Formulation of Problems Research Design

Nurul Isra Fauziah, 2014 Identifying Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter explains the methodology used in this study. It covers formulation of problems, research design, research site, participants, data collection, data analysis, the reliability and validity of the research. The research design discusses the method that will be employed in this study, the principles and characteristics. The site and participants describe the place where the study conducted and participant involved in this study. The data collection presents the instrument and the procedures of data collection. The data analysis elaborates the procedure in analyzing the data. The validity and reliability discuss the methods used to make the research valid and reliable.

3.1 Formulation of Problems

As stated in the first chapter, this study addresses the following questions as below. a. What is the eleventh graders’ level of ability in writing Hortatory Exposition text? b. What are the difficulties encountered by eleventh graders in writing Hortatory Exposition text?

3.2 Research Design

This research is a case study because the research collected in-depth data about a specific individual, contexts or situations in order to shed light on particular question or phenomenon Murray, 2012. In this research, the writing product of a n eleventh graders’ class were analyzed by using SFL framework. This in- depth analysis was conducted to figure out the quality of students’ writing Nurul Isra Fauziah, 2014 Identifying Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | 31 and the difficulties they have in writing hortatory exposition text. Therefore, this study meets the criteria of a case study. Nurul Isra Fauziah, 2014 Identifying Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | In general, this research belongs to qualitative study for the reason that the data were collected and interpreted in the form of descriptive data Fraenkel et al, 2012. Instead of that, the data were collected through documents which indicated that the study used qualitative approach. It is in line with Murray 2012 who stated that a research is considered using the qualitative approach when the data were collected through one or more of the following: documents, questionnaire, interview or focus group transcripts, observations of a person or situation and the field notes they may generate, and audio and video recordings. However, quantita tive approach was applied to determine students’ level of ability. In order to take precise samples of each level of ability, statistical calculation was operated in this study. Then, the result of the calculation was supported qualitatively by describing each criteria of the rubric used to examine students’ texts.

3.3 Research Site