Evaluasi : The lecturer asks the students to answer questions orally.

FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN SAP MATA KULIAH: INTERPRETING ON BUSINESS COMMUNICATION FRMFBS19-00 Revisi: 00 30 Oktober 2013 Hal. PENUTUP The lecturer and the students summarize the materials that they have discussed. 20 minutes Lecturing Question and answer TINDAK LANJUT The lecturer assigns the students homework relevant to the materials 5 minutes

9. Evaluasi : The lecturer asks the students to answer questions orally.

Dosen Dra. Rahmi Dipayanti Andayani, M.Pd. NIP 19640201 198803 2 002 INTERPRETING ON BUSINESS COMMUNICATION FRMFBS19-00 Revisi: 00 30 Oktober 2013 Hal. 1. +, : Bahasa dan SeniPendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2. , - + . : Interpreting on Business Communication PBI 404 3. : Teori = 2 SKS Praktek = 2 SKS 4. : Semester = 7 Waktu = 100 menit 5. 0. . 1 , 2 : - Have knowledge of planning and writing persuasive requests 6. 1 +, . . 3 , 1 : - State the definitions of persuasive requests - State the characteristics of persuasive requests - Write the examples of persuasive requests 7. . , : - Planning persuasive requests - Writing persuasive requests 8. . , 1 . , - 1 : 4 567 58 98 : ; 8 = ; ?; A; 8 4 9 A ; B ; 8 CD B A 6; D A E ; = B F G 9 B 5 H 9 G 9H A ; I9J9 98D A PENDAHULUAN The lecturer mentions some phenomena in daily life. She asks the students whether they are researchable from the scientific perspective. She then asks the students to identify how people commonly perceive the phenomena 15 minutes Lecturing Question and answer Discussion Handouts INTI The lecturer explains the definitions, characteristics, and examples of persuasive requests. 30 minutes Lecturing Question and answer Discussion Handouts Treece, Malra. 1982. Communic ation for Business and the Profession s: Second Edition. Massachus etts: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. KLMN OPQ MR SQ L O T OPM U VT U S WS P R S X S WK Y R SQ Z S [ SQ S \ S L Q OLM Q S R KS L S ] S PS OPWK Y MS [ S L Q S _`a` b c d e ` fg INTERPRETING ON BUSINESS COMMUNICATION FRMFBS19-00 Revisi: 00 30 Oktober 2013 Hal. PENUTUP The lecturer and the students summarize the materials that they have discussed. 20 minutes Lecturing Question and answer TINDAK LANJUT The lecturer assigns the students homework relevant to the materials 5 minutes 9. h ijklj m n : The lecturer asks the students to answer questions orally. Dosen o p j . q j rs n o n t j u j vw n ` vx j u j v n , _ . y x z NIP 19640201 198803 2 002 FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN SAP MATA KULIAH: INTERPRETING ON BUSINESS COMMUNICATION FRMFBS19-00 Revisi: 00 30 Oktober 2013 Hal.

1. FakultasProgram Studi : Bahasa dan SeniPendidikan Bahasa Inggris