Building Knowledge of Field BKOF 2. Explanation Joint construction test 4. Individually construction test Ending the lesson

Although the lesson plan helped the writer in teaching vocabulary, but external factors which affected during the lesson could interrupt it.

C. Discussion 1. The Process of Teaching Vocabulary in The 5

th Students of SDN Nglorog 3 Sragen The head master of SDN Nglorog 3 asked the writer to teach the fifth grade. When the writer had the job training in the school, the students were given formal English, because they were prepared for the formal English course in the secondary School In SDN Nglorog 3, English Lesson is given from the 1 st grade until the 6 th grade classes. English becomes an additional course, because it is not a major lesson, such as mathematics, social sciences, and Indonesian Language. The teacher teaches English every Thursday at 9.00 am until 10.15 am. The process of teaching vocabulary in the 5 th grade students consists of :

1. Building Knowledge of Field BKOF 2. Explanation

3. Joint construction test 4. Individually construction test

5. Ending the lesson

1 . Building Knowledge of Field In the beginning of the lesson, the teacher began the class by greeting, checking the student attendance, and singing a song. The teacher started the lesson by greeting. Teacher : “Good afternoon, students?” Students : “Good afternoon, mom.” Teacher : “How are you today?” Students : “I am fine. Thank you and you?” Teacher : “I am fine too. Thank you.” After greeting, the teacher checked the student attendance by calling the name of students one by one. Next, the teacher gave a song and sang it alone, and then the students sang that song together by repeating after her. After the song was ended, we clapped hand together to build our spirit. The song is: “Good Morning 3x” “How are you” “Good morning 3x. I am fine thank you” Before using techniques to introduce the lesson, the teacher had to lead a brainstorming step. It was very important, because it could encourage the students. The teacher asked students some questions related with the topic. The question would make students pay attention to her. Besides, it could show the background of the student’s knowledge about the material. For example, the teacher taught about profession. Teacher : “What kinds of profession do you know ?” “Macam-macam pekerjaan apa yang kamu ketahui ?” Students : ” Dokter, perawat, guru” Teacher : “What is your father?” “Apa pekerjaan ayahmu ?” Student : “Sopir” Teacher : “Oh.. Your father is a driver. Please, repeat after me “a driver” “Oh. Ayahmu seorang sopir.Tolong tirukan saya,”a driver” Student : “A driver”. The students did not know the meaning those questions asked by the teacher, so she repeated it in Indonesian, in order that they could answer those questions. If they did not answer in English, they would answer those questions in their mother tongue in Javanese, or in Indonesian. The teacher also said to students that we would learn about something and she explained the purpose after the lesson.

2. Explanation