Click the Adapter tab, click the adapter for the Enterprise User Security

Configuring Oracle Virtual Directory for Integrated Directory Solutions 19-11 13. Load your domain root information in the realmRoot.ldif file into Oracle Virtual Directory using the following command: ORACLE_HOME binldapmodify -h Oracle_Virtual_Directory_Host –p OVD_Port \ -D bindDN -q -v -a –f realmRoot.ldif 14. Create a new LDAP Adapter for the user search base in Active Directory using the following settings and by entering the Active Directory host information, including the Remote Base. Refer to Creating LDAP Adapters on page 12-3 for information on creating LDAP Adapters. ■ Use the EUS_ActiveDirectory template for the adapter. ■ For Remote Base, enter the container in Active Directory, for example: cn=users,dc=adrealm,dc=com 15. Check if the mapping is already deployed. If it is, go to step 16 now. If the mapping is not deployed, you must create a mapping for the Active Directory user search base adapter by clicking the Create Mapping button, then select, then enter a unique mapping name, then click the OK button, and then click the Apply button. 16. Add the Mapped Namespace to the orclcommonusersearchbase under cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=oraclecontext,OID realm. You can use an LDIF file such as: dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=oraclecontext,dc=oracle,dc=com changetype: modify add: orclcommonusersearchbase orclcommonusersearchbase: cn=users,dc=adrealm,dc=com 17. Create the following ACLs. Refer to Creating Access Control Lists Using Oracle Directory Services Manager on page 16-1 for information on creating ACLs. If you have customized your ACLs after installing Oracle Virtual Directory, you must adjust the following ACL settings to include your customizations. Note: The realmRoot.ldif file contains core entries in the directory namespace that Enterprise User Security queries. The realmRoot.ldif file also contains the dynamic group that contains the registered Enterprise User Security databases to allow secured access to sensitive Enterprise User Security related attributes, like the user’s Enterprise User Security hashed password attribute. Target DN cn=subschemasubentry Scope subtree Applies To Entry Grant Browse DN and Return DN Access Public Target DN cn=subschemasubentry Scope subtree Applies To All Attributes