Introduction Best Practices | OGC

416 © 2015 Open Geospatial Consortium the attribution columns of the model.dbf file that accompanies the RCS’s .shp file. This .dbf file is referred to as the RCS Instance Attribute file of the RCS model. See Section 7.4.1, Directory Structure The first column of each row is always the classname attribute. The other columns in a RCS Instance Attribute file are used to describe further the associated shape. In summary, for a single RCS model in the CDB, the data files consist of: One .shp main file that provides the geometric aspect Points for each data instance of a RCS model. Two .dbf files one instance-level on a per RCS Shape basis, and one class- level at the RCS model level that collectively provide the attribution for all of the possible RCS models of a given RCS Model. One .shx index file that stores the file offsets and content lengths for each of the records of the main .shp file. The only purpose of this file is to provide a simple means for clients to step through the individual records of the .shp file i.e., it contains no CDB modeled data. RCS Model Class-Level Attributes:

Many attributes within the Shapefile are required to specify the physical modeling parameters corresponding to those used to produce the RCS data; this includes, for instance, the electro- magnetic EM polarization mode and the frequency that were used when characterizing the target’s RCS signature. The CDB RCS model representation offers a comprehensive set of class attributes that are described below. It is important to note that these attributes are an elaborate set of fields to indicate in which physical environment the RCS data was computed, and does not necessarily reflect a precise operating mode of a particular radar. A description of the attribute information follows below. The reader should keep in mind that the 10-character limitation of attribute names is imposed by the dBASE III+ file format used by the Shapefile .DBF data format Table 7-2: XML Tags for Hot Spots Attribute Format Description Values Units CLASSNAME STRING Unique string identifying the RCS model class attribute characteristics Uniquely identifiable character string for the class name String of 32 characters VERSION STRING String representing the version level of the RCS Data XX.YY.ZZ String of 8 characters PROD_DAY INT Number representation of the computation day DD NA PROD_MTH INT Number representation of the computation month MM NA PROD_YEA INT Number representation of the computation year YYYY NA