UPNBind Plug-In Understanding the General Purpose Plug-Ins

4-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory ■ FirstSuccess: The UPNBind plug-in binds as the first user. If that bind fails, the UPNBind plug-in proceeds through the list of all users until it finds a successful bind. AdapterName Identifies the adapter to use for authentication. If the user entry is not present in the specified adapter, the LDAP bind fails with an Invalid Credentials message. This is an optional parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the plug-in considers all the available adapters for authenticating the user. This parameter is useful for improving the plug-ins performance when you know which adapter is used for authentication.

4.2.4 ForkJoin Plug-In

Supported only for Join View Adapters, the ForkJoin plug-in enables you to search against the primary adapter, the secondary adapters, or both primary and secondary adapters in a Join View. During LDAP search, when a search filter contains one or more attributes that are available only in secondary adapter, without this plug-in, Oracle Virtual Directory cannot return Joined entries that satisfies the filter, as the entire search filter is sent only to the primary adapter. Using the ForkJoin Plug-in, Oracle Virtual Directory can search on attributes only in the primary adapter, only in the secondary adapter, and in both the primary and secondary adapters. For example, user data resides in multiple identity sources, with samaccountname, sn, givenname, employeenumber in Active Directory. However, the title attribute is stored in a Human Resources database. If Active Directory is configured as the primary adapter; Human Resources database as the secondary adapter; and if the ForkJoin plug-in is deployed, when an LDAP enabled application queries the user data based on samaccountname, on title, or both Oracle Virtual Directory returns the entry that satisfies the filter and includes both Active Directory and the Human Resources database data. Configuration Parameters

The ForkJoin plug-in has the following configuration parameters: SecondaryOnlyAttributes A list of attributes that are present only in the secondary adapter and which the application can use in the search filter. The attributes identified by the SecondaryOnlyAttributes configuration parameter cannot also be identified by the PrimaryAndSecondaryAttributes configuration parameter. PrimaryAndSecondaryAttributes A list of attributes that are present in both the primary and secondary adapters and which the application can use in the search filter. The attributes identified by the PrimaryAndSecondaryAttributes configuration parameter cannot also be identified by the SecondaryOnlyAttributes configuration parameter. JoinPolicy Supports the following settings: ■ Standard Join: Returns all entries that satisfy the search filter in the primary adapter after joining the corresponding entries in secondary adapters. Note: At a minimum, you must set either the SecondaryOnlyAttributes or PrimaryAndSecondaryAttributes configuration parameter to deploy the ForkJoin plug-in. Understanding Oracle Virtual Directory Plug-Ins 4-7 ■ Left Outer Join: Returns all the entries in the primary adapter after joining with corresponding entries in secondary adapter Standard Join, and returns entries from the secondary adapter that satisfy the join condition and which have a corresponding match in primary adapter. This is the equivalent to Left Outer Join in database terminology. ■ Full Outer Join: Returns all the entries in the primary adapter after joining with corresponding entries in secondary adapter Standard Join; returns entries from the secondary adapter that satisfy the join condition and which have a corresponding match in primary adapter Left Outer Join; and returns entries from the secondary adapter that satisfy the search filter but do not have a matching entry in primary adapter. This is the equivalent to Left Outer Join + Right Outer Join in database terminology. Example ForkJoin Plug-In Deployment