




Submitted to English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2103121035








Hasanah, Putri. 2103121035. The Effect of Using Sequence Chain Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement on Narrative Text. A Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2014.

This study was aimed at finding out the effect of using sequence chain strategy on students’ reading comprehension achievement on narrative text. This study used the experimental design. The population of this study was the students of SMA Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan. There were sixty students of eleventh grade as the sample of the research. This study was conducted with two randomized groups namely experimental and control group. The experimental group was taught by using sequence chain strategy while control group was taught without using sequence chain strategy. The instrument of collecting the data was multiple choice tests which consist of 30 items. The data were analyzed by using t-test. The calculation shows that t-observed (3,3) was higher than t-table (2,00) at the level of significance (α) 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It means that using sequence chain strategy had significantly affected on the students’ reading narrative text comprehension.



All praise to Allah SWT who always gives me blessing, power, strength and love in my entire life and in terms of my study, especially in completing this thesis entitled “The Effect Of Using Sequence Chain Strategy On Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement On Narrative Text” as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S1) at English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan.

In completing this thesis, the writer realized that she faced some problems and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the writer would like to express her gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Department, and her Reviewer.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department, her Academic Consultant, and her Reviewer.

Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study Program, and her Thesis Consultant.

Drs. Bachtiar, M.Pd., her Thesis Reviewer.

Mam Euis, the academic staff and administrative staff.

Her beloved parents, H. Sari Muda Pulungan S.sos and Hj. Farida Sari Dalimunte, her lovely brothers and sisters, Muthia Soraya, Aisyah Tri Ananda, Arif Rahman, Ahmad Fahreza for their endless love, pray, inspiration, motivation, mental and everything that they have given to the writer.

Her beloved friends Bura, Atul, Nangin, Andre, Evi, Rabiah, all my other friends that I had encountered during the writing process.


Overall, the writer hopes she can give a bit contribution to language education, especially major of English.

Medan, January 2015 The Researcher

Putri Hasanah Reg. No. 2103121035










A. The Background of The Study ... 1

B. The Problem of The Study ... 5

C. The Objective of The Study ... 5

D. The Scope of The Study ... 5

E. The Significance of The Study ... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ... 7

1. Achievement ... 7

2. Reading ... 7

a. The Nature of Reading Comprehension Achievement ... 8

b. The Process of Reading Comprehension Achievement ……….. 9

c. The Factors Influencing Reading Comprehension Achievement.11 d. Levels of Reading Comprehension Achievement………12

3. Text Genre ... 14

a. Narrative text ... 15

4. Reading Strategy ... 16

a. Sequence Chain ……….. 17

b. QAR ………23

5. Assessing Reading Comprehension Achievement ... 24

B. Conceptual Framework ... 26

C. Hypothesis ... 28


A. Research Design ... 29

B. Population and Sample ... 29

C. The Instrument for Collecting Data ... 30

D. The Procedure of Collecting Data ... 30

1. Try-out………30

2. Pre-test ... 30

3. Treatment ... 30

4. Post-test ... 33

E. Scoring the Test………33

F. Validation of The Test ... 34


2. Reliability ... 35

G. The Technique for Data Analysis………... 37


A. The Data ... ….38

B. The Data Analysis ... ….41

C. Testing Hypothesis ... ….45

D. Research Findings ... ….46

E. Discussion ... ….46


A. Conclusions ... ….49

B. Suggestions ... ….49

References ... ….51

Appendix ... ….53




Table 1.1 Students who could not pass the passing grade (KKM)……… 3

Table 2.1 Sequence Chain Graphic Organizer ... 19

Table 2.2 Sequence Chain Graphic Organizer of Six Table ... 22

Table 3.1 Research Design……….29

Table 3.2 The Treatment for Experimental Group……….31

Table 3.3 The Treatment for Control Group………..32

Table 3.4 The Reliability of the Test………. 35

Table 4.1 The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test by the Students of Control Group……….39

Table 4.2 The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test by the Students of Experimental Group………40

Table 4.3 The calculation of t-test for Experimental Group………..41






APPENDIX B. Lesson Plan of Experimental Group……….54

APPENDIX C. Lesson Plan of Control Group ... 67

APPENDIX D. Instrument of the Text ……… 79

APPENDIX E. Test of Experimental Group and Control Group……….80

APPENDIX F. The key answer of the test………...87

APPENDIX G. Treatment of Experimental Group... 88

APPENDIX H. The Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Group and Control Group………90




A. The Background of the Study

In many countries foreign languages are learned by a large number of students who will have little or no opportunity to converse with native speakers, but who will have access to literature and periodicals or scientific and technical magazines or newspapers written in the language they are learning. As learning is a complex experience process to get knowledge, people use the language to exchange information. It can be ideas, feelings, and thought.

Exchanging the information not only using their language but also sometimes using another language. People must study another language to reach their goal. As lingua franca, English has been studied by many people in the world. English print is everywhere. Everybody can see the pamphlets, magazines, bills, school materials, advertisements, work instruction, and mails are printed in English that comes to their way. That is show how important English nowadays.

In learning English, there are four domains of language skills that must be simultaneously achieved by the students namely listening, reading, speaking and writing.

Reading plays a particularly important role in education. Many task and problems in learning can be solved by reading. Therefore, Indonesia education system demands a lot of reading in the process of learning. In Indonesia, the curriculum of 2006 namely Educational Level – Oriented Curriculum (KTSP – 2006) states that every senior high school students should be able to communicate both orally or in written form at the end of their course with various types of


genres such as descriptive, narrative, procedure, recount and report text (Depdiknas, 2006).

Although what is happening in the text may be explained to the students, research suggests we are able to teach students how to comprehend text. Direct instruction of reading strategies that improve comprehension may aid students to become stronger at comprehending text independently.

Students need to know how to learn from reading in order to be able to enter the present literate society and have a successful communication. Reading has been defined as an active process in which readers shift between sources of information, elaborate meaning and strategies, monitor their comprehension, and use the social context to reflect their response (Walker, 2000).

Research studies foreign language reading confirmed the importance of reading strategies on developing language learners’ reading comprehension skills. They argue that strategy use is different in more and less proficient readers, who use the strategies in different ways. Moreover, it has been acknowledged that reading strategies can be taught to learners and that reading strategy instruction can benefit all students.

Based on observation and interview with the teacher that was done by the author in grade XI senior high school at SMAN 5 Padangsidimpuan, it was found that the students were not given the opportunity to organize the important elements in a right order. It also found that the students had the tendency to focus on the parts that were most appealing to them. The students also did not given the opportunity to place the details of the sequence of events. The students retold the


story by starting with the end. And the last they rather try to retell the story as one large chunk so they couldn’t grasp the idea(s) and answered the questions based on the text(s).

From 31 students, there were only 9 students that could pass the passing grade (KKM) which made by the teacher, the score of the passing grade was 75, and moreover, it was happened because the approach that was used by the teacher was not suitable. The teacher just applied lecturing method.

Table 1.1 Students who could not pass the passing grade (KKM)

NO Students’ initial name score Passing grade (KKM)

1 AA 50 75

2 AW 70 75

3 AG 65 75

4 AM 65 75

5 DW 55 75

6 DM 55 75

7 FA 70 75

8 KK 65 75

9 LH 70 75

10 HS 70 75

The demand on teachers to help students improve reading comprehension is tremendous. Students are expected to use higher level thinking skills while answering questions. There are a vast amount of strategies that have been suggested to help improve reading comprehension such as Comprehension monitoring, Cooperative learning, Use of graphic and semantic organizers (including sequence chains organizer), answering, Question generation, Story structure, and Summarisation.


From the conditions of the school, the best treatment for the problems is conducting a research by using a strategy that is Sequence Chain that parts of graphic organizer.

Some researchers have conducted studies about teaching through sequence chain strategy. Zaini (2010) conducted a research at University Putra Malaysia for educational studies found the results suggested that students’ use of sequence improve students’ reading comprehension skills in the areas of noting details, making inferences, and comparing and contrasting. Results further suggest graphic organizers improve students’ ability to recall sequence of events and identify details during oral retells. Zare (2013) also conducted a research about the relationship between reading comprehension and the used of sequence graphic organizer among Malaysian ESL Learners stated that sequence chain helped students comprehend text by identifying key elements before, during, and after reading. They note key characters, setting, and events. Sequence Chain will keep students organized by using the same process regardless of the type of reading assigned. Sequence Chains are not simply for recreating the order of events, but also for reviewing how thinking develops, actions unfold, and processes that occur in any situation. This strategy is useful in reading, solving problems, experimenting, and creating. Dista (2009) conducted a research about sequence chain strategy has steps to make students easier to comprehend the text and to be active thinkers when they read.


Based on the explanation above, the results of their research studies unanimously confirmed the positive relationship between the using of sequence chain to the reading comprehension achievement.

B. The Problem of the Study The problem of the study was:

“Does the use of sequence chain strategy significantly the students’ reading comprehension achievement?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study was to find out the effect of using sequence chain strategy on the students’ reading comprehension achievement.

D. The Scope of the study

Sequence chain that used graphic organizer can be functioned as strategy and as a media. The form of the text in this research is limited namely narrative text as Educational Level – Oriented Curriculum (KTSP – 2006) states that the student must be able to comprehend the meaning of the texts in forms of recount, narrative, expository, procedure, descriptive, and report in the context of daily life. To minimize the wide area, this research only focuses on identifying the effect of using sequence chain strategy on the students’ reading comprehension achievement on narrative text.

E. The Significance of the Study The study was useful for:

1) Theoretically, to help teacher/researcher find out the way of teaching reading, especially narrative text.


2) Practically, it can be used sequence chain as strategy in teaching to increase students’ ability in comprehending reading narrative text.

3) Other researcher can develop the related study to improve learning through strategy.




A. Conclusion

The main objective of this study was to determine whether there was any improvement of students’ comprehension achievement in reading narrative text in the group using sequence chain strategy.

Based on the result of this study, the researcher found that the students’ comprehension achievement in reading narrative text taught by using sequence chain strategy was higher than the students taught by using QAR. It was indicated from analyzing the data statistically that the result of calculation of t-test that t-observed value 3,3 was higher than t-table value 1.67 at the level of significant of 0.05, which implies that the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.

B. Suggestions

The study showed that the using sequence chain strategy could improve the students’ comprehension achievement in reading narrative text. Based on the conclusion given, the writer suggests that:

1) The teacher to use strategy in teaching comprehension in reading narrative text specially sequence chain because students experience the new atmosphere in learning and they more motivated and interested in learning narrative text.


2) Those who are interested in carrying out further research related to this study providing them with some valuable information needed.


story by starting with the end. And the last they rather try to retell the story as one large chunk so they couldn’t grasp the idea(s) and answered the questions based on the text(s).

From 31 students, there were only 9 students that could pass the passing grade (KKM) which made by the teacher, the score of the passing grade was 75, and moreover, it was happened because the approach that was used by the teacher was not suitable. The teacher just applied lecturing method.

Table 1.1 Students who could not pass the passing grade (KKM) NO Students’ initial name score Passing grade (KKM)

1 AA 50 75

2 AW 70 75

3 AG 65 75

4 AM 65 75

5 DW 55 75

6 DM 55 75

7 FA 70 75

8 KK 65 75

9 LH 70 75

10 HS 70 75

The demand on teachers to help students improve reading comprehension is tremendous. Students are expected to use higher level thinking skills while answering questions. There are a vast amount of strategies that have been suggested to help improve reading comprehension such as Comprehension monitoring, Cooperative learning, Use of graphic and semantic organizers (including sequence chains organizer), answering, Question generation, Story structure, and Summarisation.


From the conditions of the school, the best treatment for the problems is conducting a research by using a strategy that is Sequence Chain that parts of graphic organizer.

Some researchers have conducted studies about teaching through sequence chain strategy. Zaini (2010) conducted a research at University Putra Malaysia for educational studies found the results suggested that students’ use of sequence improve students’ reading comprehension skills in the areas of noting details, making inferences, and comparing and contrasting. Results further suggest graphic organizers improve students’ ability to recall sequence of events and identify details during oral retells. Zare (2013) also conducted a research about the relationship between reading comprehension and the used of sequence graphic organizer among Malaysian ESL Learners stated that sequence chain helped students comprehend text by identifying key elements before, during, and after reading. They note key characters, setting, and events. Sequence Chain will keep students organized by using the same process regardless of the type of reading assigned. Sequence Chains are not simply for recreating the order of events, but also for reviewing how thinking develops, actions unfold, and processes that occur in any situation. This strategy is useful in reading, solving problems, experimenting, and creating. Dista (2009) conducted a research about sequence chain strategy has steps to make students easier to comprehend the text and to be active thinkers when they read.


Based on the explanation above, the results of their research studies unanimously confirmed the positive relationship between the using of sequence chain to the reading comprehension achievement.

B. The Problem of the Study The problem of the study was:

“Does the use of sequence chain strategy significantly the students’ reading comprehension achievement?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study was to find out the effect of using sequence chain strategy on the students’ reading comprehension achievement.

D. The Scope of the study

Sequence chain that used graphic organizer can be functioned as strategy and as a media. The form of the text in this research is limited namely narrative text as Educational Level – Oriented Curriculum (KTSP – 2006) states that the student must be able to comprehend the meaning of the texts in forms of recount, narrative, expository, procedure, descriptive, and report in the context of daily life. To minimize the wide area, this research only focuses on identifying the effect of using sequence chain strategy on the students’ reading comprehension achievement on narrative text.

E. The Significance of the Study The study was useful for:

1) Theoretically, to help teacher/researcher find out the way of teaching reading, especially narrative text.


2) Practically, it can be used sequence chain as strategy in teaching to increase students’ ability in comprehending reading narrative text.

3) Other researcher can develop the related study to improve learning through strategy.




A. Conclusion

The main objective of this study was to determine whether there was any improvement of students’ comprehension achievement in reading narrative text in the group using sequence chain strategy.

Based on the result of this study, the researcher found that the students’ comprehension achievement in reading narrative text taught by using sequence chain strategy was higher than the students taught by using QAR. It was indicated from analyzing the data statistically that the result of calculation of t-test that t-observed value 3,3 was higher than t-table value 1.67 at the level of significant of 0.05, which implies that the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.

B. Suggestions

The study showed that the using sequence chain strategy could improve the students’ comprehension achievement in reading narrative text. Based on the conclusion given, the writer suggests that:

1) The teacher to use strategy in teaching comprehension in reading narrative text specially sequence chain because students experience the new atmosphere in learning and they more motivated and interested in learning narrative text.


2) Those who are interested in carrying out further research related to this study providing them with some valuable information needed.