on May 15, 2013 at 15.35 pm

Hornby, Albert. 2010. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary New 8th Edition. New York: Oxford University Press


Jendra, Made. 2012. Sociolinguistics the Study of Societies’ Language. Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu

Kennedy, X.J. 1983. Literature, An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. USA: Little, Brown, & Company (Canada) Limited.

Liu, Ping. 2008. Code-Switching and Code-Mixing. Retrieved from on May 15, 2013 at 14.17 pm

Longman. 2007. Advanced American Dictionary (New Edition). UK: Person Educated Limited.

Mesthrie, Rajend. 2000. Introducing Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2006. Introducing Sociolinguistics. Retrieved from on May 14, 2013 at 11.00 am

Short, Mick. 1996. Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays, and Prose. USA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Trudgill, Peter. 1983. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. England: Penguin Group

Wardaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Yule, George. 1996. The Study of Language. UK: Cambridge University Press

Yanni, Robert. 2002. Literature, Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. USA: McGraw – Hill.



This chapter discusses the background of study, the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, the significance of the study, the scope and limitation, and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

In this world people cannot live without interaction and communication with other people. Therefore, they need language as a means of communication. Language is the primary tool for communication purposes. Every human uses language in daily activity, because it is a central to social interaction in every society regardless of location and time period. Language and social interaction have a close relationship. Language shapes social interaction and social interaction shapes language. Mesthrie (2009:01) stated that language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntary produced symbol. In addition, language performs various functions in the society and the society does the same way. Language is the communication tool for the society and the society is the user of language.

Entering the era of globalization requires every individual to prepare a reliable resource, especially in the field of communication. In this case the role of English is required in mastering communication technology and also interacting with other people from other country. English dominates all aspects of communication. We can see almost all electronic devices use English. Most of the countries in Asia also use


English as a second language after their national language. Moreover, if we would like to work in a multinational company or a foreign company, English is the most important key requirements to join them. As a means of global communication, English must be mastered both oral and written actively because it is the key to achieve the bright future. In conclusion, besides Indonesian as the national language that must be controlled, English as international language also must be mastered, because English is the global language which has important role in global interacting and communicating along with the progress of globalization and competition.

The language that is used in the society may vary. Many people like to switch or mix language when they are speaking. There are several reasons why people switch or mix their language. According to Grosjean, in Aqiidah (2011), there are several reasons why people mix and switch code. For example, some bilinguals mix two languages when they cannot find proper words or expressions or when there is no appropriate translation for the language being used. Code switching can also be used for many other reasons, such as quoting what someone has said (and thereby

emphasizing one’s group identity), specifying the addressee (switching to the usual

language of a particular person in a group will show that one is addressing that person), qualifying that has been said, or talking about past events. On the basis of a number of factors such as with whom (participants: their backgrounds and relationships), about what (topic, content), and when and where a speech act occurs, bilinguals make their language choice.



According to Jendra (2012:40-41), from the way people use, varieties of language is split into two, namely the spoken and written variety. If the spoken variety is characterized with its pronunciation, intonation, and stress, the written variety is colored with punctuation marks, capitalization of letters, and spacing.

In spoken language, much of the meaning is determined by the context. This contrasts with written language, where more of the meaning is provided directly by the text. In spoken language, we can express what we feel directly, different with written language we cannot convey our feeling easily. Sometimes we use color to express our emotion (for example, red for emotional anger).

Nowadays, many people use written language to express their idea, it can be proved by regarding the technology like mobile phone-message-texting and chatting via internet. Another example of written language can be found in various media like newspaper, magazine, novel, etc. In writing, sometimes the writers often mix two languages. It aims to attract the readers while they are reading and also to give them more knowledge about certain language. Here, the researcher has found Indonesian-English code mixing in a novel. The novel has titled My Stupid Boss. The researcher chooses that novel as the source of the subject which has bilingual to be studied.

My Stupid Boss novel was written by Chaos@work. This novel mixes some languages because the situation takes place at one of company in Malaysia where the workers come from Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries. Sometimes the workers mix their origin language with English to communicate with others. But the researcher just focuses on the analysis of the use of Indonesian-English code mixing.


My Stupid Boss novel is a novel which combines culture and language with the environment. It can be proved by the existence of many workers coming from different countries that have different culture and language. They have to understand each other to minimize misunderstanding among them.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher chooses My Stupid Boss novel by Chaos@work as the research object. In this thesis, the researcher wants to analyze the usage of Indonesian-English code mixing in the novel because it is easier to analyze data while we are reading. Also, she will analyze the forms of code mixing found in the novel, such as code mixing in the form of word, phrase, hybrid, repetition word, idiom, and clause that occur in the novel.

1.2 Statements of problem

Based on the background of the study above, the researcher formulates the problem as follows:

1. What are the Indonesian-English code mixing found in the novel My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work?

2. What are the forms of code mixing found in the novel My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work?


5 1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem above the purposes of the study formulated as follows:

1. To find out the Indonesian-English code mixing found in the novel My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work.

2. To know the forms of code mixing found in the novel My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The researcher expects that the result of the study can give important contribution to the researcher herself and other students of University of Muhammadiyah Malang who are interested in analyzing sociolinguistics, especially related to code mixing. This study will give them more knowledge about code mixing. This result will also give information to the readers/researchers to conduct further research about code mixing.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The writer takes the scope of this study is the use of code mixing in the novel My Stupid Boss. This study is limited only on the use of Indonesian-English code mixing which have word, phrase, hybrid, repetition word, idiom, and clause in the novel My Stupid Boss byChaos@work.


1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Code is any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication (Wardhaugh, 2006:88)

2. Code mixing is a language contact communication strategy, but the speaker of the language transfer elements of rules of another language at all linguistics level, otherwise they would be considered as loans. (Hamers, 2000:270)

3. Form is a type of something that exists in many different types. (Longman, 2007:634)

4. Novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length in which characters and actions representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity (Rees 1973:9,in Amalia 2007:4)

5. “My Stupid Boss” is the title of the novel written by Chaos@work published in

2009. The novel talks about the Indonesian woman who works in Malaysia. She has a stupid and egoist boss also comes from Indonesia who has a company in Malaysia. Consequently, they often get quarrel each other.



This chapter discusses the background of study, the statement of the problem, the

purpose of the study, the significance of the study, the scope and limitation, and the

definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

In this world people cannot live without interaction and communication with

other people. Therefore, they need language as a means of communication. Language

is the primary tool for communication purposes. Every human uses language in daily

activity, because it is a central to social interaction in every society regardless of

location and time period. Language and social interaction have a close relationship.

Language shapes social interaction and social interaction shapes language. Mesthrie

(2009:01) stated that language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of

communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntary

produced symbol. In addition, language performs various functions in the society and

the society does the same way. Language is the communication tool for the society

and the society is the user of language.

Entering the era of globalization requires every individual to prepare a reliable

resource, especially in the field of communication. In this case the role of English is

required in mastering communication technology and also interacting with other

people from other country. English dominates all aspects of communication. We can



English as a second language after their national language. Moreover, if we would

like to work in a multinational company or a foreign company, English is the most

important key requirements to join them. As a means of global communication,

English must be mastered both oral and written actively because it is the key to

achieve the bright future. In conclusion, besides Indonesian as the national language

that must be controlled, English as international language also must be mastered,

because English is the global language which has important role in global interacting

and communicating along with the progress of globalization and competition.

The language that is used in the society may vary. Many people like to switch or

mix language when they are speaking. There are several reasons why people switch

or mix their language. According to Grosjean, in Aqiidah (2011), there are several

reasons why people mix and switch code. For example, some bilinguals mix two

languages when they cannot find proper words or expressions or when there is no

appropriate translation for the language being used. Code switching can also be used

for many other reasons, such as quoting what someone has said (and thereby emphasizing one’s group identity), specifying the addressee (switching to the usual language of a particular person in a group will show that one is addressing that

person), qualifying that has been said, or talking about past events. On the basis of a

number of factors such as with whom (participants: their backgrounds and

relationships), about what (topic, content), and when and where a speech act occurs,



According to Jendra (2012:40-41), from the way people use, varieties of

language is split into two, namely the spoken and written variety. If the spoken

variety is characterized with its pronunciation, intonation, and stress, the written

variety is colored with punctuation marks, capitalization of letters, and spacing.

In spoken language, much of the meaning is determined by the context. This

contrasts with written language, where more of the meaning is provided directly by

the text. In spoken language, we can express what we feel directly, different with

written language we cannot convey our feeling easily. Sometimes we use color to

express our emotion (for example, red for emotional anger).

Nowadays, many people use written language to express their idea, it can be

proved by regarding the technology like mobile phone-message-texting and chatting

via internet. Another example of written language can be found in various media like

newspaper, magazine, novel, etc. In writing, sometimes the writers often mix two

languages. It aims to attract the readers while they are reading and also to give them

more knowledge about certain language. Here, the researcher has found

Indonesian-English code mixing in a novel. The novel has titled My Stupid Boss. The researcher

chooses that novel as the source of the subject which has bilingual to be studied.

My Stupid Boss novel was written by Chaos@work. This novel mixes some languages because the situation takes place at one of company in Malaysia where the

workers come from Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries. Sometimes the workers

mix their origin language with English to communicate with others. But the



My Stupid Boss novel is a novel which combines culture and language with the environment. It can be proved by the existence of many workers coming from

different countries that have different culture and language. They have to understand

each other to minimize misunderstanding among them.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher chooses My Stupid Boss novel by

Chaos@work as the research object. In this thesis, the researcher wants to analyze the

usage of Indonesian-English code mixing in the novel because it is easier to analyze

data while we are reading. Also, she will analyze the forms of code mixing found in

the novel, such as code mixing in the form of word, phrase, hybrid, repetition word,

idiom, and clause that occur in the novel.

1.2 Statements of problem

Based on the background of the study above, the researcher formulates the

problem as follows:

1. What are the Indonesian-English code mixing found in the novel My Stupid Boss

by Chaos@work?

2. What are the forms of code mixing found in the novel My Stupid Boss by


5 1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem above the purposes of the study

formulated as follows:

1. To find out the Indonesian-English code mixing found in the novel My Stupid Boss

by Chaos@work.

2. To know the forms of code mixing found in the novel My Stupid Boss by


1.4 Significance of the Study

The researcher expects that the result of the study can give important

contribution to the researcher herself and other students of University of

Muhammadiyah Malang who are interested in analyzing sociolinguistics, especially

related to code mixing. This study will give them more knowledge about code

mixing. This result will also give information to the readers/researchers to conduct

further research about code mixing.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The writer takes the scope of this study is the use of code mixing in the novel My

Stupid Boss. This study is limited only on the use of Indonesian-English code mixing which have word, phrase, hybrid, repetition word, idiom, and clause in the novel My


6 1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Code is any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication

(Wardhaugh, 2006:88)

2. Code mixing is a language contact communication strategy, but the speaker of the

language transfer elements of rules of another language at all linguistics level,

otherwise they would be considered as loans. (Hamers, 2000:270)

3. Form is a type of something that exists in many different types. (Longman,


4. Novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length in which characters and

actions representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity

(Rees 1973:9,in Amalia 2007:4)

5. “My Stupid Boss” is the title of the novel written by Chaos@work published in 2009. The novel talks about the Indonesian woman who works in Malaysia. She

has a stupid and egoist boss also comes from Indonesia who has a company in