Close-out Tanzania On-the-Ground Results 1

25 picked up the story, which was highlighted by five television, radio and newspaper spots. Additionally, UCA was able to encourage additional support to the Padre Ramos areas by the Millennium Challenge Corporation MCC. An overview of this was published online at: n_119.htm . A banner and brochure were made for the Fair and the MCC financed a number of outreach materials that were distributed not only at the Fair, but during the promotional tour and at Jiquilillo during Easter Week—when approximately 50,000 tourists visited the area. An additional outreach event was held in the Padre Ramos communities with a focus on ICM. This included a session on lessons learned during the SUCCESS Program. FINCAMAR is now working as an Association with 20 affiliated members offering various services connected by the tourism theme and trails. Additional visits are underway so that a poster can be made on lessons learned for alternative livelihood. Bread-making: Alemania Federal, El Realejo The bakery at Alemania Federal, El Realejo completed two events originally planned for Year 4 but delayed. These included short workshops to build skills in accounting and hygienegood practices and two technical assistance visits. Currently, the bakery operates and sells bread three to four days each week. SUCCESS provided the electric motor that runs the bread-making machinery and also provided some ingredients needed in the bread recipes. Puerto Morazán The bakery at Puerto Morazán co-financed by Lorrnica and SUCCESS had five sessions on entrepreneurial vision-setting, and one short event on hygienegood practices also originally planned for Year 4 but delayed. There were also two follow-up visits this reporting period. UCA encouraged and Lorrnica agreed to continue their funding, which was used to repair the oven that had been losing heat, to install some solar electric capacity, and to buy a motor to power the bread-making equipment. The bakery produces bread two to three days weekly. Both the bakery at Puerto Morazan and at Alemania Federal are among the businesses being visited and interviewed in order to make the poster on lessons learned for alternative livelihoods. Learning Exchange A learning exchange was held for the members of the Padre Ramos and the El Realejos bakeries. The women worked together to share recipes, methods and bake various products together. One result is that the El Realejo bakery now makes a new corn-based bread product using a recipe learned from the other bakery.