Race and Ethnicity Economic Aspect

7 let Me Go, Keffers is identified as lower class because he is a gardener in Cottage. He comes to Cottage just two or three times a week. “He was this grumpy old guy who turned up two or three times a week in his muddy van to look the place over.” NLMG, 2005: 86

b. Race and Ethnicity

In Never Let Me Go novel, Kazuo Ishiguro does not decribe clearly about the race and ethnicity of the characters in the story. According to Cook 2003: 27 “Ethnic group in England society had some ethnic group such as White people British, Irish, Schottish, Mixed White and Black Carribean, White and Black African, White and Asian, Black Carribean, African, other Black and other ethnicity. Madame is described as French or Belgian. French or Belgian people as upper class in social aspect of English society. “We called her “Madame” because she was French or Belgian– there was a dispute as to which –and that was what the guardians always called her.” NLMG, 2005: 24

c. Economic Aspect

In Never Let Me Go novel, several characters have self-economic sector. Kazuo Ishiguro shows the economic condition of the character he creates. Miss Geraldine, Miss Lucy, Miss Emily, and Mr. Roger are the guardians in the Hailsham. Guardian is the same as teacher in real life. Teacher is one of the economic aspect in the United Kingdom. “Miss Emily, our head guardian, was older than the others.” NLMG, 2005: 29 Education and economic performance is likely to each other linked. Having a more educated labor allows a company to take advantage of new economic performance, it can improve the performance. The economic growth can lead to greater national and personal wealth, it can improve the available resources and opportunities for education. In Never Let Me Go novel, there are several students in Hailsham. The students of Hailsham such as Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy. “My name is Kathy H. Im thirty-one years old, and Ive been a carer now for over eleven years.” NLMG, 2005: 1 8 Healthcare in the United Kingdom is one of the economic improvement. The hospital is a measure of a country‟s economic. In Never Let Me Go novel, Kazuo Ishiguro makes Kathy worked in the hospital after she dropped out from Hailsham. Become a nurse is a very good job when at the time in United Kingdom. Become a nurse must have the intelligence and ability more than the other students of Hailsham. “For the most part being a carers suited me fine. You could even say its brought the best out of me.” NLMG, 2005: 154

d. Political Aspect