Theory of Woman’s Liberation


3. Theory of Woman’s Liberation

Edna Pontellier, in this study tries to perform some liberations in order to achieve woman’s equality in both a public and a private sphere to set herself free from the upper class ’ way of treating and the social construction of an ideal “mother-woman”, which is called as a patriarchal system. The gender discrimination seems never end, up until a woman realizes in the way she receives unfair or not suitable treatments from a man. A woman is supposed to realize and make such movements to be as equal as a man because a woman has the same right and opportunity in a public and a private sphere. A woman fights to seek gender equality and oppose such oppressions to have the same right as man. A woman rebels to against the oppressor and a patriarchal system. In order to strengthen the above statement, Humm says that the struggle against patriarchy started after woman becoming conscious of themselves and criticizing their symbolic interpretation in society 1994:3. There are many kind of Feminism: Liberal-Feminism, Radical-Feminism, Marxist-Feminism, socialist-Feminism, and Post-Modern Feminism. More explanation is presented as follows: Liberal-Feminism is mostly serving woman who already have a dominant position in society. It concerns with gaining the equal rights throughout legislative reforms. Radical-Feminism. Radical-Feminism promotes separatism between man and woman. The main concern is only the glorification of woman. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19 Marxist-Feminism. Marxist-Feminism initially concerns with class differences between man and woman, and patriarchy as concomitant oppressing force to capitalism. It views media as the accomplishment in both patriarchal and capitalistic processes. Post-Modern Feminism. It only concerns with language and psychoanalysis. It concerns with fluidity and discourse analysis. The above elaborations guide the researcher to find the appropriate approach which is a Marxist-Feminism. The concern of a Marxist-Feminism is to fight and to gain the equal rights caused by class differences between a man and a woman and a patriarchal system.

C. Theoretical Framework