Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Sastra


Registration Number : 2122220002



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September 2016



Basyariah. 2122220002. Logical Relation in the Articles of National
Geographic Magazine. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State
University of Medan. 2016.
The title of this thesis is Logical Relation in the Articles of National
Geographic Magazine. This study is aimed to analyze what types of logical

relaion used in National Geographic Magazine, and how are logica relation
used in National Geographic Magazine. The writer applies the theory of
Larson adapting Barnwell Beekman and Callow, about the types of logical
relation, there are (1) Reason- Result, (2) Means-Result, (3) Purpose-Means,
(4) Concession-Contraexpectation, (5) Ground-Conclussion, (6) GroundExhortation, and (7) Condition-Consequence. Base on the result of analysis,
the dominant types found in the articles of National Geographic Magazine are
Propose-Means. While the percentages of the result are: 95 items of PurposeMeans (55,23%) and others are 38 items of Concession-Contraexpectation
(22,1%), 14 items of Reason- Result (8,13%), 14 items of ConditionConsequence (8,13%), 8 items of Means-Result (4,66%), 3 items of GroundConclussion (1,75%) and 0 items of Ground-Exhortation (0%)
Keywords: syntax, logical relation, clause complex



First of all, the writer would like to thanks to Allah SWT and the Prophet
Muhammad SAW for the blessings during her academic year at English and
Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) State University
of Medan in completing the Thesis. The writer is also very grateful to the
following people:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, Rector of State University of Medan.
Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts (FBS) State University of Medan for her advice and encouragement

to complete the study.
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English and Literature
Department as well as Dra. Meisuri, M.A, the secretary of English and
Literature Department for their encouragement and motivation during the

writing of the Thesis.
Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum the head of English Literature Study
Program as well as her first Examiner, and Nora Ronita, S.Pd, S.S,
M.Hum, the Head of English Education Program for their encouragement

to complete the Thesis.

encouragement, financial support, their endless love and their prayers.

who helped her to fulfill this Thesis.

Her beloved parents, Joharman and Sunarti who have patiently given her

Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd, the Administration Staff of English Department,

Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M. S., her Consultant, who had already
motivated her to finish the Thesis by giving advices, supervising, giving
comments and corrections during completing this Thesis and also for Drs.

Elia Masa Gintings, M.Hum., as her Consultant and Academic Advisor

for giving advices and supervising during her academic year.
Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum., her second Examiner, who has kindly given
correction and suggestion for the betterment of her Thesis.


All the Lecturers of English and Literature Department during her
academic year at State University of Medan, who have taught and given
knowledges to her encouragement and invaluable advices to complete this

Her beloved friends Homographs, and all friends who in Theater LKK

UNIMED for the four years and still counting friendship and the support

in the very sad and happy situations.
All her friends and classmates in English Literature A 2012 for the
support and time in motivated and accompanied her during the academic


encouragement and always be there whenever she needs help

the bad situation of completing the thesis.

Her beloved friend Sidik Kalbuhadi, who never stop giving her

All children in R.A. Fajar Shiddiq, for being a cute moodbooster during

Salmiyah, S.pd and all Teachers in R.A. Fajar Shiddiq, who has given
the spirit, time and understanding to complete this Thesis.


September 2016

The writer




ABSTRACT ………………………………………………..……………...……. i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………..........………………. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………...………………………………………. iv
LIST OF TABLES ……………...…………………………….............…….…. vi
LIST OF APPENDICES ……………...……………………….......…………. vii

The Background of the Study ……………………………………..…….. 1
The Problem of the Study ……………………………………………….. 5
The Objective of the Study ……………………………………....……… 6
The Scope of the Study ……………………………………………..…… 6
The Significance of the Study ………………………………………..….. 7

A. Theoretical Framework ……………………………………….….……… 8

B. The Overview of Syntax ………………………………………………… 8
1. Conjunction ………………………………………………..............… 9
a. Coordinate conjunctions ……………………………......……… 10
b. Subordinate Conjunction …………………………….………… 11
1) Single-Word Subordinate Conjunctions ………………….… 12
2) Two Words Conjunctions ………………………….......…… 13
3) Conjunctions with Three or More Words ………...………… 13
c. Correlative Conjunctions ……………………....……………… 14
2. Sentence ……………………………….................………………… 15
3. The Sentence as Clause Complex …………………………..……… 15
C. Logical Relation ……………………………………………...........…… 17
1. Types of Logical Relation …………………………………..……… 17
a. Reason-Result ……………………………………………..…… 17
b. Means-Result ……………………………………………............ 18
c. Purpose-Means ……………….………………………………… 18
d. Concession-Contraexpectation ………………….……………… 19
e. Ground-Conclusion ………………………………………......… 21
f. Ground-Exhortation ……………………………………….…… 22
g. Condition-Consequence …………………………………..…… 22
D. Article ………….………..……...........................…………….………… 25

E. Magazine ………………………………......................………………… 26
F. National Geographic Magazine ………………………………....……… 28


G. Relevant Studies …………………………………................................... 30
H. Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………… 33

Research Design ………………………………………………………... 35
Source of the Data……..…………………………………...………........ 35
Technique of Collecting the Data ……………………………………… 36
Technique of Analyzing the Data…………………………………......... 37

A. Data ………………………………......................…………………........ 39

B. Data Analysis ………………………………...............………………… 39
1. Types of Logical Relation ………………………………..........…… 40
a. Reason-Result …………………………..……………........…… 41
b. Means-Result …………………………………............…........... 42
c. Purpose-Means ……………….…………………..…......……… 44
d. Concession-Contraexpectation ………………….……........…… 46
e. Ground-Conclusion …………………………..………............… 47
f. Ground-Exhortation ………………………..………….......…… 49
g. Condition-Consequence ……………………………..........…… 49
2. The Dominant Type of Logical Relation Used in the Articles .......... 51
3. The Reason for The Use of The Dominant Type ……...………….... 52
C. Research Findings ………………………………................…………… 52
A. Conclusions ……………………………….........................………….… 54
B. Suggestions ……………………………….............…………................. 55
REFERRENCES …………………………………………………………....… 56
APPENDIX A …………..…..…………..........……........................................... 58
APPENDIX B …………………………..........……........................................... 85


Table 4.1 The Total Number and Percentage of the Articles ………..…………. 40
Table 4.2 Clause Complexes of Logical Relation in the Articles ……...………. 51


APPENDIX A ……..…….………………………………..……………………. 58
APPENDIX B ……………………………...……………..……………………. 85


A. The Background of the Study
Communication is the most basic level. It is very important in our daily life
because it involves about sending and receiving of information. While to do
communication between one to another needs language. Because language is
something we know than we produce through mind till mouth. According to
Halliday, Wilson and Sperber in Saragih (2014 :5), language is simultaneously
used as representation, exchange and organization of experience. As social beings,
human kinds can not live isolated; human need to interact with others in order to
fulfill their needs.
Language is used to purposes for communication and paying more attention to
language structure. Language is purely human and non instinctive things of the
way of communicating meaning from human mind to another that can be shown
by gestures, sounds, signals, symbols and words in expressing a meaning, idea,
thought and etc. While Chomsky in Thompson (2014 : 3) insists that linguistics
should go beyond merely describing syntactic structures, and aim to eexpalin why
language is structured in the way it is which includes explaining why other kinds
of structures are not found.
Language also is a system to do communication in speech and writing. One of
the ways of telling the information through written language is through magazine.



Although newspaper is one of the famous written languages in society but
magazine is more interesting compare with the others.
A magazine is one of tool to get some information or news. It is printed media
that different from a newspaper. Whereas a magazine covers more features and
there are usually more sections than in a newspaper. It is also contains of some
articles, prose, short story and etc.
In this study the writer uses National Geographic Magazine as the source of
data because it is consist of articles that are useful for the whole society, they are:
talking about educations, sciences, histories, unique world, entertainments and etc.




Geographic Magazine has some awards such as: On May 1, 2008, National
Geographic won three National Magazine Awardsan award solely for its written
content in the reporting category for an article by Peter Hessler on the Chinese
economy; an award in the photojournalism category for work by John
Stanmeyer on malaria in the Third World; and a prestigious award for general
excellence. Between 1980 and 2011 the magazine has won a total of 24 National
Magazine Awards. In May 2006, 2007, and 2011 National Geographic magazine
won the American Society of Magazine Editors' General Excellence Award in the
over two million circulation category. In 2010, National Geographic Magazine
received the top ASME awards for photojournalism and essay. In 2011, National
Geographic Magazine received the top-award from ASME, the Magazine of the
Year Award. And in April 2014, National Geographic received the National
Magazine Award (Ellie) for best tablet edition for its multimedia presentation of


Robert Draper's story "The Last Chase," about the final days of a tornado
researcher who was killed in the line of duty. In the other hand, according to
Howard (2015 : 1) National Geographic Magazine wins "Ellies" for best
photography and best tablet on January 2015 edition. This National
Geographic magazine cover, showing a portrait of teenage girl who fell to her
death in a Yucatan cave 13,000 years ago, was among those honored with a
National Magazine Award for best photography.
The word of magazine has a meaning, it is about a collection and storage
locations. Means, a magazine is several collections of articles. The articles which
exist inside are depended on the types of magazines. The articles in magazines are
often a good way to gain an overview of the topic. In addition, magazine is not
only about articles but also consist of fiction and photographs. According to the
specialization of its contents, magazine distinguished on news magazines, women,
youth, sports, literature, science and etc.
As writing articles is learned best through gaining writing experience, it is
worth initiating the learning process by making written notes of any ideas and
documenting research processes and initial results. An article wraps up research
by presenting it clearly and concisely to the scientific community.
In this study, the writer uses articles or four articles found in National
Geographic Magazine in January 2015 edition. Below are some examples that
taken in one of articles in National Geographic Magazine. They are:
“As with all boomtowns, the city is at pains to keep up with itself.”


The sentence above is Purpose-Means because the sentence can be answered
the question of “What was done to order achieve this purpose?”. Another example
“If anything, the miracle of Lagos is that its economy gallops onward even
when fettered by the same federal incompetence that allows terrorism to go
The clause complex above is Condition-Consequence because the clause
complex consists of the word of “if” which is the word is belonging to the type of
Condition-Consequence that explains the cause, that is, the condition, is either
hypotical or there is some element of uncertainty.
The clause complex of the articles of magazine can be analyzed by using
logical relation theory. Logical relation uses certain conjunction to relate one
clause to another clause in making up the logic language. The relationship
between one clause to another clause will be analyzed in order to increase the
listeners’ understanding about the information they hear.
The language templates which ideas, images and words that are formulated in
which feelings and emotions never inseparable intellectual and emotional content.
As a communication, language has an effective means of expressing feeling and
ideas both in spoken and written form. When people speak or write they express
what they have in their mind. In the use of language people in many cases tend to
expand their ideas by combining or complexing the original clause to other related
clause because there are some ideas in the language user’s mind that they are
going to share. In communication speaker or writer needs to see the connection


which is made between one clause with another. So the sentences can be analyzed
by logical relation that it uses logic to get what the author’s idea and because not
everyone can understand the intentions of others appropriately.
Language in magazine is interesting to discuss syntactically, that is logical
relation, studies how to express concepts, moods, feelings and attitudes. Logical
relation is part of syntax that teaches how to make a reasoning, strong and
meaningful argument. It is a relation in which there is always the notion of causeeffect. Cause and effect are an action-reaction combination that uses conjunctions.
In another


Larson (1998:335)






nonchronological support-Head relation in which there is always the notion of
Based on the explanation above, this study will analyze the use of logical
relation in the articles of National Geographic Magazine in other to find out how
the writers apply the flow of information in the articles so the readers can get the
correct message of the writer’s purpose in a text.

B. The Problem of the Study
As related to the background of the study above, the problems of the study can
be formulated as following:
1. What types of logical relation are used in the articles of National
Geographic Magazine?
2. What is the type of logical relation mostly used in the articles of National
Geographic Magazine?


3. Why does the dominant type of logical relation become dominant in the
articles of National Geographic Magazine?

C. The Objective of The Study
Based on the problems of the study above, the objectives of the study are
to describe:
1. To find out the types of logical relation used in the articles of National
Geographic Magazine.
2. To derive the dominant type of logical relation used in the articles of
National Geographic Magazine.
3. To describe the reason about the dominant type of logical relation become
dominant in the articles of National Geographic Magazine.

D. The Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is focused on analyzing the types of logical relation
used in the selected articles whereas the data taken by the headline cover of
National Geographic Magazine on January 2015 edition, they are The First
Artists, The First Year of Life, The First City of Africa and The First Glimpse of
The Hidden Cosmos.


E. The Significance of the Study
The findings of the study are supposed to be useful for the following people:
1. The writer hopes that this research will give understanding especially in
syntax field, so the writer will inspire other researcher prospective to
explore deeper about the logical relation.
2. It is expected to researchers or English learners who want to find out
knowledge further about conjunctions in articles in term of logical



A. Conclusions
Having analyzed the data, finally writer draws the conclusions as
1. Based on the 172 clause complexes which have been collected and
analyzed, it was found that six types from seven types of logical
relation were realized in the articles with the number of 95 items of
Purpose-Means (55,23%), 38 items of Concession-Contraexpectation
(22,1%), 14 items of Reason-Result (8,13%), 14 items of ConditionConsequence (8,13%), 8 items of Means-Result (4,66%), 3 items of
Ground-Conclussion (1,75%) and 0 item of Ground-Exhortation (0%).
2. Purpose-Means is the most dominant type of logical relation with the
number of 95 clause complexes, expressed by the articles of The First
Artists, The First Year of Life, The First City of Africa And The First
Glimpse of The Hidden Cosmos edition of January 2015 in National
Geographic Magazine.
3. Purpose-Means is the most dominant type of logical relation because
the writers often show the truth of what had happened. And also what
and how to resolve the issue. So that, the writers often use these
conjunctions to connect the ideas in their minds with other ideas or
others clause complex.




Relate to the conclusion above, suggestion are staged as the following.
1. It is suggested that other researchers should conduct further
researchers about the use of logical relation in detailed analysis.
2. The findings of this study can be used to give a better understanding
for students, especially the students of English and Literature
Department of the use of logical relation.
3. It is suggested that the writers should be concerned about the use of
conjunction in logical relation in presenting their ideas.
4. The readers should take this thesis as a reference when they decide to
discuss about logical relation for their thesis.


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