USAIDCOMFISH communication activities Activities


3.3.5 USAIDCOMFISH communication activities

The USAIDCOMFISH project’s communication component is designed to disseminate information on the entire process of instituting UGD development plans for the sustainable management of the project’s target stocks, on one hand, and to help raise the project’s profile and contribute towards behavior change in the beneficiary fishing committees, on the other. It is in this regard that emphasis was placed, in year one and two, on launching the project officially, erecting signboards and disseminating other project profile enhancing materials flyers, kakemonos, banners, bi-weeklies, etc.., and meeting with the press and with others to devise a communication strategy for the project. The objective of this strategy was first to improve internal communication within the project team, including between the project team, the donor USAID and the main project beneficiaries CLPA and DPM MPAM; and secondly, to support and profile project activities. This strategy made it possible to identify the key target groups to influence on climate change, poor fishing practices and the good governance of fishery resources. It made it possible also to identify the communication approachesactivities and tools to use for the target groups identified, as well as the mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating these activities. The efforts to develop this strategy involved key project partners representatives from CLPA, FENAGIE, DPM, WWF, CSE, FIT, IUPA, community radios, etc.. The process of supporting, disseminating and communicating project activities will continue in year three. Specific activities that are performed traditionally will also be implemented. These include media coverage of project activities, the publication of bi-weeklies, success stories, audiovisual productions on the key activities of the project, and project visibility on the Internet. The activities to be implemented are described below: Disseminating the Conventions Locales and management plans Once the Conventions Locales and management plans are finalized, the project will disseminate them through community andor local radios and by using other appropriate communication media together with key stakeholders based on the communities concerned. Success-stories There were plans in year two to publish at least two success stories, as provided in the Branding strategy put in place together with USAID. Publicizing the declaration by women in the fisheries sector During the first two quarters in year 3, the project will publicize the declaration by women in fisheries via the community radios covering target zone CLPAs and publish a brochure on the statement for potential partners. Videos In accordance with new USAID requirements, the USAIDCOMFISH project intends in year three to produce two videos on its mid-term results andor some of its key areas. These videos will be broadcast on the websites of USAID and URICRC, as well as on YouTube and social networks like Facebook. To do so, the project will hire external service providers. Press junket In the last two quarters of year 3, a press junket will be organized to document how the Conventions Locales are developed on project sites. The press junket is aimed at raising the public profile and added value of the project collaborative management of fisheries in Senegal by spotlighting concrete achievements on the ground. About a dozen print, online, television and radio journalists will go to 61 the field to report on project and partner activities, using through the appropriate public information mediums. Expected results : • 2 Success-stories are prepared • 2 TVRadio programs for disseminating Conventions Locales • Photo report; • Media coverage press articles, TV reports on Conventions Locales and climate change bad fishing practices; • ‘Fact sheet’ on the conventions locales • 2 videos on the project’s flagship activities • Project information update on the FTF and URI websites Focal point: Frédéric BAMBARA Colleagues involved: Vaque NDIAYE, Niane, outreach workers, Khady Sané Diouf Partner institutions: GREP, CLPA, AMARC, DPM, WWF, Alliance Activity timeline: Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Disseminate the declaration by women in the fishing trade X X Support the implementation of the Conventions Locales through community radios X X X Produce 2 success stories X X Prepare a photo report on the key aspects of fishing in the USAIDCOMFISH project target area landings, fishing pier, machinery, processing of fishery products, coastal erosion, monitoring activities, CLPAs, etc. X X Conduct a press junket document the development and implementation of CLs as a tool for FR management X X 2 videos on the project’s flagship activities X X Update and manage the USAID FTF website X X X Publish and distribute brochures on best fishing practices X X Results on performance plan and indicators Indicators Targets Notes 3: Number of print and audiovisual materials pro- duced for building the capacities of collaborative management institutions and stakeholders in the fisheries sector 1 A document on the process of develop- ing Conventions Locales; 3 radio pro- grams in 3 community radios