Research Questions Purposes of Research Scope of the Study

3 Hanifa Arlinda, 2014 Students’ Strategies In Overcoming Language Anxiety In Speaking English Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

1.2 Research Questions

The inquiry will be guided by the following general questions: 1. What factors cause language anxiety in speaking English? 2. What strategies do students apply in overcoming language anxiety in speaking English?

1.3 Purposes of Research

The purposes of the research are as follows: 1. To investigate the causes of anxiety in speaking English. 2. To reveal strategies used by students in overcoming language anxiety in speaking English.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The study focuses on observing language anxiety in speaking English found in Language program class of senior high school in Bandung. Current curriculum implemented in Indonesia, Kurikulum 2013, has categorized students based on their interest since they are in the first grade of senior high school grade X. The selection of program of interests Science, Social, and Language based on grades achieved by the students when they were in junior high school, students’ national examination score, the recommendation from the students’ counselors, placement test, and the result of psychological test Kemendikbud, 2013. From the process of selection, students are categorized based on their willingness towards the program they have chosen. Furthermore, in Language program class, English has become a selection subject in which the time allocation of English in this program is more than other programs to which literature is also taught in this program. In spite of students of language program have more time in learning English, the tendencies of experiencing language anxiety in speaking might occur. Therefore this study is considered important to be conducted in order to give the portrayal of language anxiety in speaking English experienced by senior high school students in Language program class and how the students deal with such anxieties. 4 Hanifa Arlinda, 2014 Students’ Strategies In Overcoming Language Anxiety In Speaking English Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

1.5 Significance of the Study