Disadari bahwa dengan semakin berkembangnya Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) maka tuntutan dari stakeholders akan kepastian pengelolaan BSM sebagai lembaga "kepercayaan" perbankan syariah

human resources was 959, increased 32.8% from 722 employees in the end of the year 2001. The employment composition in the year 2002 consists of 317 (33%) at the Head Office and 642 (67%) in 29 branch offices, 2 supporting branch offices, and 10 cash offices (in average 16/office). This is the consequence of the business expansion of BSM in various regions.

To improve employees' professionalism and productivity, various education and training

sessions have been conducted to develop knowledge base for the new employee and to improve the employee proficiency in general, in order to support the growing of operational activities of the bank.

The rewards are given as annual bonus based on appraisal, haj pilgrimage cost, doctoral scholarship, and the increase of welfare through the business unit of BSM

Employee Cooperation “Sakinah”. The human resource management policy is focused

on guiding and developing professional employees based on the akhlaqul karimah principles by implementing the corporate culture as summed up in the SIFAT (Siddiq, Istiqomah, Fathonah, Amanah, and Tabligh).


A. Branch and Business Partner Network

Throughout the year 2002 7 new Branch Offices, 4 Supporting Branch Offices, and 7 Cash Office were opened, so that the number of branch offices become 30 throughout 17 Provinces in Indonesia, namely DKI Jakarta (6 offices), West Java (4 offices, in Bandung, Bogor, Bekasi, and Cirebon), Central Java (2 offices, in Pekalongan and Solo), DIY Yagyakarta, East Java (3 offices, in Surabaya, Pamekasan, and Malang), Banten (2 offices, in Tangerang and Cilegon), West Nusa Tenggara (in Mataram), Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (2 offices, in Banda Aceh dan Simeulue), North Sumatera (2 offices, in Medan and Rantau Prapat), West

Sumatera (in Padang), Riau (Pekanbaru), South Sumatera (in Palembang), Jambi (in Jambi), South Kalimantan (in Banjarmasin), West Kalimantan (in Pontianak), East Kalimantan (in Balikpapan), and South Sulawesi (in Makassar), and 4 Supporting Branch Offices and 13 Cash Offices.

In addition to branch network expansion, business access expansion and business synergy are also bolstered through cooperation with numerous parties to improve socialization, distribution of financing, and public fund increment.

B. Information Technology

Information technology development in 2002 is directed towards improvement in the ability of customer service system, development of information technology support in product

development and improvement in technology-based MIS.

In compliance with that direction, some steps have been realized, as follows:

1. Progress in paying transaction of Telkom, Satelindo, IM3, Rate- lindo, via teller or via ATM.

2. P r o g r e s s i n A T M facilities, by the joining of

a b o u t 1 2 0 0 AT M

Mandiri network.

3. Progress in SMS Banking Application.

4. Progress in Signature Verification System (SVS) facility.

5. Implementation of Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) in 17 branches of Bank Syariah Mandiri

6. And upgrading of TI infrastructure, improvement of system and procedure.

The year 2003 is stated as the year of progress in the technology-based customer service products, such as Phone Banking, Debit Card Syariah, Credit Card Syariah, and increase of ATM facilities and feature,

e.g. by joining the ATM Himbara network.

VI. PRUDENTIAL BANKING PRACTICES It is realized that with the ongoing development of

Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), the stakeholders’ demand for the certainty of BSM management as the institution of “truth” namely the sharia banking to operate prudently has become a must and unevitable. In line with that, BSM during the year

The prospects for the year 2003 will be marked by agar beroperasi secara prudent menjadi suatu

yang diperkirakan dapat mencapai 4,50% - 5,0%.

macro-economic conditions as influenced by the keharusan dan tidak dapat dihindari.Sejalan

2002 has taken the positive, proactive, and real

Untuk itu, tahun 2003 Bank Syariah Mandiri

economic recovery process and the economic dengan hal tersebut, BSM selama kurun waktu

steps, namely by:

menetapkan Strategi Dasar Aggressive

growth which is estimated by Bank Indonesia's tahun 2002 telah mengambil langkah-langkah

1. Upholding the principles of good corporate

Maintenance, yang bertumpu pada 6 bidang,

assumptions to grow by 4.50% - 5.00%. In view of positif, proaktif dan nyata, yaitu dengan:

governance through commitment of

meliputi bidang pengelolaan pembiayaan,

commissioners and directors by practicing the

pengelolaan dana masyarakat, fee base income,

this, PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri for the year 2003 will

1. Menegakkan prinsip-prinsip good corporate

adopt Aggressive Maintenance Basic Strategy which governance melalui komitmen pihak komisaris

rules, principles, and duties to be obeyed by all

pendukung, good corporate governance, dan

relies on 6 fields encompassing marketing, control, dan direksi dengan penerapan peraturan,

the lines in BSM. This consists the principles of


human resource, infrastructure and technology. kaidah dan kewajiban yang harus dipatuhi oleh

justice, transparency, and openness,

accountability, and responsibility. While, the

Dengan langkah-langka strategis tersebut, PT Bank

seluruh jajaran BSM, hal mana mencakup

implementation of duty performing ethics

Syariah Mandiri diharapkan dapat tumbuh

prinsip keadilan, transparansi dan keterbukaan,

With such strategic steps, PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri is akuntabilitas dan

sekurangnya 86,96% pada akhir tahun 2003

expected to grow at least by 86,96% by the year-end responsibilitas.

dengan tingkat kesehatan tetap pada predikat

of 2003 with another predicate as a FINANCIALLY Sedangkan

bank SEHAT.

SOUND bank.

implementasi etika pelaksanaan tugas


(mengatur hal-hal

VIII. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS yang boleh dan tidak

boleh dilakukan)

Sebagai tindaklanjut keputusan Rapat Umum

dibuat kesepakatan

In follow-up-up to the decision of the extra ordinary tersendiri antara

Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) PT. Bank

share holders meeting of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri jajaran manajemen

Syariah Mandiri pada tanggal 22 Agustus 2002,

on August 22, 2002, the share holders hat pointing dan pegawai dalam

para pemegang saham telah menetapkan susunan

the new board of management for 2002-2005 that bentuk code of

pengurus perseroan tahun 2002-2005 yang terdiri


consist of:


2. M e n i n g k a t k a n

Dewan Komisaris

kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan Bank Indonesia

(regulate the right and wrong thing to do) is

Presiden Komisaris : Zainul Arifin

The Board of Commissioners

antara lain dengan menetapkan direktur

: Zainul Arifin kepatuhan yang independen dan tidak

stated in separate agreement between the


: Sofyan Syafei Harahap


: Sofyan Syafei Harahap merangkap aspek operasional maupun ruang

management and employees as code of


: A. Noor Ilham


: A. Noor Ilham lingkup lain yang dilarang oleh Bank Indonesia.



2 Improving the compliance to Bank Indonesia


3. Memastikan tidak ada pelanggaran prinsip

e.g. by appointing the compliance director

Presiden Direksi

: Nurdin Hasibuan

The Board of Directors

kehati-hatian-Prudential banking Practices

President Director : Nurdin Hasibuan (CAR, BMPK, PDN, KAP, PPAP) di mana

that is independent and shares no operational


: Nana Mugiana Somantri

: Nana Mugiana Somantri pemenuhannya dilaporkan secara berkala ke

aspects nor any other scopes forbidden by Bank


: Iskandar Zulkarnaen Rangkuti


: Iskandar Zulkarnaen Rangkuti Bank Indonesia.



: Muhammad Haryoko


3. Making sure that the is no violation to the


: Akmal Azis


: Muhammad Haryoko

4. Membuat berbagai ketentuan/panduan kerja

: Akmal Azis internal antara lain surat edaran bagi seluruh

priciples of Prudential banking Practices (CAR,


BMPK, PDN, KAP, PPAP), of which fulfillment is

jajaran operasional BSM yang memandu

regularly reported to Bank Indonesia.


kewaspadaan (warning) atas pokok-pokok

penyimpangan maupun peningkatan praktek

4. Releasing various internal work guidance e.g.


letters for all operational lines of BSM that warn

Prestasi tahun 2002 yang ditandai pencapaian laba

perbankan yang prudent.

about main points of misconduct, or the

sebesar Rp 29.06 milyar, meningkat dari tahun

The achievement of the year 2002, as marked by

5. Menerapkan kebijakan prinsip mengenal nasabah (know your customers) dan anti tindak

improvement of prudent banking practices.

2001 sebesar Rp. 16.7 milyar. Perolehan predikat

profits of IDR 29,06 billion, increase from year 2001

at IDR 16,7 billion, as a pidana pencucian uang (money laundering)

SEHAT sesuai ketentuan

SOUND bank predicate dalam upaya mendukung kebijakan pemerintah

5. Practicing the policy of ‘know your customers’

dan penilaian Bank

in conformity of the (BI dan UU) memerangi pelaku kejahatan di

principle and against the money laundering

Indonesia, serta menjadi

Bank Indonesia criteria, bidang perbankan melalui pencucian uang.

crime in supporting the government (Bank

salah satu bank dalam

Indonesia dan laws) policy of fight against the


and elected as one of

6. Disamping itu memastikan pembuatan

the VERY GOOD ketentuan operasional (Standard Operating

criminals in the banking field through money

Versi Majalah INFOBANK,

BANKS categorized by Procedure-SOP) yang harus pula mengacu

laundering. merupakan dasar yang

INFOBANK magazine, kepada fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN).

6. Also ensuring the making of Standard

penting dalam rangka

Operating Procedure-SOP that must also in

mewujudkan visi dan misi

altogether have laid

accordance to the instruction of National Sharia

perusahaan. Kinerja ini

out a solid foundation


Board (Dewan Syariah Nasional - DSN).

bukan hanya pada aspek

for materializing the

corporate vision and Prospek tahun 2003 akan ditandai oleh kondisi

finansial, melainkan juga

mission. This makro ekonomi yang dipengaruhi proses


terhadap tanggung jawab

pemulihan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional

40 laporan direksi ! !report from the board of directors laporan direksi !report from the board of directors ! 41 40 laporan direksi ! !report from the board of directors laporan direksi !report from the board of directors ! 41

performance is not only on financial term, but also

keadilan ekonomi dan kemakmuran masyarakat

on social responsibility with the concern for

yang bermuara pada ketentraman dan stabilitas

achieving economic justice and public welfare

sosial politik.

which is referring to the social-political peace and

tanggung jawab laporan keuangan


responsibility of financial statements

Prestasi ini terwujud berkat dedikasi jajaran manajemen dan seluruh karyawan, serta dukungan

All achievement have been materialized by the

pemegang saham, para nasabah dan mitra usaha,

dedication of management along with all staff, the

Bank Indonesia dan berbagai pihak lainnya. Oleh

support form share holder, customers, and

karena itu, kepada semua pihak, Direksi dengan

business partners, Bank Indonesia and numerous

tulus ikhlas menyampaikan terima kasih dan

This Annual Report and the accompanying penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya.

other parties. For this reason, to all parties, the

Laporan tahunan ini, beserta seluruh laporan

Board of Directors express the highest

keuangan dan lain-lain informasi keuangan yang

financial statement and realted financial

information, are the responsibility of the Semoga Allah SWT senantiasa memberikan

thankfulness and appreciation.

terkait, adalah tanggung jawab manajemen

management of PT Bank Sharia Mandiri, and have kemudahan dalam mewujudkan PT Bank Syariah

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, dan telah disetujui oleh

been approved by members of the Board of Mandiri Menjadi Bank Syariah Terpercaya Pilihan

May Allah SWT always bless us in our effort to

Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris yang

Directors and the Board of Commisssioners whose Mitra Usaha. Amin.

make PT Bank Syariah Mandiri as the Most Reliable

tandatangannya tercantum di bawah ini.

Sharia Bank as the Prime Choice of Business

signature appear below.

Partners. Amen.

Jakarta 25 April 2003

Jakarta, 25 April 2003 Jakarta, 25 April 2003 DIREKSI | THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Nurdin Hasibuan

Presiden Direktur | President Directors

Nana M. Somantri

Akmal Aziz

Muhammad Haryoko

Iskandar Z. Rangkuti

Direktur | Directors

Direktur | Directors

Direktur | Directors

Direktur | Directors