An Analysis Of Hedonism Potrayed In Some Selected Song














Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M. Hum NIP.

19570720 198303 2 001


Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M.Pd. NIP.

19561214 198601 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana in English Literature.




Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Thursday, April 8th, 2015

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D

Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M. Hum

Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M.Pd.





Signed :








Signed :



The Thesis entitled “An Analysis Of Hedonism Potrayed In Some Selected Song.” is a literature study. This study aims to understand the role of hedonism life style that has a negative effect in the development of science, information and entertainment in the world. This thesis was done to answer the curiosity of the writer about what the identification of hedonism in young people‟s songs now. The objective of this study is to look out at the negative effect of hedonism within young people as reflected in the song. These songs are chosen because of its popularity since it was released. These songs received many award nominated in the event of music award around the world and won some of them. In order to identify and classify the songs, Hermeneutic Interpretation theory and Sociology of Literature theory is used. The method to the analysis is descriptive qualitative method. As the results of this research about hedonism in young people life based on the songs showed that the type of Egoistic Hedonism identified as much as 14 lyrics, Ethical Hedonism as much as 7 lyrics, Universal Hedonism as much as 5 lyrics, and Aesthetic Hedonism as much as 7 lyrics. These findings indicate that the Egoistic hedonism is common among people today where are often expressing their conditions and situations with the free way and tend not to think about the social environment. Some of the lyrics are not included in the analysis did not mean that it was not indicated the hedonism behavior, but to clarify more another lyrics in explaining the people lifestyle. Sentences contained in the song can replicate the same situation or expression as in the original condition.



Skripsi yang berjudul “An Analysis Of Hedonism Potrayed In Some Selected Song.” adalah studi tentang sastra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami peran gaya hidup hedonisme yang memiliki efek negatif dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, informasi dan hiburan di dunia. Skripsi ini dilakukan untuk menjawab keingintahuan penulis tentang apa identifikasi hedonisme didalam lagu-lagu anak muda sekarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efek negatif dari hedonisme terhadap anak muda yang tercermin dalam lagu. Lagu ini dipilih karena popularitasnya sejak dirilis. Lagu-lagu ini menerima banyak penghargaan dinominasikan dalam ajang penghargaan musik di seluruh dunia dan memenangkan beberapa dari mereka. Dalam rangka untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan lagu, teori Interpretasi Hermeneutik dan Sosiologi Sastra digunakan. Metode untuk menganalisis adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian tentang hedonisme terhadap hidup anak muda berdasarkan lagu-lagu menunjukkan bahwa jenis Hedonisme Egoistik diidentifikasi sebanyak 14 lirik, Hedonisme Etis sebanyak 7 lirik, Hedonisme Universal sebanyak 5 lirik, dan Hedonisme Estetik sebanyak 7 lirik. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa Hedonisme Egoistik adalah umum di kalangan anak muda saat ini di mana sering mengungkapkan kondisi dan situasi mereka dengan cara yang bebas dan cenderung tidak memikirkan lingkungan sosial. Beberapa lirik yang tidak termasuk dalam analisis tidak berarti bahwa itu tidak menunjukkan perilaku hedonisme, tetapi lebih untuk memperjelas lirik lain yang menjelaskan gaya hidup anak muda. Kalimat yang terkandung dalam lagu dapat meniru situasi atau ekspresi yang sama seperti pada kondisi aslinya.






ABSTRACT ……… vii

ABSTRAK ……… viii



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Analysis... 1

1.2. Problem of Analysis... 5

1.3. Objective of Analysis... 5

1.4. Scope of Analysis... 5

1.5. Significance of Analysis... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1. Sociology of Literature ………... 7

2.2. Hedonism ………..………..……….. 9

2.2.1. Kinds of Hedonism …….……… 11

2.3. Hermeneutic Interpretation ..……….. 13

2.4. Song ...…... 15



3.1. Research Method ……… 19

3.2. Source of Data ……… 20

3.3. Data Collecting ……….………. 20

3.4. Data Analysis ……….………... 21


4.1.1. The Data ……….. 24

4.1.1.a. Aesthetic Hedonism ……….. 24

4.1.1.b. Ethical Hedonism ……….. 25

4.1.1.c. Egoistic Hedonism ……… 25

4.1.1.d. Universal Hedonism ……….. 26

4.1.2. Analysis “Last Friday Night” Katy Perry, “Party All Night” Sean Kingston, “Good Time” Owl City ……….. 27

4.1.2.a. Last Friday Night by Katy Perry ……….. 27

4.1.2.b. Party All Night by Sean Kingston ..……… 33

4.1.2.c. Good Time by Owl City .……… 39

4.2. Findings ………..……… 45


5.2. Suggestions ……… 50




Alhamdulillahi robbil al amin, in the name of Allah SWT, First of all, I would like to thank to the Almighty Allah SWT, for blessing, divine guidance in my life and for the chance and power that given to me to complete this thesis. I also would like to thank to prophet Muhammad SAW, the leader and role of all moslem forever who has brought us to the luminous era and lead us to the goodness of mankind.

My gratitude is dedicated to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of North Sumatera, Dr. Syahron Lubis, MA, the Head of English Department, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar,M S and The Secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D for the attention to all my academic affairs.

I would like to thank to my supervisor and co-supervisor, Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M. Hum and Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M.Pd. for the guidance, support, advice, help, and constructive outcomes in this thesis.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude and love to my family. For mom, the first love that always being the reason to finish this thesis and I hope I can make her happy more than I gets. For father, the man who always been a guide in my life and for my brother who always support me to get the best in finish this thesis.

My special thanks for my second family and also being my best friend, For my best partner in crime, Rizki “Om”,and Fikry. Thanks to your best moment. I hope we would be an Odd Trio who always imagines each other with some strange mind. Wina, Aldi “Kiteng” as my Squad in IMSI, thanks for our history. I am nothing without you guys. Thanks for Nadia, Ninis, Anis, Atun, Fadil “Joe Taslim”, Febby, Dewi, Fany “Bencong”, Dimas, Wahyu, Abel, Zahra, Revi, Windo “Mr. Pedicab”,


Ira, Riri, Jay, who always support me. I want to say special thanks to my comrade, Ivan, Agung, Amsaldi, Dannish, Randy, Ridho, Hawan, who give their strength, belief and support to me when the gold era of our family. I also want to say thanks to all chief of student department association in faculty of cultural studies, my beautiful friend, Febby Yoan from HUASHAN and Shinta from IMIP, my brother from another family, Dikko from IMPUS, Roy from HIMIS, Sanop from IMSAD, Dody from AOTAKE, Agung from HINODE, Ryan from IMAPA, Ardy from IME, Adeg from KBSI, Riko from SOLIDAS, and Fariz from IMBA and many more that I can‟t mention them all one by one. And a sincere thanks for all people in IMSI‟s big family.

I am really grateful to have everyone supporting me in the process of finishing this thesis. For their caring, support, love and affection, I really thank them. And I am really sorry if maybe I forget to mention some names here.

Finally, I have to admit that this thesis is far from being perfect. Thus any comments, suggestions, and criticism will be humbly accepted. May Allah SWT bless us. Amin.

Medan, April 8, 2015 The Writer

Ahmadzi Syarif Nst NIM : 100705043



The Thesis entitled “An Analysis Of Hedonism Potrayed In Some Selected Song.” is a literature study. This study aims to understand the role of hedonism life style that has a negative effect in the development of science, information and entertainment in the world. This thesis was done to answer the curiosity of the writer about what the identification of hedonism in young people‟s songs now. The objective of this study is to look out at the negative effect of hedonism within young people as reflected in the song. These songs are chosen because of its popularity since it was released. These songs received many award nominated in the event of music award around the world and won some of them. In order to identify and classify the songs, Hermeneutic Interpretation theory and Sociology of Literature theory is used. The method to the analysis is descriptive qualitative method. As the results of this research about hedonism in young people life based on the songs showed that the type of Egoistic Hedonism identified as much as 14 lyrics, Ethical Hedonism as much as 7 lyrics, Universal Hedonism as much as 5 lyrics, and Aesthetic Hedonism as much as 7 lyrics. These findings indicate that the Egoistic hedonism is common among people today where are often expressing their conditions and situations with the free way and tend not to think about the social environment. Some of the lyrics are not included in the analysis did not mean that it was not indicated the hedonism behavior, but to clarify more another lyrics in explaining the people lifestyle. Sentences contained in the song can replicate the same situation or expression as in the original condition.



Skripsi yang berjudul “An Analysis Of Hedonism Potrayed In Some Selected Song.” adalah studi tentang sastra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami peran gaya hidup hedonisme yang memiliki efek negatif dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, informasi dan hiburan di dunia. Skripsi ini dilakukan untuk menjawab keingintahuan penulis tentang apa identifikasi hedonisme didalam lagu-lagu anak muda sekarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efek negatif dari hedonisme terhadap anak muda yang tercermin dalam lagu. Lagu ini dipilih karena popularitasnya sejak dirilis. Lagu-lagu ini menerima banyak penghargaan dinominasikan dalam ajang penghargaan musik di seluruh dunia dan memenangkan beberapa dari mereka. Dalam rangka untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan lagu, teori Interpretasi Hermeneutik dan Sosiologi Sastra digunakan. Metode untuk menganalisis adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian tentang hedonisme terhadap hidup anak muda berdasarkan lagu-lagu menunjukkan bahwa jenis Hedonisme Egoistik diidentifikasi sebanyak 14 lirik, Hedonisme Etis sebanyak 7 lirik, Hedonisme Universal sebanyak 5 lirik, dan Hedonisme Estetik sebanyak 7 lirik. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa Hedonisme Egoistik adalah umum di kalangan anak muda saat ini di mana sering mengungkapkan kondisi dan situasi mereka dengan cara yang bebas dan cenderung tidak memikirkan lingkungan sosial. Beberapa lirik yang tidak termasuk dalam analisis tidak berarti bahwa itu tidak menunjukkan perilaku hedonisme, tetapi lebih untuk memperjelas lirik lain yang menjelaskan gaya hidup anak muda. Kalimat yang terkandung dalam lagu dapat meniru situasi atau ekspresi yang sama seperti pada kondisi aslinya.



1.1 Background of the Study

Human have ability to describe a feeling which has a correlation with literature. Literature is like a sound of heart that shows creativity from human. Taylor (1981:1) says, “Literature like other arts; is essentially an imaginative act, that is an act of the writer‟s imagination in selecting, ordering, and interpreting life experience.” Furthermore Wellek and Warren (1965:15) say, “Literature is the art of written works.” It means that literature is literary works which have ability to communicate between art and society.

Literature deals with some works of art such as drama, novel, short story, prose, poetry, etc. The meaning of the contents is varied. Some of them are about fiction, fairy tales, myth, and so on but on the other hand, some of these literary works reveal a real story and most are taken from the writers‟ life experiences. These life experiences can be tragic, romantic, ironic, sad, thrilling, wonderful, awesome, unpredictable, adventurous, and etc.

Song is a kind of work of art dealing with harmonization and words. The harmonization of this instrument creates an interesting sound to be heard. Just like other work of arts, songs also contain elements of literature. Wikipedia as a famous encyclopedia on the internet has definition of song as a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung.

Song is the harmonic melody of music and poem which can describe our feeling. It means that song lyric is one of kinds of poem. Song is a very valuable medium to express our feeling. Portrait of our character are portrayed very clearly in


song that we like. The song can represent ourselves and able to express the whole picture of the situation. Some songs represent a special character. Sometimes this representation becomes the title of the song and it makes a vivid picture for the listeners. Songs, as well as other literary work, can be written based on the songwriters‟ life experience. It can tell about the condition and desires, even the habits that the songwriter want to convey. The songwriters pour their feeling into the songs they write and it makes as if the song has feeling.

Veenhoven (2003: 437-457) say “Hedonism is a way of life, characterised by

openness to pleasurable experience.” In other words, hedonism is the philosophy that states pleasure determines that which is good. Consequently, anything that increases the sum of pleasure is considered good, and conversely, anything that increases pain is wrong. There are many qualms about hedonism.

Thus, the writer have chosen some of songs to become the object of analysis of hedonism within the young people lives. There are three songs that will become the object of analysis. Each song represents every social condition with expressive about hedonism as well as describe the condition of people. The songs are “Last Friday Night” by Katy Perry, “Party All Night” by Sean Kingston, and “Good Time” by Owl City. Last Friday Night is the song had chart success worldwide, reaching number one in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and has attained top-ten positions in Austria, Ireland, Italy, and Poland. By topping the US Billboard Hot 100, Perry became the first female solo artist to have five number-one singles on the Hot 100 from a single album; it also was Perry's sixth number-one single on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and her fifth consecutive number one single. The single had sold 3.7 million digital copies in the US and was the tenth most played single on US radio during 2011. Party All Night (Sleep All Day) is a single song by American artist


Sean Kingston.This song at number two on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles chart and become popular in UK and Irish.Good Time is a song by Owl City and Canadian artist Carly Rae Jepsen."Good Time" has attained commercial success worldwide, reaching No. 1 in Canada, New Zealand and South Korea, while peaking inside the top ten in United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Netherlands and other countries. It means that each songs reflect the lifestyle of the people. So many songs that presented about hedonism, but three songs can represent other songs in the same genre. From that songs have represented a wide variety of social circumstances that can be described as a problem that had once appeared. The way black people hedonism can be portrayed through song Party All Night by Sean Kingston whose personality is black people. The way White people hedonism can be illustrated by the song Good time by Owl City and also a wide picture of the way people hedonism now can see in the song Last Friday Night by Katy Perry.

"Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" is a song by American singer Katy Perry from her third studio album, Teenage Dream. The song was written and produced by Dr. Luke and Max Martin, who also co-wrote the song with Perry and Bonnie McKee. Perry stated that she was inspired to write the track after a night of wild partying and streaking. It is a pop song with lyrics about drunken fun and debauchery. Some of the risque lyrics in the song are often censored in radio versions of the song. The "T.G.I.F." in the title is an acronym for "Thank God It's Friday". Party All Night (Sleep All Day) by Sean Kingston is a song by American recording artist Sean Kingston. It was released digitally on December 21, 2010 in the United States. "Good Time" is a song by American electronica project Owl City and Canadian artist Carly Rae Jepsen. It was released as the lead single from Owl City's album The Midsummer Station and was used as second single from Jepsen's second studio


album, Kiss. "Good Time" was written by Matt Thiessen, Brian Lee and Adam Young, of Owl City. The song received generally positive reviews from music critics, with critics describing it as a "summer anthem".

In this research uses the theory Hermeneutical Interpretation to analyze the songs. Present by many leading figures, and the most popular is Gadamer. Reveal, explain, and translate is the system of analysis in hermeneutics. Therefore literary criticism also used this theory as a tool to analyze literary works. Stages of Gadamer‟s theory are specifying the intrinsic structure, and then search for words related to the focus of research. Interpret the research object in the view of the researcher. Also the writer use Sociology of Literature, the term of literature and sociology are two field of knowledge cannot be separated from each other. They are two studies that are different but have a very close relation. Sociology derives from Greek „socious‟ and „logos‟ (science) which means the study of all the aspects of human and their relation in community. Literature derives from Latin „littera‟ which mainly refers to written or printed words. Some relation between literature and society are: literary work is part of society Literary works from a social phenomenon are strongly tied to a specific time in social history. The form and content of its literary work comes from a social phenomenon and often related with moments in history of society.

Based on the explanations above, the writer is interested in analyzing the lyrics of three songs. In this study, the writer wants to improve his knowledge about the negative effect of Hedonism because it is very important to do and hopefully that this study will be very useful for readers as the reference or to be guide in analyze about hedonism more deeply.


1.2 Problems of the Study

Problems of study on this research are:

1. How is hedonism portrayed in some selected song?

2. Why do the young people enjoy Hedonism as a lifestyle as portrayed on the some selected song?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Related with the problems above, this research tries to analysis the answers of those questions, they are:

1. To analyze hedonism in people nowadays as portrayed from the songs. 2. To describe the people hedonism as their lifestyle.

1.4 Scope of the Study

Related to the problems and objectives of the study, the writer has to limit the scope of the study. Therefore, the scope of study on this research is analyzing the negative impact of hedonism lifestyle. Scope of study is necessary in order to make a research to be specific and well managed. Thus, this research is only focused on the lyric of songs. There are some theories to be implemented to accomplish the analysis.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significances of this analysis are to make people have more understanding about the negative impact of Hedonism. In doing analysis, the writer hopes that the findings can acknowledge the society about negative impact of Hedonism. This study also expected to contribute to the development of literature, particularly the point of view in people lives. This research also explains about the meaning of the lyrics song and reflection in our life where Hedonism is the biggest lifestyle in this time.




The writer knew that there are so many related studies in this research. The writer have chosen some important books that related to the idea of the Hedonism. Some of book is to explain about the definition and types of Hedonism, the real form of Hedonism, and the positive or negative of Hedonism. The writer also search many information to interpreting the real meaning of Hedonism. Those are important to focusing the purpose of this research. In choosing library material, there are should be relevant with the problem and the information has to original to support the analysis of the problem. Become an interesting discussion to be studied in this thesis.

2.1Sociology of Literature

Sociology and literature are the two studies that are different but have a relation. The sociology of literature is a subfield of the sociology of culture. It studies the social production of literature and its social implications. According Auguste Comte (1798-1857), Sociology derives from Greek „socious‟ and „logos‟ which means that sociology is the systematic and scientific study of human social life. Sociologists study people as they form groups and interact with one another. The groups they study may be small, such as married couples, or large, such as a subculture of suburban teenagers. Sociology places special emphasis on studying societies, both as individual entities and as elements of a global perspective. Sociology offers a distinctive and enlightening way of seeing and understanding the social world in which we live and shapes our lives. Sociology looks beyond normal, taken-for-granted views of reality, to provide deeper, more illuminating and


challenging understandings of social life. Through its particular analytical perspective, social theories, and research methods, sociology is a discipline that expands our awareness and analysis of the human social relationships, cultures, and institutions that profoundly shape both our lives and human history. Literature derives from Latin „littera‟ which means that the art of written text. It is considered as the reflection of human imagination. Literature is writing which expresses and communicates thoughts, feelings and attitudes to life. At the beginning of the chapter, the writer was explain about Literature from the expert. Literature is like a sound of heart that shows creativity from human. Taylor (1981:1) says, “Literature like other arts; is essentially an imaginative act, that is an act of the writer‟s imagination in selecting, ordering, and interpreting life experience.” Some relation between literature and society are the written work is include some social story which is derives from real fact in society. Every social phenomenon was written in literary work that will be an note that can be examined again the truth of the events.

According to M.H. Abrams(1981:178), Sociology of Literature in literary science is meant to refer to the literary critic and literary historian who mainly pay attention to the relationship between authors with social class, social status and ideology, economic conditions, and model of its target. They believe that literary works (both aspects of the content and form) are absolute conditioned by environment and social power of a given period. According to Goldmann (1989:43) there is no realistic social research that is not historical and there is no scientific research that is both historical and realistic if it does not contain elements of sociology. Therefore, in studying the facts and reality of humanity we require methods that are both sociological and historical.



In this time, phenomena of Hedonism are not only happened in reality. However, some writers also use hedonism in their literary work. Hedonism is a worldview stylethat describe by willing for happiness in order to make some people fell free and forget their bad days or moreover to avoid them from being sad and lonely. Hedonism is the doctrine or the view that pleasure or enjoyment is the purpose of life and human action. There is so many definitions of hedonism. This is due to the term of hedonism in social life has developed until this day. Both teens and society in general. So there are many statements in the field of sociology, especially in discussing this issue hedonism. Hedonism appears at the beginning of the history of philosophy around the year 433 BC. Hedonism wants to answer the philosophical question "what is the best thing for humans?" It begins with Socrates who asked about what really be the ultimate goal of man. Then Aristippus of Kyrene (433-355 BC) said that the best thing for a human becomes a pleasure. Aristippus explained that humans since childhood always looking for fun and if they do not achieve it, people will look for something else. Views on the 'pleasure' (hedonism) was then followed another Greek philosopher named Epicurean (341-270 BC). According to him, the human actions that seek pleasure is the true nature. Nonetheless, Epicurean hedonism wider because not only include physical pleasure alone -like The Aristippos-, but also spiritual pleasure, such as release of the soul from the unrest.

Dr. Prof. Ruut Veenhoven defines Hedonism in his The four qualities of life. Ordering concepts and measures of the good life: Journal of Happiness Studies as:

“Hedonism is a way of life, characterised by openness to pleasurable experience. There are many qualms about hedonism.”


Veenhoven explain that the original of Hedonism is a right concept of life. Finding pleasure is meant that inner satisfaction of someone from inside or outside. According to him, in view of the ancient people at the time is search for pleasure with fasting, get closer with God, and meditation. However, the understanding of pleasure was growing with until this time, the sense of pleasure who defined by Aristippus is finally changed. Veenhoven also explain about the „Paradox of hedonism‟. Veenhoven say that the real truth is not always going to be right, but will have little mistakes that will make the right will be wrong. He was claim that seeking a pleasure will leads to unhappiness where it destroy the real sense of hedonism. If hedonism does not lead to pleasure after all, then the true hedonist should reject it. In this reasoning happiness is often defined, as hedonists would have it, that is, as 'enjoyment of one's life. The claim holds that a hedonistic lifestyle contributes to happiness in the short run, but not in the longer term, with the paradoxical outcome being attributed to several mechanisms. One reason why hedonists might end up unhappy is that pleasure might fade with time. This would leave the pleasure seeker unsatisfied and give rise to an urge for ever-stronger stimuli. This could involve increasingly hazardous behavior and also lead, inevitably, to disappointment, because experience blunts sensitivity, the result for the hedonist being one of emptiness.


The characteristics of hedonism by Cicerno in Russell (2004: 335):

o Having instant view, see something effort to obtain of assets of the end result

rather than the process to make the final result. This leads to the next attitude, rationalization or justification to meet the pleasure.

o Become the physical modernity chaser. The person holds that have high-tech

goods is pride.

o Have the pleasure of relativity above average. Relativity means something for

the general public has been entered into the level of enjoyment or can be called unpleasant, but for hedonist it was not bad.

o Fulfilling many desires that arise spontaneously. In the describing of the

pleasure for very little retaining so when people want something must get it.

o When get trouble that he feeling unwanted or being hated by people when

they did something wrong/making trouble

o No matter how much money they earned, the hedonist will always find any

ways to spend them over again for many species including clothing, home, luxury goods, etc.

2.2.1. Kinds of Hedonism

Hedonism also has several kinds. These kinds can be classified to different types of behavior towards hedonism, namely:

1. Aesthetic Hedonism.

Aesthetic Hedonism is a way to get pleasure with emphasis on appearance. What is meant by Aesthetic Hedonism is someone will feel a pleasure if he looked beautiful. This type will put everything to make his appearance looks very perfect.


The satisfaction of this type is when others praised his appearance. If we find someone who feels proud when he was accused of being a good man apparently, the pride is considered as a form of pleasure of Aesthetic Hedonism.

For example, A girl who is always shopping for clothes and other things for each week. The goal is to make his friends saw the appearance who always new and „fashionable‟. Habits like these are often said as Shopaholic. Another example is the people who love to plactic surgery until they get what they want.

2. Ethical Hedonism

Ethical hedonism, point of view is about what is expressed / talks by an individual. Any kind of opinion was expressed aims to show how high levels of education. Satisfaction achieved was feeling satisfied and happy with ourselves because we feel smart and genius. The purpose of this attitude is trying to get an important place in a work group or groups of society.

For example, if there is a claim to someone in a speech event that what is being said that it was a good speech and the people who speech will feel proud, then he is among those who embrace the attitude of Ethical Hedonism.

3. Piety Hedonism

Talking about Piety Hedonism then viewpoints is seen that religious or spiritual aspects of a person. In this Piety Hedonism, someone who has this characteristic will feel pleasure when he claimed to be someone who pious or devout in his religious. The original concept of Piety Hedonism actually is a truth which the calmness of worship is an invaluable comfort. However, at this time that the meaning of Piety in Hedonism is already shift. People compete forseen by others.


4. Egoistic Hedonism

Egoistic Hedonism aims to get maximum pleasure. The Pleasure here was telling that it is can be enjoyed with a long time and deep. For example: eating riches food, amount and a lot of type, provided a long time enough to enjoy it all, as in the Roman-style banquet. When the stomach is full, there is provided a tool to bite the throat, so entrails in stomach can thus spewed out, then can be refilled other foods, until satisfied. Along the development of the era, this character was modified where people always wasting money in a place which provide a fast food while hang out.

5. Universal hedonism

Universal hedonism almost similar with ulitarisanisme. The kind of make priority to maximum pleasure for all, for many people. For example: if dancing, must dance together, all night time, there should be no one was absent, or other pleasures that can be shared by everyone.

2.3Hermeneutic Interpretation

The word hermeneutics comes from a Greek word, „hermenuo‟ which means to interpret. And we can define hermeneutics as the science and art of biblical interpretation. It is a science in that there are methods, there are rules, there is a measure of objectivity, it is not just a science it is also an art in the sense that it is a skill that is learned. According Bernard Ramm (1970),

Hermeneutics is the science and art of Biblical interpretation. It is a science because it is guided by rules within a system; and it is an art because the application of the rules is by skill and not by mechanical imitation. (p.1)


From the statement above, prove that Hermeneutic also develop with the age of bible. According to some sources that the writer have found, Hermeneutics is derived from Hermes, the mythological Greek deity who was the 'messenger of the gods'. Hermes assigned to convey a message from the gods to the people at that time.

In hermeneutics, there are two terms oft the goal of Hermeneutics, they are Exegesis and Contextualization. Exegesis is from a Greek word meaning to draw out and to determine the meaning of a passage in its original context of the author‟s original meaning. In more simply, Exegesis is to interpret the purpose of the author. Contextualization means taking the message and bringing it into our life situation and applying it today. The first time bible conveyed certainly not the same as the current conditions. Therefore, the purpose of the word „Contextualization‟ is, to apply the purpose that contained in the text into present without changing the intent of the text.

The most influential twentieth-century German theorist of hermeneutics, though, has been Heidegger's student Hans-Georg Gadamer. Gadamer's discussions of hermeneutics in Truth and Method (1960) and elsewhere are certainly learned and thoughtful, and can be read with profit. Gadamer's hermeneutics is a development of the hermeneutics of his teacher, Heidegger. Gadamer asserted that methodical contemplation is opposite to experience and reflection. We can reach the truth only by understanding or mastering our experience. According to Gadamer, our understanding is not fixed but rather is changing and always indicating new perspectives. The most important thing is to unfold the nature of individual understanding.



Song is a short piece for a single (solo) voice, usually with instrumental accompaniment (Reimer and JR, 1992:105). According Oxford as the International Dictionary, Song is a short piece of music with words that is sang by a singer (Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary 2003:412). This means that a song is a musical composition. Song contains vocal parts that are performed with the human voice and generally gesture word (Lyrics), commonly accompanied by other musical instrument (exceptions would be a capella and seat songs). Song lyrics are the words or verbiage that gives a song meaning, without lyrics, song would be only instrumental, song lyric has meaning, insight and evoke emotion in ways not possible with instrument alone. The lyrics of songs are typically of poetic, rhyming nature, though they may be religious verses or free prose. Song can tell about love, life, sadness, family, God, War, Discrimination, etc.

According to Winkler (1990:17) song is a relatively short metrical composition designed for singing, it is often divided into stanzas, in which the meaning is conveyed by the combined force of words and melody Therefore song is belong to poetry and music equally. Most people in the world feel happy listening to music and many people like to sing a song. The lyrics can help the listeners to sing their feelings. As we know every song has lyrics so that the listener can get the message or knowing the purpose of the songs.

2.4.1. Kinds of Song

Music has many kinds as we called with „genre‟, genre can even create a group or community. Here are some of genres of music, namely:


1. Pop Song

Pop song is one of popular song that has the most fans in the world. Pop song can be enjoyed by many groups of people, from young age until up to middle age. Pop song is also a special music to the teenager, a bland watered- down version of rock and roll with rhythm and harmony, and an emphasis on romantic love.

2. Rock

Rock, in the broadest sense, covers almost all popular music since the early 1950s. The earliest form, rock and roll, is a mix of various genres in the late 1940s, with musicians such as Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, Buddy Holly and Elvis Presley. It is the heard by people around the world, and in the mid – 1960s several British music groups, for example, The Beatles, began to imitate and become popular.

Rock music then evolved into psychedelic rock, then into progressive rock. A few British bands like the Yardbirds and then it is developed into hard rock, and then become metal heavy. The late 1970s, punk rock music began to grow with groups like The Clash, The Ramones, and Sex Pistols. In the 1980‟s, rock continued to grow, especially it is developed into hardcore metal, trash metal, glam metal, death metal, black metal, and grindcore. There is also a British rock and underground.

3. Rock and Roll

Rock and Roll is a kind of music about adolescents. Its lyrics are articulated teenager problem, school, parents, and young love. The primary instruments are Guitar, Bass, Piano, Drum, and Saxophone. Rock and Roll is great exponent in 1956 to 1963 was Elvis Presley. He is Rock and Roll icon and solo singer.


4. Hip Hop

Hip Hop music can be considered as a subgenre of R&B. Starting in the early 1970s and the 1980s, this kind of music was originally developed in the U.S. east coast, called the East Coast Hip Hop, in about 1992, Hip Hop music from west coast also become famous by the name of West Coast Hip Hop. This type of music is also mixed with heavy metal to produce rapcore.

5. Jazz

Jazz is the kind of music that grew out of the merger of blues, ragtime, and European music, especially the music of the band. Some subgenre of jazz is Dixieland, swing, bebop, hard bop, cool jazz, free jazz, jazz fusion, smooth jazz, and CafJazz. Musicians who use the genre Jazz is Bob James.

6. Gospel

Gospel is a genre that is dominated by the vocal and usually have a Christian theme. Some of subgenre is contemporary gospel and urban contemporary gospel. Currently understanding of gospel music has expanded into a spiritual musical genre as a whole. In Indonesia, gospel music homage to pop and rock much popularized by musicians such as Frank SIH.

7. Blues

Blues come from the African-American community that evolved from West African music. This type then affect many genres of pop music today, including ragtime, jazz, big band, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, country, and pop music. Examples of musicians who use music genre Blues is late Ray Charles.


8. Funk

Funk also pioneered by musicians Afro-Americans, for example, James Brown, Parliament-Funkadelic and Sly and the Family Stone. Funk music of this kind usually have a groovy beat tone, a rhythm that makes the audience chuckle rhythm. Therefore, in many ways, often equated with groovy funk. Bands that use the funk music genre is Green Day.

9. Electronic

Electronic begins long before the invention of the synthesizer, with tape loops and analogue electronic musical instrument in the 1950s and 1960s. The forerunner was John Cage, Pierre Schaeffer and Karlheinz Stockhausen.

10. Reggae

Originally called ska, which is a blend of R & B music and traditional music of Jamaican „mento‟, ska music later evolved into reggae music. Examples band that uses the genre of reggae music is Steven and Coconut Treez.




The important part of the research or analyzing the data is a method of analysis. we can describe the method as a knife and object of research as a fruit. The real function of the knife is to cut the fruit. In this study, the writer also uses method to analyze the object of the study to understand all the data and finally transform it into a complete study. The writer tries to analyze the Hedonism in song „Last Friday Night‟, „Party All Night‟, and „Good Time‟ as the main object of the analysis.

4.1Research Method

In analyzing the songs, the writer uses qualitative method, because all data are analyzed in the form of words and sentences. Qualitative methods were developed in the social sciences to enabled research to study social and cultural phenomena (Myers, 1977). According to Sukmadinata (2005) the primary thing about qualitative research is constructivism which assumes that reality is multi- dimensional, interactive and an exchange of social experience is interpreted by each individual. Qualitative research is an inductive approach, and its goal is to gain a deeper understanding of person‟s or group experiences. This methodology as a qualitative research procedure that produce descriptive data in the form of written word spoken of the people and the observed behavior

In supporting qualitative method, the writer also uses descriptive method. Descriptive method is the way to reveal the image of the subject of the research and qualitative method as an umbrella term to revel to several research strategies that share certain characteristic. Nazir (1998:75) describes “descriptive method is a


method of research that makes the description of the situation of the events or occurrences, so that the method has an intention to accumulate the basic data”. According to Azwar (2004:126) says that “Analisis deskriptif bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi mengenai subjek penelitian berdasarkan data dari variabel yang diperoleh dari kelompok subjek yang diteliti dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk

pengujian hipotesis”. (descriptive analysis is aimed to give a description about a research subject which is based on the data taken from some variables which are obtained from the group of subject and is not aimed to examine a hypothesis). For that reason, this research is best done by using qualitative descriptive method.

4.2Source of Data

To make it easy, the writer divides the data into two, primary data and secondary data. The song lyric of the Last Friday Night by Katy Perry, Party All Night by Sean Kingston and Good time by Owl City band is the primary data, the video, sentences, will be add as the evidence to support the analysis. The secondary data is all data which related to the object of the research like article, book, and papers. All of Data are read carefully by the writer to find out the suitable relation with the research.

4.3Data Collection

The collecting data is one of the tasks which is the most one important in this research. In the process of collecting the data, the writer needs primary and secondary data. For the primary data, the writer takes the data from the video script printed out in hard copy. The script of the video is the lyric of the song. Based on the lyrics the writer can analyze the hedonism itself. The secondary data the writer find


from library or from internet and get data from lecturer too. Then this thesis uses several books as the source of the data to supporting the analysis. However, the writer will be focus on the lyric of song which indicates Hedonism.

4.4Data Analysis

After collecting all the data and information which relates with the study, the data will be combined and analyzed to get what the writer want and has been planned in the object of this thesis. In analyze the data uses library research and applied the qualitative descriptive method.

The writer has some steps to analyzing this research. Miles and Huberman (in Silalahi, 2012: 77) states, “Komponen utama proses analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) reduksi data, (2) sajian data, (3) penarikan simpulan atau verifikasi”. This steps is to make the writer easier in work of analyze the problem in this thesis.

First, the writer read the lyrics of the song. The writer has read it over and over again in order to fully understand what the lyric means and collect the data from the lyric.

Second, the writer has to find the book, article or papers that related with the problem.

Third, after all part in data of the research was collected, the writer have to mark and notes the data which having the relation to the problem of this study which in case is Hedonism to supporting the analysis.

Fourth, the writer make a data display to make the writer more easier in analyzing process.

Fifth, the writer can start to analyze the lyric. Investigate and analyze the hedonism which contained in the lyrics with descriptive qualitative method that


picturing the people lifestyle. In supporting the analysis, there are method are commonly used to support the qualitative descriptive method is Expressive Approach.

Sixth, after all steps have been done, the writer then can make the conclusion and suggestion of the analysis. This is the last step of the analysis. All of those steps done by the writer under the support of the supervisors who mastering this research.


Here is the flowchart of research design :

After marking the data, make the data

display. DATA SOURCE : Song Lyric of Katy Perry “ Last Friday Night”, Sean Kingston “Party All

Night”, and Owl City “Good Time”

Marking the Lyrics of the song which related to the


Data Selected: interpreted analysis by theory and qualitative descriptive method RESEARCHER




In this chapter, the writer analyzes the object of this thesis. The main purpose is to find the indication of Hedonism as pictured in people lives nowadays. Each song represents every social condition. However, the songwriter has their own point of view to explain and express their feeling. That is the problem in this thesis, how is hedonism as portrayed in Katy Perry “Last Friday Night”, Sean Kingston “Party all Night”, and Owl City “Good Time” song.

4.1.1. The Data

This study is focused on analysing the data of lyrics from “Last Friday Night” Katy Perry, “Party All Night” Sean Kingston, and “Good Time” Owl City that have contain hedonism to portrayed people lives nowadays. They are:

4.1.1.a. Aesthetic Hedonism

Aesthetic Hedonism is a way to get pleasure with emphasis on appearance. There are 7 lyrics from the songs that indicate Aesthetic Hedonism. They are:

 Glitter all over the room  I smell like a minibar  DJ's passed out in the yard

 Pictures of last night, Ended up online

 Chandelier is on the floor Ripped my favorite party dress

 We goin' like a rebel with a cause and we breakin' the laws and we rock it, rock it, rock it.


 Checked out of my room, hit the ATM, let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight

4.1.1.b. Ethical Hedonism

` Ethical hedonism is about what is expressed or talks by an individual is aim to show how high levels of education. The pleasure of this kind hedonism is to feel happy with ourselves because looks like people with mostly smart way of thinking. The people with Ethical Hedonism character are always trying to get an important place in a work group or groups of society. There are 7 lyrics that indicate as ethical hedonism. They are:

 It's a blacked out blur But I'm pretty sure it ruled

 Last Friday night, Yeah I think we broke the law Always say we're gonna stop

 we don't got a worry in sight and until it gets bright outside.

 I got a feeling everything is gonna be alright So come on, come on, come on.  It's always a good time.

 Hands up if you're down to get down tonight.

 Good morning and good night I'll wake up at twilight It's gonna be alright We don't even have to try.

4.1.1.c. Egoistic Hedonism

Egoistic Hedonism aims to get maximum pleasure. The pleasure here was telling that it can be enjoyed deeply and for a long time. This kind also explains that Egoist is included in a habit of hedonism. There are 14 lyrics that indicate Egoistic Hedonism. They are:


 There's a stranger in my bed, There's a pounding in my head  Last Friday Night, we danced on tabletops, we took too many shots

 Last Friday night we maxed our credit cards And got kicked out of the bar, So we hit the boulevard

 But this Friday Night, Do it all again, This Friday Night, Do it all again  We like to sleep all day, and party all night.

 We breakin' all the rules that we know.  We outta control, we rock and we roll.

 Ain't nothing gonna ever stop the party, you know we go, we all.  let's party tonight.

 No hibernation, no, not until the day comes,we gonna paint the town red 'til God knows when.

 Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care.  Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere.

 Doesn't matter when It's always a good time then  Doesn't matter where It's always a good time there

4.1.1.d. Universal Hedonism

Universal Hedonism is the kind of make priority to the maximum pleasure for all people. This kind has opinion that everyone should be happy and no one has to feel sadness or bad thing. There are 5 lyrics that indicate the Universal Hedonism. They are:

 This is how we like to live our life.  Ain't no time for seclusion.


 Come on and put a bottle in your hand, go 'til you can't stand and just rock it, rock it, rock it.

 It's feeling like a festival tonight with them flashing lights and we rock it, rock it, rock it.

 I'm in if you're down to get down tonight.

4.1.2. Analysis “Last Friday Night” Katy Perry, “Party All Night” Sean Kingston, “Good Time” Owl City

4.1.2.a. Last Friday Night by Katy Perry

In the first song “Last Friday Night”, there are 11 lyrics that contain hedonism in the song; they are:

 There's a stranger in my bed, There's a pounding in my head  Glitter all over the room

 I smell like a minibar  DJ's passed out in the yard

 Pictures of last night, Ended up online

 It's a blacked out blur But I'm pretty sure it ruled

 Last Friday Night, we danced on tabletops, we took too many shots  Last Friday night we maxed our credit cards And got kicked out of the

bar, So we hit the boulevard

 Last Friday night, Yeah I think we broke the law Always say we're gonna stop

 But this Friday Night, Do it all again, This Friday Night, Do it all again


 Chandelier is on the floor Ripped my favorite party dress

Last Friday Night by Katy Perry is a famous song in America. Katy Perry stated that she was inspired to write the track after a night of wild partying and streaking. She tells us that we can get our happy feeling with wild habit and party like the world will end soon. She tried to put her experience in getting pleasure with party until she forgets herself.

Based on the lyric, the writer wants to identify hedonism and link it into the social reality. This song has met the requirements of the characteristics of hedonism. There are; having instant view, have the pleasure of relativity above average, when get trouble that he feeling unwanted or being hated by people when they did something wrong, and no matter how much money earned they always waste it in every way for the luxury thing. In “Last Friday Night” by Katy Perry, the song is simple enough to define, and the overall theme tells that when you try to find more happiness, nothing can bring you down and there is always a wild way to get more pleasure. In the first line:

1. There's a stranger in my bed, There's a pounding in my head

From the lyric above, the writer can get some informations that when the songwriter surprise while noticing that there is a stranger on bed with her. The songwriter tries to figure out the party last night. Furthermore, the songwriter also mentions that she feel like pound in her head. The possibility is the songwriter too drunk and left all moment at the party. She confused and forget all things that happened at the party. This lyric is show that a person who wants to get more pleasure and happiness can forget all the problems that will occur later. The important thing is getting excessive pleasure. The social condition at the lyric above


tells that the social environment is not concerned about all things that happen around them. That is make people at the lyrics above could made a wild party to get lots of happiness without thinking about what would happen after the party. This lyric is included in Egoistic Hedonism.

2. Glitter all over the room

The lyric above explains about the condition of her room. The songwriter tells that she was decorated her room with glitter which makes the room looks luxurious and glamour. The songwriter shows how the people of that party wear such glamorous things. This hedonism attitude indicates that the people who doing party seemingly proud of their wonderful appearance. This type of hedonism will make people earn much money and then they would spend all money to buy all the things they want. They will not feeling enough to buy until they cannot buy anymore. The social condition at the lyric above tells that there is a rule to the people who want to make a party. They have to prepare all things with the expensive stuffs. This lyric closely included to Aesthetic Hedonism.

3. I smell like a minibar.

In this line, the songwriter said that she smells herself like a mini bar which means that the smell of alcohol sticks to her body. The songwriter still confused to remember what happened at the party. She is begun to figure out if she went to the bar last night. From the lyric above, the song writer also explains that she was drunk too. That is the reason why she smells alcohol in her body. This is also shows that she tries to be popular with drink alcohol with her friend. She shows that her appearance is not different from the others. Here, the perfective of the social condition shows that it will not become a problem if people drunk to get more


happiness. More clearly, the people did not care with another as long as they do not know the person who drunk. This lyric is included in Aesthetic Hedonism.

4. DJ's passed out in the yard

The lyric above still related to the previous lyric where the party is too big and uncontrolled. The songwriter still confused and look some of strange conditions in her house. She is speechless with the condition where all things look mess out. From the lyric above, the songwriter explain that party last night uses DJ. DJ‟s passed out in the yard is having a real meaning that DJ‟s Music was playing until the DJ drop. This is the attitude of hedonism where people have many desires that arise spontaneously and they have to get it. In other side, this is also shows that the appearance of the party which have a DJ in order to create the atmosphere of that party. This is also reflects the social condition where people did not think too much about the problems that will happen later and they did not care about anything except their feeling and pleasure. DJ is the important thing in a party and provides the music to live the party. This lyric is included in Aesthetic Hedonism

5. Pictures of last night, Ended up online

The lyric above is categorized as Aesthetic Hedonism. This explains that technology also support their appearance to be popular. The picture of party last night uploaded into internet that everyone can see everything at the party last night. The songwriter also shows that she is amazed of her pictures. Everyone can see her action at the party last night and appreciate her appearance. The writer also explains that she following trend of modernity where person will be proud if they have high technology stuffs. This lyric also explains that the character of the social at the time accept the habit of waste their money to follow the modernity technologies


development and become people who wasteful for everything that they will not outdated.

6. It's a blacked out blur But I'm pretty sure it ruled

This lyric is also related with previous lyric. The songwriter also describes the pictures which have uploaded into internet. The picture is blurry and looks black because that picture was taken when she was drunk and the condition of the room was dark. Here, the songwriter thought that the picture would be hot news in her environment. She knows that the party last night was great and people who came will remember the situation. The songwriter did not worry if that picture will ruin her popularity instead raising her popularity. She has her own way to think and that build her character in social. This is also shows the nature of social condition where the people think that the negative attitude is not a problem anymore, but actually makes people more famous. Here, the lyric is categorized in Ethical Hedonism where the way of express or talk by individual is aim to show how high level of education they have and also show their way to think.

7. Last Friday Night, we danced on tabletops, we took too many shots This lyric above is the result of the songwriter who try to figure out the party last night. She remembered anything that happened at the party. The sentence “we danced on tabletops” explains that she dance happily on the table and let all problems gone for a while. She did not think about all the matter after the party. She wondered that she will fix all the problems after party is over. She turn herself into type of hedonism where she will do anything to get more happiness and pleasure however it wastes her money, time, drink alcohol, and arrogant with others who did not have same way of think. She also says that she took too many shots. Here, the songwriter


tells why she smells like a mini bar at the lyric before. The songwriter uses the word “shots” because she was drunk with her friend. Here also show the social condition where everyone can express their feeling without thinking the effect. They only thought their self and forgetting all the people who care about them. This lyric is included in Egoistic Hedonism.

8. Last Friday night we maxed our credit cards And got kicked out of the bar, So we hit the boulevard

The lyric above still related to previous ones. Here the songwriter continue showing more of their habit when she wasted her money in credit card for drink. She said “we maxed our credit cards” means that there is not only one person who wasted money in the card, but everyone who joined with her spent their credit card to drunk. They did not feel bad when use their money to nothing until their money in credit card is exhausted. Furthermore, the songwriter tells that they are kicked out of the bar because they are not having money anymore and then they go to the boulevard to waste their night. The song writer explains that they did not care about their self and consider to force their self to enjoy everything until they cannot do that at all. The songwriter assumed everyone feel happy and they know what they are going to do but they are also do not know. This seems too egoist. In this sentence, the same hedonism attitude as the previous sentence is identified. It indicates the social condition when person who would spend the time to have fun and ignore anything. This kind of Hedonism happens without anyone tells, in other words it has become a habit. This lyric is included in Egoistic Hedonism.

9. Last Friday night, Yeah I think we broke the law Always say we're gonna stop


This lyric above means that the songwriter starting aware of their activities. In this sentence, songwriter tries to fix her mistakes and promise to never do it again. The songwriter realized that what she did was a mistake. She thought that they are broke the law when they drunk, danced on the tabletop, and made a big party at night. She feels like a rebellion in get the happiness and pleasure. Then, the songwriter said that they will make a promise to stop being like that. This shows the social condition when they feel that they are doing right, but eventually they realize that they were doing wrong. That character included in one type of hedonism. This lyric include in Ethical Hedonism who show their high level education when they talk and realize the mistake to get proud as people are considered to have been thinking consciously and wise.

10.But this Friday Night, Do it all again, This Friday Night, Do it all again In the lyric above is related with previous lyric. The songwriter warned that he would be stop to break the law and promise to not repeat it again. Furthermore, the songwriter deny her promises. In lyric above, she wants to repeat again all the way party to get more happiness. This is habit of people who always feel never enough to get pleasure and happiness. They always want to be happy again and again. Still related to the previous sentence, it proves how the songwriter having fun in her life and ignoring social life that happen around her, does not care about other‟s problem, does not care about the time for work, and forget the tendency to tolerate. This lyric is also included to Egoistic Hedonism.

11.Chandelier is on the floor Ripped my favorite party dress

The lyric above is included in Aesthetic Hedonism. In the beginning of song, the songwriter tried to figure out the mess in her house when party last night


happened. In this lyric, the songwriter remember anything at the party and realize that her house was break and messy. Chandelier is on the floor described that party has become uncontrolled. Then, the songwriter also mentions that her favorite party dress was ripped. This lyric shows that her friend doing things that are not supposed to but she did not care anymore when her friend doing like that to cover their self and considers it is commonly happen in the middle of party. This is explain that the social condition is not under control and tends to be inconsiderate.

4.1.2.b. Party All Night by Sean Kingston

In the second title of the song” Party All Night”, there are 13 lyrics contain hedonism in the song; they are:

 We like to sleep all day, and party all night  This is how we like to live our life

 Ain't no time for seclusion,

 Come on and put a bottle in your hand, go 'til you can't stand and just rock it, rock it, rock it.

 It's feeling like a festival tonight with them flashing lights and we rock it, rock it, rock it.

 We don't got a worry in sight and until it gets bright outside  We breakin' all the rules that we know

 We outta control, we rock and we roll

 Ain't nothing gonna ever stop the party, you know we go, we all

 I got a feeling everything is gonna be alright so come on, come on, come on


 We goin' like a rebel with a cause and we breakin' the laws and we rock it, rock it, rock it.

 No hibernation no, not until the day comes we gonna paint the town red 'til God knows when

Party all night by Sean Kingston tells about people being lazy to do the activity in the morning and prefer to have a party at night. According to the songwriter, the important thing that everyone needs to do is sleep all day and have party until they forget their responsibility. This is also a form of hedonism where people don‟t want to make their self busy. They just want to spend their time without doing anything or made some party and have fun.

The writer wants to analyze the hedonism from this song and describe the songwriter views about having fun. This song also met requirement of hedonism. There are; Having instant view, this leads to the next attitude where rationalization or justification to meet the pleasure, Have the pleasure of relativity above average, Fulfilling many desires that arise spontaneously, and no matter how much money they earned, they will always find any ways to spend them over again for many goods. Therefore, the writer will analyze the song lyric to reveal hedonism nowadays. In the first lyric:

1. We like to sleep all day, and party all night.

From the lyric above, the songwriter starts to declare that people lifestyle at this time, they like to sleep all day and make a party all night long. This proves that hedonism is infected and changes the habit in this time. Lazy, no respectful and responsible is the character of the people nowadays. Here, “sleep all day” telling us that everyone feels like doing nothing and prone lazy. This lyric proves that social


condition of the people today is consume lifestyle who always wasting everything is the good way to express the happy feeling. This lyric is categorized in Egoistic Hedonism.

2. This is how we like to live our life

From the lyric above, it is clearly explained that we are living in hedonism era. The songwriter said that we like it, we walk in it and we keep that attitude as our character. It means that people are happy for it and do not want to leave this lifestyle. This proves that the songwriter guarantee his statement and very confident to declare it because he is not the only one who believe it. This also proves that social condition at the time is not like the previous time where people consider religion at the same time to get more pleasure. This includes in Universal Hedonism.

3. Ain't no time for seclusion.

This lyric also includes in Universal Hedonism. The lyric above aims to encourage people to not seclude themselves when other people want to have fun. This lyric proves that the pressure to have fun does not only come from our desire. This is what makes Paradox of Hedonism happens. Veenhoven (2003) said that the real truth is not always going to be right, it can possibly a thing that right things become wrong. Social environment around requires us to be able to live quietly and comfortably, but instead , it also forces us to follow a lifestyle that tends to go on the spree.

4. Come on and put a bottle in your hand, go 'til you can't stand and just rock it, rock it, rock it.


The lyric above shows that the habit of people when they have their own a party. The lyric above clearly shows about drunk, do activities that are not important, wasting time and money, and all of them aim to have fun. In this lyric also explains the hedonism in people‟s lives. The negative effect of hedonism is growing in nowadays. The people today do not care about their health and personality. Even they feel that lifestyle is important and need to be kept the fact they are wrong. They lose their mind and their logic of thinking. There is an invitation in the lyrics above. It means that the lyric above show the social character‟s of people who want to have fun together. This lyric categorized in Universal Hedonism.

5. It's feeling like a festival tonight with them flashing lights and we rock it, rock it, rock it.

This lyric shows there are many people nowadays tend to make party and kind of festival. The lyric above also explains the look of hedonism. The song writer described the hedonism party who has character with flashing lights. The sentence “rock it rock it” also appears in previous lyric, it is means that this lyric also have relation with the previous one. The meaning of “rock it, rock it, rock it” is to rise the atmosphere of the party. It is similar with words “come on, and let‟s go”. The social condition assumes that the support to get happiness is legal and need to be explored as much as possible. This lyric is categorized in Universal Hedonism.

6. We don't got a worry in sight and until it gets bright outside.

The lyric above means that songwriter believes that the perfective of the social environment does not matter for him. He let everyone to judge him in any reason but he doesn‟t care. He put himself in the freedom to act and being apathetic. He tries to careless about social around. He prefers to have party and make a heroic


action but doesn‟t not care for anything. Here, the songwriter also said that he will have party until the sun arise and bright. It proves that the songwriter will made party until morning day. This is show the social condition toward Hedonism on people when they are in the party. The apathetic character comes from the personal satisfaction after they get the pleasure they seek. This apathetic character also has relation to human psychological condition when human gest satisfaction after complete their goals in life. This lyric is categorized in Ethical Hedonism.

7. We breakin' all the rules that we know

This lyric is explains about the attitude of the people. In this time, people always showed rebellious attitude. The habit of the people today is created from the social environment too. Social environment is not in the right role as the social character control. In the lyric above, people wants to break all the rules who created by the social environment. Even though the rules which applied to control the social attitude in fact they want to break it to gain their freedom. It relates to liberalism these days. A person can be free to do things without any substantial laws or rules. This is categorized in Egoistic Hedonism.

8. We outta control, we rock and we roll

This lyric is relates to the previous lyric. Here, the people want to make a new rule which do not bond their freedom. From the lyric “we outta control”, we can take an assumption that they do not want to follow the laws and rules. In the next lyric shows the songwriter feeling that the people have strong confidence of their own rules. It is one of the characters of Hedonism where they do not to keep in touch with social environment beliefs. The image of people today as Egoist human being. It is also categorized in Egoistic Hedonism.


9. Ain't nothing gonna ever stop the party, you know we go, we all The lyric means that the songwriter also describes the people are confident yet arrogant choice of act. They never think to stop their party when people around feel disturb. They have their own way to get happiness in the crucial condition. In the lyric “Nothing gonna ever stop the party”, the people believe they are not going to stop the party. They will try every way to keep the party all night long. This is supported in the next lyric “you know we go, we all”. This shows that people share the same confident and arrogant character. In this condition, the social environment does not attempt to stop the party and let them continue the wrong attitude which hoped to those people will understand to stop. This character is considered as Egoistic hedonism too.

10.I got a feeling everything is gonna be alright so come on, come on, come on.

The lyric above is about confidence of the people. They think that people who feel disturb around do not attempt to stop them. It has relation with previous lyric. They are feeling strong and free in the party. So, they will not stop their event until they want. This is also explain that the people live is a freedom to do anything and do not care about the social mind where it has the rules which make and control of social environment attitude. The lyric above also shows the invitation. The word “come on, come on, come on” means that the songwriter urges the people to continue what they have thought and leave the rules who control social environment. This lyric is included in Ethical Hedonism.


The lyric above the song writer invites people to make a party. As we know, the song writer tells that he like to make a party at night. He wants everyone to join in the party and celebrate their freedom. He tried to make everyone feel the same feeling that party will made the good condition. Here, the social condition allows people to force everyone to follow his own will to get more pleasure. It is indicated in Egoistic Hedonism.

12.We goin' like a rebel with a cause and we breakin' the laws and we rock it, rock it, rock it.

This lyric has similar with previous lyric where the songwriter portrays the people like to breaking the laws but this lyric is not same with previous. The lyric above shows that the Aesthetic Hedonism where the people try to build an image of a rebellious and free person. The songwriter describes the character of the people who do not abide by the rules. It explains that the social environments are in the negative effect of hedonism where they build their image by breaking the rules traded for their freedom. So why the writer choose this lyric categorized as Aesthetic Hedonism because nowadays people tends to get an intense pleasure by looking or labeling more rebellious than the others.

13.No hibernation no, not until the day comes we gonna paint the town red 'til God knows when.

The lyric above show that a person doesn‟t rest until they achieve personal maximum pleasure, “till god knows when” is used as metaphor that human, conscious or not, will seek pleasure until their last days of life. The lyric “No hibernation, no, not until the day comes” explain that they will not ever stop to party


until all people join with them. They will never sleep and rest until they achieve that. The lyric above also explains that they will spread the spirit of party to all people around the town. The social condition accommodates it. Everyone has to happy and share to the other in every way. This is considers as Egoistic Hedonism.

4.1.2.c. Good Time by Owl City

In the third title of the song” Good Time”, there are 9 lyrics that contain hedonism in the song; they are:

 It's always a good time

 Hands up if you're down to get down tonight  Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care  Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere  I'm in if you're down to get down tonight

 Good morning and good night I'll wake up at twilight It's gonna be alright We don't even have to try

 Checked out of my room, hit the ATM, let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight

 Doesn't matter when It's always a good time then  Doesn't matter where It's always a good time there

Good Time by Owl City tells about the people who having a good time. In this song also have some of kind of Hedonism. The songwriter explain that the people always have a good time to make a party wherever it is. The songwriter also puts some word which indicates Hedonism. There are some more specific examples as well such as when Owl City sings, "hands up" which show that they invite other to


come into the party. The song is very happy and intended for dancing too, which reflects by depicting lots of different events from a party and featuring really happy people. The writer also wants to analyze the hedonism from this song and explain the songwriter‟s perspective about having fun. This song also met requirement of hedonism. There are; having instant view, have the pleasure of relativity above average, fulfilling many desires that arise spontaneously, and no matter how much money they earned, the hedonist always find ways to spend them over again for many expensive goods. There are some lyrics need to focus to analyze, there are:

1. It's always a good time

The lyric above is categorized in Ethical Hedonism because the songwriter has confident to say “it is always a good time”. The mindset of the songwriter is to tell everyone that there is no bad day to have fun and feeling happy. There is always have a chance to make a party and forget everything that make you sad. This is shown that the songwriter belief with his own mind. This is also reflected to the social condition where the people who always tried to show his thoughts or speech to get praised by others.

2. Hands up if you're down to get down tonight

The lyric above explains about the habit of people when have a plan to make a party. According to the songwriter, people who like to invite other people to join in party usually give some signs to the others with a word “Hands up”. This is meant they want other people feeling the happiness too. In other side, the songwriter also describes a different meaning in the lyric. In fact, the songwriter tries to raise his character to become more popular than anyone else. I suppose that this is true answer with the real purpose of the songwriter to understand the lyric above and also show



"Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)"

There's a stranger in my bed, There's a pounding in my head

Glitter all over the room Pink flamingos in the pool

I smell like a minibar DJ's passed out in the yard

Barbie's on the barbeque This a hickie or a bruise

Pictures of last night Ended up online

I'm screwed Oh well It's a blacked out blur But I'm pretty sure it ruled


Last Friday night Yeah, we danced on tabletops

And we took too many shots Think we kissed but I forgot

Last Friday night

Yeah, we maxed our credit cards And got kicked out of the bar


Last Friday night We went streaking in the park

Skinny dipping in the dark Then had a ménage à trois

Last Friday night Yeah I think we broke the law

Always say we're gonna stop Op-oh-oh

This Friday night Do it all again This Friday night

Do it all again

Trying to connect the dots Don't know what to tell my boss

Think the city towed my car Chandelier is on the floor Ripped my favorite party dress

Warrant's out for my arrest Think I need a ginger ale That was such an epic fail


55 Party All Night by Sean Kingston

We like to sleep all day, and party all night This is how we like to live our life

Hands up, King-King-Kingston Let's go

It's revolution, yeah Ain't no time for seclusion, yeah

Come on and put a bottle in your hand, go 'til you can't stand And just rock it, rock it, rock it, whoa

So much confusion, yeah 'Cause everybody's losing it

It's feeling like a festival tonight with them flashing lights And we rock it, rock it, rock it, whoa

And we don't got a worry in sight and until it gets bright outside We breakin' all the rules that we know

We outta control, we rock and we roll

Ain't nothing gonna ever stop the party, you know we go, we all

We like to sleep all day and party all night This is how we like to live our life I got a feeling everything is gonna be alright


let's party tonight Intoxication, yeah The feel of liberation, yeah

We goin' like a rebel with a cause and we breakin' the laws And we rock it, rock it, rock it, whoa

No hibernation, no No, not until the day comes, no

We gonna paint the town red 'til God knows when 'Cause we rock it, whoa


57 Good Time by Owl City

Woah-oh-oh-oh It's always a good time

Woah-oh-oh-oh It's always a good time

Woke up on the right side of the bed What's up with this Prince song inside my head?

Hands up if you're down to get down tonight 'Cause it's always a good time

Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere I'm in if you're down to get down tonight

'Cause it's always a good time

Good morning and good night I'll wake up at twilight

It's gonna be alright We don't even have to try


It's always a good time

Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh It's always a good time Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh

We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

Freaked out, dropped my phone in the pool again Checked out of my room, hit the ATM Let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight

'Cause it's always a good time

Doesn't matter when It's always a good time then

Doesn't matter where It's always a good time there

Doesn't matter when, It's always a good time then