Workshop Goals and Objectives Workshop Approach Workshop Pointers

C O L L A B O R AT I V E M A N AG E M E N T O F M A R I N E P ROT E C T E D A R E A S 7 Foto: © Jürgen Freund WWF Regulation No. 602007 Article 18, paragraph 2. In the meanwhile, goverment- based MPA management practices have been running well for a long time since operating within the Ministry of Forestry governance framework and after the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries regime, as well as the management of MPAs through local governments. To address the question above, a workshop is required on the patterns, mechanisms, and institutional initiatives that characterize the co-management approach for the MPA. This workshop is conducted with the use of a focus group discussion FGD approach.

1.2. Workshop Goals and Objectives

The purpose of the workshop is to explore and delve into the ideas and suggestions of experts with experience in the management of MPAs, especially in regard to the mandated partnership approach found in Regulation No. 602007, Article 18, paragraphs 1 and 2. The goal of this workshop is to formulate a partnership framework for the management of MPAs and to come up with strategic advice for the development of the Ministeral Regulation PerMen that will govern this.

1.3. Workshop Approach

In order to achieve the goals and objectives of the above workshop, a cyclical- participatory approach is used, as can be seen in Figure 1 below. Selecting Expert Panel The importance of workshop objective and targets PointersQuestions to be explored Summary of Workshop Presentation of Summary Figure 1. Workshop Approach for the Collaborative Management of Marine Protected Areas C O L L A B O R AT I V E M A N AG E M E N T O F M A R I N E P ROT E C T E D A R E A S 8

1.4. Workshop Pointers

Pointers on issues questions to be explored in the workshop are divided into two sessions as follows: Session 1. The Principles and Content of Co-Management Approach Applied in the Management of Marine Protected Areas MPA . This session will discuss some question pointers as follows: 1. What are the Principles and Objectives of the co-management approach applied in MPA? 2. What is the content of the co-management approach applied in MPA? 3. What are the key factors determining the success of co-management approach? Session 2. The Implementation of a Co-Management Approach in Marine Protected Areas MPA Management. In this session, some question pointers will be discussed as follows: 1. What is the process and mechanism of government involvement in co- management approach applied in MPA? 2. What is the process and mechanism of community involvement in co- management applied in MPA? 3. What is the best form of co-management institutions with regard to MPA management?

1.5. Workshop Sequencing