Report Period Accomplishments January 1 – June 30, 2009

13 4. Regional Networks and Knowledge Management 4.1 Report Period Accomplishments January 1 – June 30, 2009 East AfricaWestern Indian Ocean The CRC SUCCESS Program in partnership with the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association WIOMSA assembled a Knowledge Management System KMS to serve the WIOMSA network of countries. The WIOMSA Board agreed to coordinate a regional mariculture network and SUCCESS designed and implemented a web-based KMS in support of this network. During this reporting period, the KMS was transferred to a new hosting facility established for WIOMSA as part of technical support to our partner. WIOMSA, instead of CRC, will maintain the KMS moving forward. The system currently contains an inventory of 28 regional mariculture projects, a directory of 77 regional mariculture experts, searchable by topic and species, and a publication library of nine regionally produced articles as well as an online forum with ~75 subscribers. The following graphic shows the level of web hits for the WIO Mariculture site up until it was transferred to WIOMSA in May 2009. The June data does not reflect the full month’s worth of data. 14 Latin America Transfer of all KM activity for SUCCESS in Latin America was transferred to EcoCostas in a previous project term and no longer requires CRC support. Global The IMCAFS Newsletter, Basins and Coasts, did not produce an issue during this period. The final issue is scheduled for September 2009 and will be devoted to sharing key lessons learned and achievements of the five year SUCCESS Program. A third Cross-Portfolio Learning Topic CPLT module—“General Approaches to Addressing Mariculture as an Element of Integrated Coastal Management Programs ”—was developed this period. This module extends the topic beyond the pond-based and open-water that has been the focus to date.

4.2 Changes of Program Activities

The WIO Mariculture Network efforts were redesigned with in-country colleagues at WIOMSA. The project has been accepted as being more about ‘communications’ on the topic of sustainable mariculture than about being a science only forum on the topic of mariculture. A wider group of practitioners has been added as “Authors” on the Mariculture Forum to facilitate expanded discussion, which died out rapidly after the initial launch last quarter. It was decided that topic summary posts will be written as soon as the number of comments on any given posting begin to slow in frequency and volume. Additionally, multiple concurrent postings from different authors and on different topics will be encouraged. The CRC SUCCESS team has started to transfer to WIOMSA the responsibility for addressing any of the network’s new or ongoing implementation issues. From this point forward, SUCCESS KMS efforts in this region will focus almost exclusively on providing KM support to the WIO-COMPAS certification effort and web site.

4.3 Priorities for Next Quarter July 1 – September 30, 2009

• Launch Basins and Coasts issue 3.1 • Complete and publish audio slide show “Saving Menai Bay, Zanzibar” • Conduct one technical support visit to work with WIOMSA on finalizing KM transfers