Data Collection Methods RESEARCH METHODS

1 bringing their own personal photographs based on the given theme 2 writing the draft 3 answering the teacher’s question 4 revising and editing the draft 5 writing the final work on the white board In this research, evaluation was conducted to know whether the action given could improve the students’ writing achievement and active participation or not. There were two kinds of evaluation in this research; process evaluation and product evaluation. The evaluation of process was carried out by doing the observation during the teaching learning process of recount paragraph writing by using photographs in each meeting in every cycle. Meanwhile, the evaluation of product was done in the form of writing achievement test given after implementing the action. In this research, the action was considered to reach the criteria of success if at least 75 of the students achieved the minimum standard score that is 74 and 75 of the students actively participated by fulfilling at least three indicators of students participation. d. Reflecting the Action Reflection was conducted to examine the results of the test and observation in the first cycle. Its aim was to identify whether or not the action could improve the students’ writing achievement and students’ participation in the first cycle. The results gained in the first cycle were beneficial as a guide to revise the action in the second cycle.

3.6 Data Collection Methods

In conducting a research, data refers to the kind of information which is obtained from the subjects of the research Fraenkel and Wallen, 2009:110. Meanwhile, data collection method is a systematic process which is applied to obtain the data needed. Lodico et al. 2010:323 highlight that the purpose of the data gathered is to more precisely understand the nature of research problem. Thus, it is important to develop appropriate method to collect the data needed. In this research, some different methods were employed to gain the data needed; they are: 1 interview, 2 test, 3 observation, 4 documentation. All of them are explained respectively as follows. 3.6.1 Interview The researcher conducted interview to get some information dealing with the curriculum used in the research area, the problems the students faced in writing skill, and the media usually used by the teacher in teaching learning process. As explained by Arikunto 2006:155 interview is a dialogue done by interviewer to get information from interviewee. There are three types of interview proposed by Arikunto 2006:156; they are: 1 Unguided interview which allows the interviewer to ask free questions as long as it supports the information needed to be collected. 2 Guided Interview borders interviewer to only ask questions based on the list of complete and detail questions which have been prepared before. 3 Combination interview is the combination of both types of interview in which the interviewer brings a list of general questions as a guide in interview and may develop it to get more information needed. In this research, the researcher used guided interview type since the researcher had prepared the question list before interviewing the English teacher. The question list helped the researcher in digging information from the English teacher. The question list covered questions dealing with curriculum being used in English teaching learning at SMP Negeri 9 Jember, types of writing materials used, students’ problems in writing, and the media applied in teaching writing. 3.6.2 Writing Test In this research, the researcher used writing test as the method to get the data about the students’ writing achievement after they were taught by using photographs as visual media. It was administered in each cycle after the action was given. Writing test used in this research belonged to subjective writing test since the students were asked to create recount paragraph writings based on their personal experiences. It is supported by Heaton 1990:25 who mentions that there are two forms of test namely, subjective test and objective test. In subjective test, the candidates must think of what to say and then express their ideas as well as possible, whereas in objective test, the candidates are required to respond with only one correct answer. In addition, according to Hughes 2003:11 there are four types of tests: proficiency test, achievement test, diagnostic test, and placement test. In this research, the writing achievement test was used. The aim of the test was to investigate whether or not the students achieve the minimum requirement standard score after being taught by using photographs in writing a personal recount paragraph. The achievement tests were given to the students in the form of essay test because they had to think of what they had to say and then expressed their ideas into personal recount paragraph writing. In constructing a test, there were criteria which had to be followed in order to produce a good test. Hughes 2003:50 notes that a good test must have validity and reliability. Firstly, he explains that a test is considered to be valid if it measures accurately what is intended to measure. In this research, the researcher used content validity in order to measure accurately what was supposed to measure. Thus, while constructing the test, the researcher consulted to curriculum in which it constitutes a representative sample of the language skills Hughes, 2003:26. All the English materials taught in SMP Negeri 9 Jember were based on KTSP Curriculum. Therefore, the content of writing test was also constructed based on the KTSP Curriculum for the eighth grade of junior high school. Based on the curriculum, students on the eighth grade of junior high school must fulfill one of the basic competences that is able to understand and express facts which deal with activities done in the past recount text through writing or speaking. Relating to the curriculum, on the test, the students were assigned to write a paragraph in the form of personal recount based on their personal photographs with the theme “Recreation”. The theme was chosen based on the material in the book used by the English teacher. The students’ writing should contain about 10 - 15 sentences and the time allocation of the test was 2 x 40 minutes. Secondly, according to Hughes 2003:36, reliability refers to the consistency of test results. In gaining the test results or scores, the researcher used inter-rater reliability. The researcher and the English teacher are determined as the raters. Inter-rater reliability was applied by following some steps: 1 The students’ writing sheets were submitted and then copied. The researcher gave score on the original students’ writing sheets and the English teacher scored on the copied ones. 2 In scoring, both of the raters gave score based on a scoring rubric Appendix 10. 3 The final scores were derived from the scores given by two raters. If there was a gap in scoring between the two raters, both of them discussed to decide the appropriate score. It was also to make the results more reliable. Dealing with the scoring system, analytic scoring method was chosen in this research. As suggested by Hughes 2003:100, “Analytic scoring method is a method of scoring which requires separate score of each of a number of aspects of a task.” There were five aspects in scoring writing skill, namely: content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. 3.6.3 Observation In this research, observation was used to get the data of students’ participation. Arikunto 2006:157 divides the instrument to conduct observation into: 1 non-systematic observation in which the observer does not use instrument and 2 systematic observation in which an instrument is needed in observing. This research used systematic observation in which the instrument was in the form of observation checklist which was used to record students’ participation during the teaching learning process of recount paragraph writing by using photographs. The observation checklist conta ins the indicators of students’ participation Appendix 9. 3.6.4 Documentation In this research, documentation referred to the study of various documents to collect the data about the students’ recount writing paragraph. It is supported by Arikunto 2006:158 who states that in doing documentation, a researcher investigated the data from written documents, such as books, documents, reports, daily notes and so on. In this research, the documents were the curriculum used in SMP Negeri 9 Jember, English materials books used in class 8-C at SMP Negeri 9 Jember in the 20142015 academic year, the teacher syllabus, and the attendance list of the research subjects.

3.7 Data Analysis Method