Research Design Data Collection Data Analysis

21 collecting, classifying, analyzing the data, interpreting them and finally drawing the conclusion Surakhmad, 1994:139.

3.1 Research Design

In analyzing this thesis, the writer needs several data that related to the objects of this study. Oka Rusmini’s Tarian Bumi is needed as the main source, because the novel contains important information for the subject matter that is being analyzed. Journals, books, or other online sources are also needed to support finishing this thesis.

3.2 Data Collection

The first step in data collection is collecting the data by reading whole story of Tarian Bumi, the data form of this analysis are paragraphs, phrases and sentences. The writer reads and understands the novel and finds some general data related to Researcher Source of Data: TarianBumi Conclusion Data: Quotations from the text of novel ‘TarianBumi’ Data Selected – Interpreted Analysis Method: Descriptive Qualitative Universitas Sumatera Utara 22 figure of women characther that be found in this novel and the fights of women against the traditional values. The next step, the writer chooses the data by giving the red colors to the sentences or paragraph which only deals with the problems of this study; it is about the figures of women’s characters and the form of women fights against the traditional values. The last step, the writer finds the appropriate data which can be analyzed to answer the problems of the study. The other sources such as journal, books, e-book can be used to support finishing this thesis.

3.3 Data Analysis

Data analysis is applied when the data which concern to the problems and are collected and selected. The first step is analyzing the data that already selected according to critera figures that reflected in women character. This step helps the writer to find the figures of women character in Oka Rusmini’ Tarian Bumi. The second step, analyzing the data to find fight of women’s character against Balinese values that showed in Oka Rusmini’s Tarian Bumi related to feminism theory. The data is classified into liberal feminism and radical feminism. This step helps the writer to show the fights of women character against the traditional values in Oka Rusmini’ Tarian Bumi. The last step is making conclusion based on the whole analysis. Finally, the conclusions are acquired to complete this thesis. Universitas Sumatera Utara 23


4.1 Figures of Women Character

As the writer mentioned above, most of Balineses hold Hinduism in which social caste is applied. The tradition and panoramic view makes Bali become favorite tourism destination. The tradition in Bali is really unique. Today, we can see women are busy making offerings meanwhile men prepare the ceremony in Bali. In this novel, The figures of women characters reflected in women which come from different generations. The figures of women that reflected in Tarian Bumi are:

4.1.1 Ambitious and Dreamer

Social caste already became the problem of Balinese. Sudra caste as the lower caste sometimes lives in poverty. Because of it, some women in Bali decide to get married with the man from higher caste to make their lives become better. The woman that reflects this figure is Luh Sekar. She is a Sudra woman. Poverty becomes the first reason for her to get married with the man from higher caste. Become the part of griya ‘Brahmin household’ can made her status more than others sudra. This reason can be seen in these quotations; Luh Sekar bangga diangkat sebagai keluarga besar griya. Dia merasa dengan menjadi keluarga besar griya derajatnya lebih tinggi dibanding perempuan- perempuan sudra yang lain.Oka Rusmini:19 Luh Sekar proud being part of griya family. She thinks by being the part of griya family it makes her social status get higher than the others Sudra’s women.Oka Rusmini:19 “Aku capek miskin, Kenten. Kau harus tau itu. Tolonglah, carikan aku seorang Ida Bagus. Apa pun yang harus kubayar, aku siap Oka Rusmini:20. Universitas Sumatera Utara