Research Objectives Research Scopes Importance of the Research Gantt Chart of the Motion Tracking Background


1.3 Open Computer Vision

The history, in 1999 Open Computer Vision OpenCV was started at Intel create by Gary Bradski by purposes of accelerating research and commercial applications of computer vision. OpenCV is one of kind software installed to create, to program, and to run with a device to process an image or videos. OpenCV can be viewed as signal processing applied to higher dimensions of image and videos. OpenCV library usually used the C and C++ to programming the database. The OpenCV is optimized and intend for real time applications.

1.4 Problem Statement

The motion tracking is not completely used in the autonomous robotic technologies. The motion tracking other problem is to implement to the future technologies where it can be detected and tracking the motion of the object or human. Then motion tracking methodologies applied to the real time world also is the problem, how the motion tacking can be done with the right method and can be implementing to the real time functionality. Next, the motion tracking functionality, what must be detected, how wants to detected, for a moving object which is, the robot car, color detection and thus recognition of the color object is of a more flexible concept where no database is inserted instead the object is recognized through a predefined color. On the same basic, they hold the same idea that is, to recognize a moving object.

1.5 Research Objectives

The objective of the project is to track and detect the motion or movement of object selected. Means the object selected must be followed to anywhere of the movement of selected object as long as the selected object in webcam viewer range parameters. Besides of that the motion tracking of object hopefully is successfully. 3

1.6 Research Scopes

The motion tracking have many type and ways to be done. However for this project the scope of project is to do the motion tracking of object based on the colours based technique, the camshift technique with the histogram and back projection also the feature extraction image processing technique for the this project of motion tracking methodology.

1.7 Importance of the Research

Research processes is to Programming the motion tracking by using the OpenCV software. The research will help student to understand about motion tracking. Then apply to the real time function maybe as a security system to track and detect the movement of suspicious object. The motion tracking also can be applied in industrial function where the technologies of motion tracking can be as a helpful system to track and detect the production or anything. The motion tracking also is used in automation and robotic sector. Nowadays the motion tracking mostly can be applied to the army system for defense of country. For example satellite communication to detect the stranger or opponents movement. 4

1.8 Gantt Chart of the Motion Tracking

Table 1.1: Gantt chart for motion tracking project PSM 1 History Actual Planning 5 Table 1.2: Gantt chart for motion tracking project PSM 2 History Actual Planning 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1 Background

This chapter will discuss and review available literature on Motion Tracking using OpenCV software. The reviews begin with motion tracking. This section will be