Irony Theoretical Framework .1 Figurative Language

19 overstatement is used to cause the effect and reaction from the reader such as serious, ironic, and humorous. Hypebole has the keywords that indicate them as an expression of hyperbole. Based on Carter 2003: 136 there are four types of hyperbole, as follows: 1. Vague quantifiers a. Numerical quantifiers e.g. dozens of, scores of, thousands of, millions of. b. Measurement expression e.g. yards of, miles of, tons of. c. General size quantifiers e.g. heaps of, loads of, stacks of. d. Container quantifiers e.g. buckets of, truck oflorry loads of, ocean of. e. Time quantifiers e.g. seconds, minutes, hours, centuries. 2. Modifiers: e.g. gigantic, enormous, to be dying, massive, vast, endless, wall-to-wall. 3. Verb phrases: e.g to be covered in, to be dying of, to be up to one’s eyes in. 4. Counterfactual expressions: often used in conjunction with literally, nearlyalmost and related metalingual ‘triggers’, e.g. I ran when I was waiting to go on, I nearly died of thirst waiting for them. The reader should be sensitive to this hyperbole because it contains excessive statement and it brings untrue meaning. Galperin 1997: 76 alerts the reader to be 20 careful in determining the expression of hyperbole by saying “If the reader listener is not carried away by the emotion of the writer speaker, hyperbole becomes mere lie.” He gives the example he was so tall that I was not sure he had a face O. Henry. This expression included to modifiers form because using tall. The meaning of this hyperbole expression that he is indeed so tall and then the speaker cannot see his face because if somebody is very tall, the speaker will talk and see his friend to look up to see his face. The use of hyperbole is to emphasize the strong expression that he has very tall body. The reader has to pay attention in interpreting an expression of hyperbole because if he believes with what is said by the author and then the use of hyperbole as exaggerative expression is fail.

2.3.2 Character and Characterization

One of important elements in a literary work is character. Through the description of character, the reader can interpret the meaning of the literary work. According to Murfin and Ray 2003: 52, “A character is a figure in a literary work. Further , Abrams 1999: 32 said that “The character is the name of a literary genre ; it is a short, and usually witty, sketch in prose of a distinctive type of a person.” It means that the character is the figure appears in the story and he is described with the personality attached to him such as good or bad personality. This personality distinguishes one character with other characters.