Definition of Term INTRODUCTION

in school 2007:vii. After the study’s completed, he knows that there is no significant difference between student’s perception on bullying behaviour in school 2007: 55. Another study of bullying is done by Justinus Parlindungan Sihombing. The study entitled Yogyakarta People Attitude toward School Bullying aims “to assess the attitude of people in Yogyakarta toward school bullying” 2010:viii. This study researches people living in Yogyakarta. The respondents are 14- 64 years old. The writer of this study concludes that the subjects of this study have negative attitudes towards bullying 2010: 63. Indriyani Sitompul also has a study on bullying. Her study titled Bullying Phenomenon at Boys and Girls Student in 2 nd of PIRI I Junior High School Yogyakarta tries to “study the types of bullying that exist, the places where often be used to bully in school environment, the different of a number of the victim and perpetrator of bullying between boys and girls student, the effect of bullying to the bullies and the victims” 2008:viii. As the result of the study, Indriyani Sitompul shows that bullying oftenly happens in PIRI I Junior High School Yogyakarta 2008: 62. Considering any data got, the writer decides to have a study on the object of the study with the focus of the study chosen. With this study, the writer wants to discover something new, in this case the result of social bullying toward the victim, with an object of the study that has not been discussed as a research. Any tendencies of plagiarism can be put out.

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theories of Character and Characterization

In every story, there must be characters running the story. It can be one be the main character or not. Without any character in the story, it will not be a story anymore. Characters appear in every part of the story bringing their motivation. In drama, a character can be called as actor or actress. Their appearance brings dialogue written in the script. In A Glossary of Literary Terms: Fourth Edition, M.H Abrams states the definition of character. The persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say-the dialogue- and by what they do-the action. The grounds in a character’s temperament and moral nature for his speech and actions constitute his motivation. Abrams, 1981: 34 Abrams also states that the characterization is “the process by which the characters are rendered to make them seem real to the reader” Abcarian, Richard, Marvin Klotz, 1998: 6 and characterization can be “revealed by what characters do, say, and by what other characters say or reveal” Abcarian, Richard, Marvin Klotz ,1998: 21. Hugh Holman and William Harmon brings another definition to examine. For them, character is a brief descriptive sketch of personage who typifies some definite quality. In the biography and the history, the author presents the characters of actual persons; and in fiction the drama, the novel, the short story, and the narrative poem, the author reveals the characters of imaginary persons. The creation of these imaginary persons so that they exist for the reader as lifelike is called characterization. The ability to characterize is a primary attribute of a good writer Holman and Harmon, 1986: 81. According to Holman and Harmon, there are three fundamental methods of characterization in fiction. The first one is “the explicit presentation by the author of the character through direct exposition, either in an introductory block or more often piecemeal throughout the work, illustrated by action” 1986: 81. The second one, they state that “the presentation of the character in action, with little or no explicit comment by the author, in the expectation that the reader will be able to deduce the attributes of the actor from the actions; and the last one” 1986: 81. For the last one “the representation from within a character, without comment on the character by the author, of the impact of actions and emotions on the character’s inner self, with the expectation that the reader will come to a clear understanding of the attributes of the character” 1986: 81 comes as one of the fundamental methods of characterization.

2. Theories of Social Bullying and the Impact of Social Bullying

In social life, there are connections among a person toward the others. In childhood, children play and interact with their friends as a form of interaction in their age. These interactions result many things. Interactions can result good or bad things. The good things can be in the form of friendship or healthy peer. On the contrary, bad things can come in the form of bullying. Referring to the age of the characters, the victim and the doers of social bullying, in the book, the writer finds out the age range. The age range of the characters is 11-12 years old since