



















This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

And accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on October 30, 2013

Approved by

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang





Tidak ada balasan untuk kebaikan selain kebaikan (pula). (QS: AR-Rahman)

“Ada tujuh perbuatan yang pahalanya terus mengalir meskipun pemiliknya sudah bersemayam di kuburnya setelah kematiannya: Orang yang mengajarkan ilmu, menggali sungai, menggali sumur, menanam pohon korma, membangun mesjid, mewariskan mushaf atau meninggalkan anak yang memohonkan ampun untuknya

setelah kematiannya.” (HR. Al Mundziri)

Berusahalah hari ini, karena harimu adalah hari ini Jangan memikirkan tentang apa yang akan terjadi dihari esok, Karena kita tidak tahu apa kita akan berjumpa dengan hari esok atau tidak.

DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to: My first Advisor (Mr. Parto) My beloved parents (Mr. Mahmud and Nyonya Yati), My Brother and Sisters (Indra, Uun, and Iva) My lovely Friends (Soeparto‟s Thesis Guidance Group and Bimanist Group in Puspita Boarding House as digital natives who always support me in happiness and sadness way, GBU All guys) And all people who are always help me directly or indirectly.




Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah Hirrabbil Allamin praise be to Allah, the lord of the world, the master of judgment day and the creator of everything in this universe. Because of his merciful, the writer can keep up courage here. The writer would like to express her big thankful to Drs. Soeparto, M.Pd the researcher‟s first advisor and Rahmawati Khadijah Maro, S.Pd, M.PEd the researcher‟s second advisor, for their suggestions, guidance, and advices during did the guidance for long time, always gives the writer good counsel on the problem that was faced during did the guidance about this thesis.

The writer gives big thanks to the writer‟s friends consist of the digital natives and digital immigrants on the researcher‟s facebook especially friends who giving the times to do interviewed, and for digital immigrants thanks for the readily help the writer accepting as friend in facebook, because of digital immigrants‟ status updates the researcher got the data for this research.

Finally, a special thank goes to her beloved father (Mahmud), mother (Yati), brother (Indra), sisters ( Uun and Ivah), her cousin ( Uci, Novi & Rain) her playmate in campus (Nining, Lina & Yuana), and her playmate in kost (Rina, Yayu & Nining again) and her friends who can not be spelled one by one for their time, love, pray, attention, encouragement, jokes, laughable things and for the best support because of they are the writer can finish this thesis.

Malang, October 2013




COVER ... i







CHAPTER I INTORDUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems ... 8

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 8

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 8

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 9

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 9


2.1.1. Definition of Perception ... 11

2.1.2 Types of Perception ... 12

2.1.3 Factors that Influence Perception ... 13

2.2 Digital Immigrant and Digital Native ... 15

2.2.1 Digital Immigrant ... 15 Definition of Digital Immigrant ... 16 Characteristics of Digital Immigrant .. 17

2.2.2 Digital Native ... 18


vii Characteristics of Digital Native ... 20

2.2.3 Positive and Negative Characteristics of Digital Native ... 21 The Positive Characteristics of Digital Native ... 21

2.3 The Comparisons of Digital Immigrant and Digital Native ... 23

2.3.1 The Language of Digital Immigrant and Digital Native ... 27 Language of Digital Immigrant ... 27 Language of Digital Native ... 29

2.4 Social Network ... 31

2.4.1 Definition of Social Network ... 31

2.4.2 Kinds of Social Network ... 32 MySpace ... 32 Twitter ... 33 Facebook ... 34 Facebook's Key Features... 34


3.2 Research Subject ... 37

3.3 Data Collection ... 38

3.3.1 Research Instrument ... 38

3.3.2 Tools ... 39 Observation ... 39 Interview ... 40



3.4 Data Analysis ... 42


4.2 Discussion ... 50


5.2 Suggestion ... 57

Bibliography ... 59

Appendix 1 ... 62

Appendix 2 ... 63

Appendix 3 ... 64

Appendix 4 ... 65

Appendix 5 ... 66

Appendix 6 ... 67

Appendix 7 ... 68

Appendix 8 ... 69

Appendix 9 ... 72

Appendix 10 ... 74

Appendix 11 ... 75

Appendix 12 ... 77

Appendix 13 ... 79

Appendix 14 ... 80

Appendix 15 ... 83

Appendix 16 ... 85

Appendix 17 ... 87




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This chapter discusses the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1Background of the Study

Language is a mean to communicate with the others, language plays as an important role in human interaction in daily life. Moreover, today technology develops faster than period, this situation is one of same factors that influence the language development. When you know a language, you can speak and understand with others who utter that language. According to Rodman (2003), language is the capacity to produce sounds that signify certain meaning and to understand or interpret the sound produced by others.

Science is always getting progressive every time, such as a language will develop sometime and like, or dislike we have to be ready to face that situation. Because of this situation nowadays some scientist divides two names of category based on their age, capacity and ability to face and use technology. Those are digital immigrant and digital native, digital immigrant is a person who was born before 1980 and introduced to technology later in their lives, meanwhile digital native is a person who was born after 1980 and immersed in technology from birth, (Prensky: 2001).



According to Gibbson (2007), there are a number of labels to describe the young people who currently studying at school, college and university, that include as the digital natives, the net generation, the google generation or the millenials. Gibbson (2007) said:

“All of these terms are being used to highlight the significance and importance of new technologies within the lives of young people”. For some, new technologies have been such a defining feature in the lives of younger generations that they predict a fundamental change in the way young people communicate, socialize, create and learn.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher takes conclusion that young people are very familiar with new technologies, and the technology became part of needing that really important to support activity and creativity for young people or digital natives. The transformation happen because one of technology benefit, this transformation looks from attitude of young people such as how young people communicate, socialize, create and learn. For example in young people communicate, most of students communicate with new language that is called as alay language, like using abbreviation such as ABS (Asal Bapak Senang/As Long As You Happy); directed to a bossman), ATM (Agak Telat Mikir/little late to think), BBS (Bobo Bobo Siang/Daylight Sleeps) or mixing between letter and number such as: 2u (to you), 4u (for you), b2 (berdua/both of us), b4 (before) and etc. The second is the way young people socialize, according to Samuel (2013), the syntax based on EYD (Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan; official Indonesian spelling system adopted in 1972 in Shadily, 2003) as if being put at edge, and now teenagers or children prefer alay language because it was considered something were impressive, passionate, brief, and easy to



teenager communication process, and with apprehension he said amount of teenager using alay language constitutes a virus or phenomenon of today‟s happen. Most of young people socialize with social network, like making someone‟s acquaintance in facebook, twitter, WeChat, kakao talk, instagram, etc in social media.

Someone can be categorized as digital native if the chronology of someone‟s born the technology has developed and they use technology in early age, the digital native can administer or dominate many kinds of technology like nowadays. The way they communicate will develop and change like using kinds of abbreviation and slang language. For example most of teenager today using abbreviation and slang language in many social media such as sending massage on phone or doing updates status on facebook, twitter, etc. According Mujid (2012), in social media does not arrange how someone uses the language, that‟s way teenager doing creative with language.

According to Prensky (2001), the single biggest problem facing education today is that our digital immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language. It shows that, between the language of digital native and digital immigrant have difference, sometimes digital native uses slang language in speaking. Prensky (2001) mention that most of digital immigrant still uses outdated language, they still maintain the old language which they know, commonly they did not accept the new words in language such as abbreviation, slang, short words and new name which we called allay language. According to Brimantio (2012), teenager sometimes use the language that blinding the eyes and harming the ears for the society which unusual



with alay language. It means that not all society can accept the new transformation such as alay language. Meanwhile, Brimantio (2012) explain that alay is a community in teenager society with unusual characteristics, alay is a phenomena that happens in a group of minority teenager and has unique characteristic.

According Brimantio (2012), the appearance of alay language is emergent since entry of technology short massage service, the limitation of character in phone feature makes they have to look for way to short the content of SMS. According to Mujid (2012) alay is categorized as company language and unfortunately none serious research about when it alay language arise and survive in a society, he said that alay language first appear over the small communities in social media network.

According to Ibnu (2012), alay language first appear and develop in a certain community, but utilization of alay language extend by socialization from mouth to mouth to the mass media such advertisement that effort is sometimes they did not understand and confuse if they talk with digital immigrant, because some digital immigrant still talk with out of date language, Prensky (2001).

Talking about language of digital native, of course, it has difference with language of digital immigrant. One of digital native nature is easy to accept new transformation in her life including language or new word, as for digital immigrant still uses the formal language. According to Lieberson, (in Yuliawati: 2008), almost all of language transformation case in society happen through intergeneration transition. In other words, language transformation happens through some generation



in a society. Some factors cause language transformations according to Hollmes (2001) are economic, social, attitude, and value in a community. The new popular language which is used by digital natives nowadays is called alay language. Alay language is the words that different from the original words in spite of writing and spelling, such; digital natives say „cemungudh eah’ and digital immigrants say ‘semangat ya’ in English keep spirit guys, digital natives say „cmuah’ and digital immigrants say ‘semua’ in English all, digital natives say „mlz bgtz!‟and digital immigrants say ‘malas sekali!’ in English so lazy!, digital natives say „semanka’ (semangat kaka) and digital immigrants say ‘semangat‟ in English keep spirit brother’, digital natives say „Ababil’(ABG/Anak Baru Gede Labil) and digital immigrants say ‘Remaja yang Labil’ in English unstable teenager, digital natives say cpt bgt’ (cepat banget), digital immigrants say ‘cepat sekali’ in English too fast, etc, (Falikhin: 2012). Those are the new language that used by digital native in daily life although not all digital native use that language. That is social phenomenon that we should know, because we live as social human being.

The explanation previously attracts the researcher to investigate perception between the digital natives and the digital immigrants, especially in updating status in facebook. The digital natives have different in updating status in facebook, especially in language. The example of digital native‟s status update on facebook : heii , lamb knall yupz ! nmAquw Gneshaa . . !”, “hai, salam kenal ya, nama saya Ganesahi/my name is Ganesa), l3h knl n mnt n0 hp 9 bwt nmbh tm3n” the original sentence is boleh kenalan dan minta no hp tidak buat nambah teman/may I know your name and ask



your phone number?, “U 9Hy D! HuMZzZ. . . ???” The original sentence is kamu lagi di rumah?/Are you in home?), (Falikhin: 2012).

Based on the previous researches, the digital native and digital immigrant have many differences in using language not only in speaking and words but also in use of punctuation, formation in terms in style and alayness language. There are some researches on this topic such as Rahayu (2012), Ni‟mah (2012), and Haryanti (2012) who conducted research that digital native language. The previous study researches about language use of teenager such as word formation, lebay and jargon of facebookers in updates status on facebook.

Based on Ni‟mah (2012), and Haryanti (2012) research, aim that most of style above are used by teenagers or digital natives especially in updates status. Likewise Rahayu (2011) the title is The Digital Natives‟ Perception toward The Mobile Phone Roles in School at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang, which resulted in her study showed that the digital natives need mobile phone in school during the class to help knowing the lesson that they did not before by searching internet, using the application of dictionary that available in the student‟s mobile phone to know the meaning of vocabulary in English study, it is clear that is important to research the digital native characteristics and need, because between digital natives and digital immigrants have different need in technology.

Another research about digital natives‟ perception written by Haryanti (2012) in her research said that “lebay” is one of taunts word that is used by all ages, except



infants and the digital immigrants. This sentence means that just the teenager or digital natives use the lebay words in updates status on facebook. In Haryanti‟s (2012) research is aimed at investigating the lebay words and their analysis into hyperbolic forms in status updates of facebooker, which result of her study, showed there were 89 of lebay words that were represented into 4 types of hyperbolic forms; they were single-word hyperbole, numerical hyperbole, repetition hyperbole and comparison hyperbole.

The third research about status update in facebook from Ni‟mah (2012). Her study is aimed at analyzing the alay language used by facebookers in status update on facebook in June 2012. The result of her study shows that there are 90 alay words found by the writer. They are 35 alay word formations such as clipping, blending, and multiple processes, 33 alay words do not conform the theory of word formation and 22 alay word are called conversion. The result of her study clears that people who use the alay language are teenagers not the olds. In this study the researcher categorized teenager as digital native based on the time when they was born.

Three of previous researchers about status update in facebook, almost same as this study because the researcher talk the digital natives nature and status update of facebookers, but in this study not only focus on digital native, but also focus on digital immigrant too or the old generation. In this study concentrate on digital native‟s perception towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook update status.


8 1.2Statement of the Problem

By considering the background of the study explained above, the researcher formulates the statement of problem as follows:

How is the digital natives‟ perception towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook status updates?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

In line with the statement of problem above, the purpose of the study is to know the digital natives‟ perception towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook status updates.

1.4 Significant of the Study

Theoretically, by conducting this research, the researcher expects that the findings will be useful to improve the researcher‟s knowledge on this study. Besides, the readers will know that language is something can be developed, has strong influence in social community or technology development, including language style or writing style, such as internet through facebook, twitter, using email, yahoo, youtube, or another website in internet.

Practically, after analyzing of digital immigrant‟s language status updates in facebook by digital native‟s perception the researcher hope that:



1. This study will give specific information about the language use of digital immigrant and digital native updates status in facebook.

2. The result of this study can give information experience and knowledge to the digital immigrant and digital native language.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is the digital native‟s perception towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook status updates. The researcher limits the research on digital native‟s perception of digital immigrant‟s language status updates. In addition, the researcher limits only the perception of researcher‟s friends in facebook especially digital natives towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook status updates.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

1. Digital native: it refers to a person who was born during or after the digital technology era, and through interacting with digital technology from an early age and has greater understanding of its concepts, (Prensky: 2001).

2. Digital immigrant: an individual who born before the widespread adoption of digital technology. The term digital immigrant may also apply to individuals who were born after the spread of digital technology and who were not exposed to it at an early age, (Janssen: 2012).



3. Perception: is the process of becoming aware of objects and events from the senses, (Pearson: 2008).

4. Status update: status update also referred to simply as status which allows users to post message for their friends to read, in turn respond with their comment, (Zuckerberg: 2009).

5. facebook: was founded on the idea that people want to share and connect with people in their lives, but to do this everyone needs complete control over who they share with at all times, (Zuckerberg: 2011).


in a society. Some factors cause language transformations according to Hollmes (2001) are economic, social, attitude, and value in a community. The new popular language which is used by digital natives nowadays is called alay language. Alay language is the words that different from the original words in spite of writing and spelling, such; digital natives say „cemungudh eah’ and digital immigrants say ‘semangat ya’ in English keep spirit guys, digital natives say „cmuah’ and digital immigrants say ‘semua’ in English all, digital natives say „mlz bgtz!‟and digital immigrants say ‘malas sekali!’ in English so lazy!, digital natives say „semanka’ (semangat kaka) and digital immigrants say ‘semangat‟ in English keep spirit brother’, digital natives say „Ababil’(ABG/Anak Baru Gede Labil) and digital immigrants say ‘Remaja yang Labil’ in English unstable teenager, digital natives say „cpt bgt’ (cepat banget), digital immigrants say ‘cepat sekali’ in English too fast, etc, (Falikhin: 2012). Those are the new language that used by digital native in daily life although not all digital native use that language. That is social phenomenon that we should know, because we live as social human being.

The explanation previously attracts the researcher to investigate perception between the digital natives and the digital immigrants, especially in updating status in facebook. The digital natives have different in updating status in facebook, especially in language. The example of digital native‟s status update on facebook : heii , lamb knall yupz ! nmAquw Gneshaa . . !”, “hai, salam kenal ya, nama saya Ganesahi/my name is Ganesa), l3h knl n mnt n0 hp 9 bwt nmbh tm3n” the original sentence is boleh kenalan dan minta no hp tidak buat nambah teman/may I know your name and ask


your phone number?, “U 9Hy D! HuMZzZ. . . ???” The original sentence is kamu lagi di rumah?/Are you in home?), (Falikhin: 2012).

Based on the previous researches, the digital native and digital immigrant have many differences in using language not only in speaking and words but also in use of punctuation, formation in terms in style and alayness language. There are some researches on this topic such as Rahayu (2012), Ni‟mah (2012), and Haryanti (2012) who conducted research that digital native language. The previous study researches about language use of teenager such as word formation, lebay and jargon of facebookers in updates status on facebook.

Based on Ni‟mah (2012), and Haryanti (2012) research, aim that most of style above are used by teenagers or digital natives especially in updates status. Likewise Rahayu (2011) the title is The Digital Natives‟ Perception toward The Mobile Phone Roles in School at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang, which resulted in her study showed that the digital natives need mobile phone in school during the class to help knowing the lesson that they did not before by searching internet, using the application of dictionary that available in the student‟s mobile phone to know the meaning of vocabulary in English study, it is clear that is important to research the digital native characteristics and need, because between digital natives and digital immigrants have different need in technology.

Another research about digital natives‟ perception written by Haryanti (2012) in her research said that “lebay” is one of taunts word that is used by all ages, except


infants and the digital immigrants. This sentence means that just the teenager or digital natives use the lebay words in updates status on facebook. In Haryanti‟s (2012) research is aimed at investigating the lebay words and their analysis into hyperbolic forms in status updates of facebooker, which result of her study, showed there were 89 of lebay words that were represented into 4 types of hyperbolic forms; they were single-word hyperbole, numerical hyperbole, repetition hyperbole and comparison hyperbole.

The third research about status update in facebook from Ni‟mah (2012). Her study is aimed at analyzing the alay language used by facebookers in status update on facebook in June 2012. The result of her study shows that there are 90 alay words found by the writer. They are 35 alay word formations such as clipping, blending, and multiple processes, 33 alay words do not conform the theory of word formation and 22 alay word are called conversion. The result of her study clears that people who use the alay language are teenagers not the olds. In this study the researcher categorized teenager as digital native based on the time when they was born.

Three of previous researchers about status update in facebook, almost same as this study because the researcher talk the digital natives nature and status update of facebookers, but in this study not only focus on digital native, but also focus on digital immigrant too or the old generation. In this study concentrate on digital native‟s perception towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook update status.


1.2Statement of the Problem

By considering the background of the study explained above, the researcher formulates the statement of problem as follows:

How is the digital natives‟ perception towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook status updates?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

In line with the statement of problem above, the purpose of the study is to know the digital natives‟ perception towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook status updates.

1.4 Significant of the Study

Theoretically, by conducting this research, the researcher expects that the findings will be useful to improve the researcher‟s knowledge on this study. Besides, the readers will know that language is something can be developed, has strong influence in social community or technology development, including language style or writing style, such as internet through facebook, twitter, using email, yahoo, youtube, or another website in internet.

Practically, after analyzing of digital immigrant‟s language status updates in facebook by digital native‟s perception the researcher hope that:


1. This study will give specific information about the language use of digital immigrant and digital native updates status in facebook.

2. The result of this study can give information experience and knowledge to the digital immigrant and digital native language.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is the digital native‟s perception towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook status updates. The researcher limits the research on digital native‟s perception of digital immigrant‟s language status updates. In addition, the researcher limits only the perception of researcher‟s friends in facebook especially digital natives towards the use of digital immigrant‟s language in facebook status updates.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

1. Digital native: it refers to a person who was born during or after the digital technology era, and through interacting with digital technology from an early age and has greater understanding of its concepts, (Prensky: 2001).

2. Digital immigrant: an individual who born before the widespread adoption of digital technology. The term digital immigrant may also apply to individuals who were born after the spread of digital technology and who were not exposed to it at an early age,


3. Perception: is the process of becoming aware of objects and events from the senses, (Pearson: 2008).

4. Status update: status update also referred to simply as status which allows users to post message for their friends to read, in turn respond with their comment, (Zuckerberg: 2009).

5. facebook: was founded on the idea that people want to share and connect with people in their lives, but to do this everyone needs complete control over who they share with at all times, (Zuckerberg: 2011).