Farid Hemon FARID HEMON, 2006 . Effectiveness of Repeat Cycling In Vitro Selection

ii PERNYATAAN MENGENAI DISERTASI DAN SUMBER INFORMASI Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa disertasi yang berjudul : “Efektifitas Seleksi In Vitro Berulang untuk Mendapatkan Plasma Nutfah Kacang Tanah yang Toleran terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan dan Resisten terhadap Penyakit Busuk Batang Sclerotium rolfsii” adalah karya saya sendiri dengan arahan Komisi Pembimbing dan belum pernah diajukan dalam bentuk apapun untuk memperoleh gelar program sejenis di perguruan tinggi lain. Sumber informasi yang berasal atau dikut ip dari karya yang diterbitkan maupun tidak diterbitkan dari penulis lain telah disebutkan dalam teks dan dicantumkan dalam daftar pustaka di bagian akhir disertasi ini. Bogor, Desember 2006

A. Farid Hemon

A361020051AGR iii ABSTRACT

A. FARID HEMON, 2006 . Effectiveness of Repeat Cycling In Vitro Selection

to Produce Drought Tolerant and Stem Rot Sclerotium rolfsii Resistant Peanut Germplasm. SUDARSONO, RUSMILAH SUSENO, HAJRIAL ASWIDINNOOR, dan WIDODO . The main limiting factors of peanut cultivation in dry land are water insufficient and S. rolfsii infection. The effort of peanut cultivation management in upland is use of drought tolerant and disease resistant cultivar. Application of somaclonal variation induction and in vitro selection using selective agent is reliable method to be developed to create new peanut line. For this reason, the objectives of this research were to evaluate effectiveness of 1 repeat cycling in vitro selection using medium containing polyethylene glycol PEG and culture filtrate of S. rolfsii to obtain drought tolerant and stem rot disease resistant peanut cultivar, respectively, and 2 double in vitro selection in both medium containing PEG and culture filtrate. The experiment was inisiated with induction of somaclonal variation in MS medium containing picloram 16 µM MS-P16. Medium of MS-P16 that added PEG 15 as selective agent for drought stress and MS-P16 medium with culture filtrate 30 as selective agent for disease resistance. Embriogenic calli were placed on PEG medium during three mont hs per cycle. PEG insensitive somatic embryos SE were proliferated, and this SE named SE Pi-I. Somatic embryos Pi-I were secondly selected on PEG medium repeat cycling, two cycles, ES Pi-II. In vitro double selection was done with challenge SE Pi-I against culture filtrate medium, and insensitive SE named SE PFi-I. Repeat cycling and double in vitro selection against culture filtrate medium as same as PEG in vitro selection. In vitro selection on culture filtrate medium was gotten insensitive SE one cycle Fi-I, SE two cycles repeat cycling selection, Fi-II. Somatic embryos Fi-I was selected on PEG mediun double selection, SE FPi-I. All insensitive selected SEs from repeat cycling and double in vitro selection were germinated to generate plantlets R0 generation. These plants were harvested to obtain R0:1 seeds. The seeds were grown R1 plant to produce R1:2 seeds. These plants of R2 generation were used to somaclonal plant evaluation against PEG stress, water stress, and pathogen infection. Result of this research showed 1 after repeat cycling in vitro selection, PEG and culture filtrate insensitive SE and its R0 shoot of cv. Kelinci and Singa were respectively more tole rance against PEG and culture filtrate stress, 2 while one identified from double selection were more tolerance to both PEG and culture filtrate medium, 3 peanut plant of R0 and R1 resulted from repeat cycling and double in vitro selection consisted of qualitative and quantitative variants, 4 plant performance produced from repeat cycling in vitro selection to PEG was lesser leaf necrosed symptom and more survive under PEG stress, 5 somaclonal plants regenerated from repeat cycling in vitro selection against PEG were more tolerance to water defisit, produced higher vegetative growth and dry pod yield, and lower dry pod yield reduction, 6 regenerant peanut plants resulted from selected SE two cycles against culture filtrate were more resistance to S. rolfsii infection and produced higher dry pod yield and lower dry pod yield reduction. iv Finally, this research has showed that repeat cycling and double in vitro selection more effective to produce drought tolerance and S. rolfsii resistance peanut germplasm. v ABSTRAK

A. FARID HEMON, 2006 . Efektifitas Seleksi In Vitro Berulang untuk