The Use of Folktales in Learning English Motivation in Learning English by Using Folktales

3. They are found everywhere. Every culture has long traditions of oral story telling so that students can learn about different cultures by studying folktales, collect folktales from their own families and communities and write or dramatize their own variants of traditional tales. b. The negative aspect of folktales 1. In folktales, usually there is no known original version of writer, and obviously folktales is often written down or retold using features of original dialects, not in standard English so that the story of folktales is difficult to understand. 2. The story about fairy tales can make the students develop their fantasy of unreal world.

F. The Use of Folktales in Learning English

All people are busy with their habitual action and daily life. All of them have aims that maybe driven by their needs like food, clothing, and housing. These needs are important to support their life. It is not easy to get the needs if there is no force for doing the activities or no motivation. It means that motivation is a crucial factor to support us to do something. Students in a class may have different motivation in learning English. Someone’s purpose in learning English maybe for business that is for getting a job. But other may learn English because they live in the country where the language is. Today, we find the reality that many students do not want to learn English because they think that learning English is difficult. Moreover, they get bored and tired easily when they read text that is given by the teacher. They only look at the whole text without really read. This feeling make the students lazy to read the text. Because of that, they need high motivations that force them to have an interest to read the English text. As folktales are fun, memorable, and easy to get, they are predicted to be able to raise interest to learn English. So, the stories of folktales are good to be used in the class to support the success of the development of the students’ English skill.

G. Motivation in Learning English by Using Folktales

Motivation to learn comes from within and from without. Sardiman AM said that, “Motivasi intrinsic adalah motif-motif yang menjadi aktif atau berfungsinya tidak perlu dirangsang dari luar, karena dalam diri setiap individu sudah ada dorongan untuk melakukan sesuatu”. 29 Motives do not need stimulation from outside to make it active and function, because it has been there in every person since they have been born. Folktales are not only brings the selection alive for the students but gives each of them a chance to be important. They can tell others what they found significant in the story. Thus, with the story of folktales the students will have a high motivation in learning English. 29 Sardiman, AM, Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar, Jakarta: CV Rajawali, 1986, p. 89


1. The Profile of MTs Negeri Model Babakansirna Bogor

MTs Negeri Model Babakansirna Bogor is a government, which is located at Kp. Pilar RT 0302 Desa Sibanteng Kecamatan Leuwisadeng Kabupaten Bogor. MTs Negeri Model Babakansirna Bogor in 1967. The width of building of MTs Negeri Model Babakansirna Bogor are 4011M2. The process of teaching and learning are in the morning, begin at 07.00 am until 12.30 am. The school itself consists of twenty 24 units of classroom, library, laboratory of Science, laboratory of Computer, art room, auditorium, multimedia room, teachers room, administration room, and head master room. There are twenty 24 classes in the school, which are divided into; nine classes for first grade, nine classes for second grade and six classes for third grade. MTs Negeri Model Babakansirna Bogor has 60 teachers who teach 1.075 students. Below is the data of the students at MTs Negeri Model Babakansirna Bogor. Table 3.1 The Data of the Students at MTs Negeri Model Babakansirna Bogor 200102011 Class Number of Students Unit Locals 1 VII 2 VIII 3 IX 418 Students 417 Students 240 Students 9 Locals 9 Locals 6 Locals Total 1.075 27 Units