1. 2. Perangkat Keras Yang Digunakan 1. 3. Implementasi kelas


4. 1. 3. Implementasi kelas Kelas Form

Nama method : Form Input : - Output : - initComponents; switchPanelUtamapanelHome; key=Key.loadFromFilekey.conf; messageHandler=new MessageHandlerthis; messageHandler.start; loadData; refreshInbox; refreshSent; refreshContact; Nama method : loadData Input : - Output : - inboxList.clear; sentList.clear; contactList.clear; 106 BufferedReader in=null; String line; try { in= new BufferedReadernew FileReaderinbox.txt; whileline=in.readLine=null { String data[]=line.split; inboxList.addnewMessagedata[0], data[1],data[2],Boolean.parseBooleandata[3],Long.parseLongdata[4]; } }catchException e{} try { in= new BufferedReadernew FileReadersent.txt; whileline=in.readLine=null { String data[]=line.split; sentList.addnewMessagedata[0], data[1],data[2],Boolean.parseBooleandata[3],Long.parseLongdata[4]; } }catchException e{} try 107 { in= new BufferedReadernew FileReadercontact.txt; whileline=in.readLine=null { String data[]=line.split; contactList.addnew Contactdata[0], data[1]; } } catchException e{} Nama method : saveInbox Input : - Output : - try { FileWriter fw=new FileWriterinbox.txt; forint i=0;iinboxList.size;i++ { Message msg=inboxList.geti; fw.writemsg.ip++msg.fileName++msg.signature++msg.read+ +msg.time+\n; } 108 fw.flush; } catchException e{} Nama method : saveSent Input : - Output : - try { FileWriter fw=new FileWritersent.txt; forint i=0;isentList.size;i++ { Message msg=sentList.geti; fw.writemsg.ip++msg.fileName++msg.signature++msg.read+ +msg.time+\n; } fw.flush; } catchException e{} Nama method : saveContact Input : - 109 Output : - try { FileWriter fw=new FileWritercontact.txt; forint i=0;icontactList.size;i++ { Contact c=contactList.geti; fw.writec.name++c.ip+\n; } fw.flush; } catchException e{} Nama method : refreshInbox Input : - Output : - DefaultTableModel tableModel= DefaultTableModel tabelInbox.getModel; hapus semua table int size=tableModel.getRowCount; forint i=0;isize;i++ 110 { tableModel.removeRow0; } bikin data Object[][] data=new Object[inboxList.size][4]; forint i=0;idata.length;i++ { Message msg=inboxList.geti; try{ data[i][0]=msg.read?null: new ImageIconimgseruMerah.png; }catchException e{e.printStackTrace;} data[i][1]=getNameContactmsg.ip; data[i][2]=msg.fileName; data[i][3]=String.format1td-1tm-1tY 1tH:1tM,msg.time; } masukkan data forint i=0;idata.length;i++ { tableModel.addRowdata[i]; } tabelInbox.setModeltableModel; 111 Nama method : refreshSent Input : - Output : - DefaultTableModel tableModel= DefaultTableModel tabelSent.getModel; hapus semua table int size=tableModel.getRowCount; forint i=0;isize;i++ { tableModel.removeRow0; } bikin data String[][] data=new String[sentList.size][3]; forint i=0;idata.length;i++ { Message msg=sentList.geti; data[i][0]=getNameContactmsg.ip; data[i][1]=msg.fileName; data[i][2]=String.format1td-1tm-1tY 1tH:1tM,msg.time; } masukkan data forint i=0;idata.length;i++ { 112 tableModel.addRowdata[i]; } tabelSent.setModeltableModel; Nama method : refreshContact Input : - Output : - DefaultTableModel tableModel= DefaultTableModel tabelContact.getModel; hapus semua table int size=tableModel.getRowCount; forint i=0;isize;i++ { tableModel.removeRow0; } bikin data String[][] data=new String[contactList.size][2]; forint i=0;idata.length;i++ { Contact c=contactList.geti; data[i][0]=c.name; data[i][1]=c.ip; } 113 masukkan data forint i=0;idata.length;i++ { tableModel.addRowdata[i]; } tabelContact.setModeltableModel; Nama method : getNameContact Input : - Output : - forint i=0;icontactList.size;i++ { ifcontactList.geti.ip.equalsIgnoreCaseip return contactList.geti.name; } return ip; Nama method : getIPContact Input : - Output : - forint i=0;icontactList.size;i++ { ifcontactList.geti.name.equalsIgnoreCasename 114 return contactList.geti.ip; } return name; Nama method : contactComposeCBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - int index=contactComposeCB.getSelectedIndex; ifindex-1 { ifindexcontactList.size { ipComposeTF.setTextcontactList.getindex.ip; ipComposeTF.setEnabledfalse; } else { ipComposeTF.setText; ipComposeTF.setEnabledtrue; } } Nama method : browseComposeBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - 115 JFileChooser jfc=new JFileChooser; int result=jfc.showOpenDialogthis; ifresult==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION { File fileTemp=jfc.getSelectedFile; String fileName=fileTemp.getName.toLowerCase; iffileName.endsWith.doc || fileName.endsWith.txt { long size=fileTemp.length; ifsize26214400lebih kecil dari 25 MB fileComposeTF.setTextjfc.getSelectedFile.toString; else JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,File tidak boleh melebihi 25MB; } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Aplikasi hanya mendukung .txt dan .doc; } Nama method : generateComposeBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - 116 iffileComposeTF.getText.equals { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih file pesan; return; } Key keyTemp=null; ifkeyTemp=Key.parsePrivateKeyprivateKeyComposeTF.getText= =null { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Private key tidak valid; return; } try { read file File file=new FilefileComposeTF.getText; byte fileArr[]=new byte[intfile.length]; new FileInputStreamfile.readfileArr; String signature=Signature.createSignaturefileArr, keyTemp; 117 signatureComposeTF.setTextsignature; } catchException e { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Gagal membuat signature, +e; e.printStackTrace; return; } Nama method : resetComposeBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - ipComposeTF.setText; fileComposeTF.setText; contactComposeCB.removeAllItems; forint i=0;icontactList.size;i++ { contactComposeCB.addItemcontactList.geti.name; } contactComposeCB.addItem-Masukkan IP-; signatureComposeTF.setText; 118 privateKeyComposeTF.setTextkey.getPrivateKey; Nama method : sendComposeBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - ifcontactList.size==0 ipComposeTF.getText.equals || contactComposeCB.getSelectedIndex==contactList.size ipComposeTF.getText.equals { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Masukkan ip tujuan atau pilih contact; return; } ifsignatureComposeTF.getText.equals { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Generate dahulu signature file; return; } iffileComposeTF.getText.equals { 119 JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih file pesan; return; } try { read file File file=new FilefileComposeTF.getText; byte fileArr[]=new byte[intfile.length]; new FileInputStreamfile.readfileArr; String destination=ipComposeTF.getText; ifcontactComposeCB.getSelectedIndexcontactList.sizedestin ation=getIPContact+contactComposeCB.getSelectedItem; messageHandler.sendMessagedestination,file.getName,fileArr,si gnatureComposeTF.getText; JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Sukses kirim pesan; sentList.addnew Messagedestination,fileComposeTF.getText,signatureComposeTF.g etText,true,System.currentTimeMillis; saveSent; 120 refreshSent; } catchException e { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Gagal mengirim pesan, +e; e.printStackTrace; return; } Nama method : deleteInboxBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - iftabelInbox.getSelectedRowCount==0 { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih dahulu message yang akan dihapus; return; } iftabelInbox.getSelectedRowCount1 { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih hanya satu message; return; } int index=tabelInbox.getSelectedRow; ifJOptionPane.showConfirmDialogthis,Apakah anda yakin?,,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION 121 { inboxList.removeindex; saveInbox; refreshInbox; } Nama method : tabelInboxMouseClicked Input : - Output : - ifevt.getClickCount==2 { int index=tabelInbox.getSelectedRow; ifindex=-1 { Message msg=inboxList.getindex; tempMessage=msg; msg.read=true; replyViewB.setEnabledtrue; showViewMessagemsg.ip, msg.fileName,msg.signature; refreshInbox; saveInbox; } } Nama method : deleteSentBActionPerformed Input : - 122 Output : - iftabelSent.getSelectedRowCount==0 { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih dahulu message yang akan dihapus; return; } iftabelSent.getSelectedRowCount1 { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih hanya satu message; return; } int index=tabelSent.getSelectedRow; ifJOptionPane.showConfirmDialogthis,Apakah anda yakin?,,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION { sentList.removeindex; saveSent; refreshSent; } Nama method : tabelSentMouseClicked Input : - Output : - ifevt.getClickCount==2 { int index=tabelSent.getSelectedRow; 123 ifindex=-1 { tempMessage=null; Message msg=sentList.getindex; replyViewB.setEnabledfalse; showViewMessagemsg.ip, msg.fileName,msg.signature; } } Nama method : saveContactViewBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - String nama=JOptionPane.showInputDialogviewMessageDialog,Masukkan nama contact; ifnama=null nama.equals { Contact c=new Contact; c.ip=fromViewTF.getText; c.name=nama; contactList.addc; saveContactViewB.setEnabledfalse; saveContact; refreshContact; JOptionPane.showMessageDialogviewMessageDialog,Sukses tambah contact; 124 } Nama method : openViewBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - iftempMessage==nullbuka file sent { try{ openFilenew FilefileViewTF.getText; } catchException e{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialogviewMessageDialog,Gagal membuka file +e; } return; } byte[] fileArr=null; File file=null; String fileName=+tempMessage.time; try { read file file=new FilefileName; fileArr=new byte[intfile.length]; 125 new FileInputStreamfile.readfileArr; } catchException e { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogviewMessageDialog,Gagal membaca file, +e; e.printStackTrace; return; } Key keyTemp=Key.parsePublicKeypublicKeyViewTF.getText; ifkeyTemp==null { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogviewMessageDialog,Public key tidak valid; return; } try { boolean sukses=Signature.checkSignaturefileArr, keyTemp, signatureViewTF.getText; ifsukses { 126 File to=new FiletempMessage.fileName; ifto.existscopy file { copyFilefile.toString,to.toString; } openFileto; } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialogviewMessageDialog,Signature tidak valid; } catchException e { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogviewMessageDialog,Gagal mengecek signature +e; return; } Nama method : replyViewBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - viewMessageDialog.setVisiblefalse; switchPanelUtamapanelCompose; 127 String to=fromViewTF.getText; ifto.containsto=to.substring0,to.indexOf; ipComposeTF.setTextto; contactComposeCB.setSelectedIndexcontactList.size; Nama method : addContactBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - namaContactTF.setText; ipContactTF.setText; addContactDialogB.setTextAdd; addContactDialog.pack; addContactDialog.setVisibletrue; Nama method : deleteContactBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - iftabelContact.getSelectedRowCount==0 { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih dahulu contact yang akan dihapus; return; } iftabelContact.getSelectedRowCount1 { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih 128 hanya satu contact; return; } int index=tabelContact.getSelectedRow; ifJOptionPane.showConfirmDialogthis,Apakah anda yakin?,,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION { contactList.removeindex; saveContact; refreshContact; } Nama method : editContactBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - iftabelContact.getSelectedRowCount==0 { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih dahulu contact yang akan diedit; return; } iftabelContact.getSelectedRowCount1 { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogthis,Pilih hanya satu contact; return; } 129 int index=tabelContact.getSelectedRow; contactTemp=contactList.getindex; namaContactTF.setTextcontactTemp.name; ipContactTF.setTextcontactTemp.ip; addContactDialogB.setTextEdit; addContactDialog.pack; addContactDialog.setVisibletrue; Nama method : addContactDialogBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - String ip=ipContactTF.getText; ifip==null || ip.equals { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogaddContactDialog,addContactDialogB .getText+ contact gagal\nIP harus dimasukkan; return; } String name=namaContactTF.getText; ifname.equals || getIPContactname.equalsIgnoreCaseip { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogaddContactDialog,addContactDialogB .getText+ contact gagal\nNama harus dimasukkanNama Telah ada; return; } 130 Contact c=new Contact; c.ip=ip; c.name=name; ifaddContactDialogB.getText.equalsAddcontactList.add0,c ; else edit { int index=contactList.indexOfcontactTemp; contactList.setindex, c; } saveContact; refreshContact; addContactDialog.setVisiblefalse; Nama method : addContactDialogBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - String ip=ipContactTF.getText; ifip==null || ip.equals { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogaddContactDialog,addContactDialogB .getText+ contact gagal\nIP harus dimasukkan; return; } 131 String name=namaContactTF.getText; ifname.equals || getIPContactname.equalsIgnoreCaseip { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogaddContactDialog,addContactDialogB .getText+ contact gagal\nNama harus dimasukkanNama Telah ada; return; } Contact c=new Contact; c.ip=ip; c.name=name; ifaddContactDialogB.getText.equalsAddcontactList.add0,c ; else edit { int index=contactList.indexOfcontactTemp; contactList.setindex, c; } saveContact; refreshContact; addContactDialog.setVisiblefalse; 132 Nama method : generateSettingBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - Key k=Signature.generateKey; privateSettingTF.setTextk.s+-+k.p+-+k.q+- +k.a; publicSettingTF.setTextk.lamdha+-+k.p+- +k.q+-+k.a; Nama method : saveSettingBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - Key privateK=Key.parsePrivateKeyprivateSettingTF.getText; ifprivateK==null { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogsettingDialog,Private key tidak valid; return; } Key publicK=Key.parsePublicKeypublicSettingTF.getText; ifpublicK==null { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogsettingDialog,Public key tidak valid; 133 return; } privateK.lamdha=publicK.lamdha; key=privateK; try { Key.saveToFileKEY_FILE, key; } catchException e{} settingDialog.setVisiblefalse; Nama method : broadcastSettingBActionPerformed Input : - Output : - try { messageHandler.sendKey key; JOptionPane.showMessageDialogsettingDialog,Sukses broadcast key; } catch Exception ex { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogsettingDialog,Gagal broadcast key : +ex.getMessage; ex.printStackTrace; } 134 Nama method : settingButtonActionPerformed Input : - Output : - try { privateSettingTF.setTextkey.getPrivateKey; publicSettingTF.setTextkey.getPublicKey; } catchException e{} settingDialog.pack; settingDialog.setVisibletrue; Nama method : showViewMessage Input : - Output : - publicKeyViewTF.setTextkey.getPublicKey; String from=getNameContactip; String alamat=ip; iffrom.equalsIgnoreCaseip{ saveContactViewB.setEnabledfalse; alamat+=+from+; } else saveContactViewB.setEnabledtrue; fromViewTF.setTextalamat; signatureViewTF.setTextsignature; 135 fileViewTF.setTextfile.toString; viewMessageDialog.pack; viewMessageDialog.setVisibletrue; Nama method : receiveMessage Input : - Output : - try { long now=System.currentTimeMillis; tulis file new FileOutputStream+now.writefilearr; inboxList.add0,new Messageip,namaFile,signature,false,now; saveInbox; refreshInbox; }catchException e {} Nama method : openFile Input : - Output : - try { Runtime.getRuntime.execrundll32 136 SHELL32.DLL,ShellExec_RunDLL + file.getAbsolutePath; } catch Exception ex { JOptionPane.showMessageDialogviewMessageDialog,Gagal buka file, +ex; ex.printStackTrace; } Nama method : copyFile Input : - Output : - FileWriter writer=new FileWriterto; FileReader reader=new FileReaderfile; int kar; whilekar=reader.read=-1 { writer.writekar; } writer.flush; writer.close; reader.close; 137 Kelas key

Nama method : key Input : - Output : - this.p=p; this.q=q; this.a=a; this.s=s; this.lamdha=lamdha; Nama method : loadFromFile Input : String file Output : - try { Properties props=new Properties; props.loadnew FileReaderfile; Key privateK=parsePrivateKeyprops.getPropertyprivate_key; Key publicK=parsePublicKeyprops.getPropertypublic_key; privateK.lamdha=publicK.lamdha; 138 return privateK; } catchException e{} return null; Nama method : saveToFile Input : String file,Key key Output : - try { FileWriter fw=new FileWriterfile; fw.writeprivate_key = +key.s+-+key.p+- +key.q+-+key.a+\n; fw.writepublic_key = +key.lamdha+- +key.p+-+key.q+-+key.a; fw.flush; return true; } catchException e{} return false; Nama method : getPrivateKey Input : - Output : - 139 return s+-+p+-+q+-+a; Nama method : getPublicKey Input : - Output : - return lamdha+-+p+-+q+-+a; Nama method : parsePrivateKey Input : - Output : - try { String[] strTemp=str.split-; ifstrTemp.length=4return null; Key key=new Key; cari s key.s=new BigIntegerstrTemp[0]; cari p key.p=new BigIntegerstrTemp[1]; 140 cari q key.q=new BigIntegerstrTemp[2]; cari a key.a=new BigIntegerstrTemp[3]; return key; } catchException e{} return null; Nama method : parsePublicKey Input : - Output : - try { String[] strTemp=str.split-; ifstrTemp.length=4return null; Key key=new Key; cari lamdha key.lamdha=new BigIntegerstrTemp[0]; cari p key.p=new BigIntegerstrTemp[1]; 141 cari q key.q=new BigIntegerstrTemp[2]; cari a key.a=new BigIntegerstrTemp[3]; return key; } catchException e{} return null; Kelas Signature

Nama method : generateKey Input : - Output : - Random rand=new Random; BigInteger p=new BigIntegerBITNUM,0, rand; int i=0; whiletrue { ifp.isProbablePrimeBITNUMbreak; else p=p.nextProbablePrime; i++; 142 ifi1000return generateKey; } find the prime factor of p-1 BigInteger pTemp=p.subtractnew BigInteger1; BigInteger q=new BigInteger9; i=0; whiletrue { ifpTemp.modq.intValue==0break; else q=q.nextProbablePrime; i++; ifi1000return generateKey; } BigInteger a=new BigIntegerBITNUM, rand; cari aq mod p == 1 i=0; whiletrue { ifa.powq.intValue.modp.intValue==1break; else { a=a.subtractnew BigInteger1; ifa.intValue=1 || a.intValue=p.intValuea=new BigIntegerBITNUM, rand; } 143 i++; ifi10000return generateKey; } BigInteger s=new BigIntegerBITNUM, rand; cari sq i=0; whiletrue { ifs.intValue=0 s.compareToq0break; else s=new BigIntegerBITNUM, rand; i++; ifi10000return generateKey; } BigInteger lamdha=a.modInversep.pows.intValue.modp; return new Keyp,q,a,s,lamdha; Nama method : createSignature Input : - Output : - Random rand=new Random; buat rq 144 BigInteger r=new BigIntegerBITNUM, rand; int i=0; whiletrue { ifi100000throw new ExceptionPrivate key tidak valid; ifr.intValue=0 r.compareTokey.q0break; else r=new BigIntegerBITNUM, rand; i++; } buat x BigInteger x=key.a.powr.intValue.modkey.p; byte[] bytex=x.toByteArray; bacaFile byte[] fileArr=new byte[file.length+bytex.length]; M||X System.arraycopyfile,0,fileArr,0,file.length; System.arraycopybytex,0,fileArr,file.length,bytex.length; hitung digest dari M||X MessageDigest md=MessageDigest.getInstanceSHA- 145 256; byte[] resultdigest=md.digestfileArr; BigInteger h=new BigIntegerresultdigest; String kembali=h.toString; h=h.modkey.q; cari y BigInteger sh=key.s.multiplyh; BigInteger y=r.addsh.modkey.q; kembali+=;+y; return kembali; Nama method : checkSignature Input : - Output : - String tempstr[]=signature.split;; BigInteger h=new BigIntegertempstr[0].modkey.q; BigInteger y=new BigIntegertempstr[1]; BigInteger z=key.a.powy.intValue; BigInteger ztemp=key.lamdha.powh.intValue; z=z.multiplyztemp.modkey.p; 146 byte bytez[]=z.toByteArray; bacaFile System.out.printlnfile.length; byte[] fileArr=new byte[file.length+bytez.length]; System.arraycopyfile,0,fileArr,0,file.length; System.arraycopybytez,0,fileArr,file.length,bytez.length; hitung digest MessageDigest md=MessageDigest.getInstanceSHA- 256; byte[] resultdigest=md.digestfileArr; BigInteger h1=new BigIntegerresultdigest; h1=h1.modkey.q; System.out.printlnh1+ +h; return h.intValue==h1.intValue; Kelas Contact

Nama method : Contact Input : - Output : - 147 name=n; ip=i; Kelas Message

Nama method : Message Input : - Output : - this.ip=ip; this.fileName=file; this.signature=signature; this.read=read; this.time=time; Kelas MessageHandler

Nama method : MessageHandler Input : - Output : - handler=form; 148 serverSocket=new ServerSocketPORT; Nama method : Run Input : - Output : - whiletrue { try { Socket s=serverSocket.accept; DataInputStream in=new DataInputStreams.getInputStream; byte kode=in.readByte; ifkode==0 { String namaFile=in.readLine; int length=Integer.parseIntin.readLine; byte file[]=new byte[length]; 149 int readedTotal=0; int read=0; whiletrue { read=in.readfile,readedTotal,length-readedTotal; readedTotal+=read; ifreadedTotal=lengthbreak; } String signature=in.readLine; panggil handler handler.receiveMessages.getInetAddress.getHostAddress.toString, namaFile,file,signature; } else ifkode==1update key { 150 String temp=in.readLine; Key privateKey=Key.parsePrivateKeytemp; temp=in.readLine; Key publicKey=Key.parsePublicKeytemp; privateKey.lamdha=publicKey.lamdha; handler.setKeyprivateKey; } s.close; } catchException e { e.printStackTrace; } } Nama method : sendMessage 151 Input : - Output : - Socket s=new Socketip, PORT; OutputStream out=s.getOutputStream; out.write0; out.writefileName+\n+file.length+\n.getBytes; out.writefile; out.writesignature+\n.getBytes; out.flush; s.close; Nama method : sendKey Input : - Output : - EnumerationNetworkInterface interfaces =NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces; while interfaces.hasMoreElements { NetworkInterface networkInterface = interfaces.nextElement; if networkInterface.isLoopbackcontinue; 152 Dont want to broadcast to the loopback interface for InterfaceAddress interfaceAddress : networkInterface.getInterfaceAddresses { System.out.printlninterfaceAddress.getAddress; InetAddress broadcast = interfaceAddress.getBroadcast; if broadcast == nullcontinue; Use the address try { System.out.printlnbroadcast; Socket s=new Socketbroadcast, PORT; OutputStream out=s.getOutputStream; out.write1; out.writekey.getPrivateKey+\n.getBytes; out.writekey.getPublicKey+\n.getBytes; out.flush; s.close; } catchException e{} } } 153

4. 2. Pengujian Alpha

Pengujian perangkat lunak dilakukan untuk memeriksa kekompakam antar komponen sistem dan sub sistemnya dengan tujuan utamanya adalah untuk memastikan elemen-elemen sistem berfungsi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Pengujian sistem juga termasuk pengujian program secara menyeluruh. Kumpulan program yang telah terintegerasikan perlu diuji coba atau tes untuk melihat apakah sebuah program dapat menerima dengan baik, memproses dan memberikan keluaran program yang baik pula.

4. 2. 1. Rencana Pengujian

Rencana pengujian akan dilakukan dengan menguji sistem secara alpha dan beta. Pengujian perangkat lunak aplikasi pembuatan digital signature ini menggunakan uji berdasarkan data yang terdapat di PT. Citra Bumi Madani.

4. 2. 2. Pengujian Sistem

Pengujian sistem konfigurasi kunci ini dilakukan dengan pengujian objektif. Tabel hasil pengujian sistem dari berabgai kemungkinan proses input yang dilakukan oleh pengguna selangkapnya dapat dilihat sebagai berikut : Tabel 4. 3. Skenario Pengujian Sistem Skenario Uji Metode Pengujian Jaringan Lan Black Box Pengujian Konfigurasi Kunci Black Box Pengujian Form Utama Black Box 154 Pengujian Form Pesan Baru Black Box Pengujian Buka Pesan Black Box Pengujian add contact Black Box

4. 2. 2. 1. Pengujian Jaringan LAN

Pada subbab ini dijelaskan mengenai pengujian jaringan di PT. Citra Bumi Madani.

4. 2. 2. 2. Skema jaringan

Topologi jaringan yang digunakan pada perusahaan adalah topologi star. Berikut skema jaringan yang digunakan pada perusahaan tersebut IP : IP : Direktur Bagian Keuangan Bagian Peralatan Admin IP : IP : Gambar 4. 1. Skema Jaringan