The Nagative Effects Of Abortion On Teenagers












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Submitted to Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatera

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Accepted by the board of examination in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma-D-III of English Study Program, Faculty of Letters,

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The examination is held on 17 May 2010

Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatera


Prof. Syaifuddin, M.A. Ph.D. NIP: 196509091994031004

Board of Examiner and Reader

Examiner : Drs.Muhammad Syafii Siregar, M.A Reader : Dra. Roma Ayuni A. Lubis, M.A



I am PRITA SIMBOLON; declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Date: 18 May 2010





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Masa remaja adalah masa yang penuh gejolak, masa yang penuh berbagai pengenalan dan petualangan akan hal-hal yang baru termasuk pengalaman berinteraksi dengan lawan jenis sebagai bekal manusia untuk mengisi kehidupan mereka kelak. Rasa ingin tahu di anggap sebagai manusia biasa, kaburnya nilai-nilai moral yang dianut, kurangnya control dari orang tua, berkembangnya naluri seks akibat matangnya alat-alat kelamin skunder, kuranggnya informasi mengenai seks dari sekolah atau lembaga formal serta berbagai informasi seks dan media masa yang tidak sesuai dengan norma yang dianut menyebabkan keputusan-keputusan yang diambil mengenai masalah cinta dan seks begitu kompleks dan menimbulkan gesekan-gesekan dengan orang tua ataupun lingkungan. Salah satu problema terbesar dari kaum remaja adalah merebaknya seks bebas yang mengakibatkan kehamilan yang tidak di inginkan dan pada akhirnya memaksa mereka (khususnya remaja putri) untuk melakukan aborsi atau pengguguran kandungan yang dilakukan secara sengaja. Dalam penulisan Kertas Karya ini ( The Negative Effects of Abortion for Teenagers), penulis membahas masalah factor penyebab terjadinya aborsi serta bertujuan untuk menemukan dampak negative dari aborsi bagi remaja.Tujuan penulis menulis Kertas Karya ini adalah untuk memberikan masukan / informasi pada pembaca tentang bahaya aborsi khususnya bagi kaum remaja ditinjau dari kesehatan fisik maupun mental dan kehidupan social. Dengan penulisan kertas karnya ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi persentase aborsi yang terjadi setiap tahun. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan kerja sama yang baik antara orang tua, guru dan pemerintahan dalam menangani masalah ini, diawali dengan memberikan pendidikan seks kepada remaja. Adapun data yang digunakan dalam penulisan Kertas Karya ini adalah data kepustakaan.



First of all, l would like to thank to the Almighty Jesus Christ for the blessing and mercy, so that I can live with the people that l love, and give me a precious knowledge,

especially from the time l started to study in English Diploma Study Program, Faculty of Letters, North Sumatera University until complete writing this paper.

By this Chance, l would like to express my sincere gratitude to the people who are living arround me and give me things which support me in my daily life, as follows,

• Prof. Syaifuddin, M.A. Ph.D. as the Dean of the Faculty of Latters. • Dra. Syahyar Hanum, DPEE the Head of English Diploma Program.

• Drs. Muhammad Syafii Siregar, M.A. as the supervisor who has guided me in writing this paper with him patience, time and friendly cooperation.

• Dra. Roma Ayuni A. Lubis, M.A. as the reader of this paper, who has spent her time for reading my paper.

• My beloved parents Mr. P. Simbolon and Mrs. B. Hutagaol, who gave me support, care, and great love in my life. I do love you dad and mom. I promise to be your good daughter.

• My beloved sisters and brother, Marta. Juwita, Gratiana, and Sarmedi, thank you so much and l love you.


• Special thanks for my very special someone Andy Wijanarko immanuel, thanks for your strong and deepest affection, your support, suggestion and olso critizes.

• My beloved all of friends who help me in arranging this paper especially Dewi Charlina, Delya Tri Sofiana, and Juli satriani. For their supports and sharing of the good and bad time during studying in the Faculty of Latters, University of North Sumatera.

May God bless them all. Amin

Finally, I hope this paper will be a wortwhile contribution to the readers and I olso receive any reconstructive critism to develop this paper.

Medan, 18 April 2010

The writer

Prita Simbolon Nim. 072202003





ABSTRACT……… …...i


TABLE OF CONTENTS………...… …....iv



I.1 Background of the Study………...1

I.2 Scope of the Study………...2

I.3 Objective of the study………. ……...2

I.4 Significance of Writing………... ……...2




2.1 The Definition of Teenager………...3

2.1.1 Teenager according to the Law………3

2.1.2 Teenager for Society in Indonesia… ……...4

2.1.3 Teenager in Physical Development……… …....4

2.1.4 Teenager According to WHO...5

2.1.5 Teenager According to Development Phase……5

2.2 The Characteristics of Teenager………..6





3.1 The Casual Factors of Abortion on Teenagers………14

3.2 The Negative Effects of Abortion on Teenagers………….15

3.3 The Time at Which an Abortion is usually done………....21

3.4 The Process of Abortion………...21











Background of Study

Issue of abortion at teenager frequently disturbs government, parents, teachers, and the experts. The abortion is a behavior that is encouraged by the passion of abortion, either with the opposite sex or with the same sex.

Abortion is a term which is used to show pregnancy ceasing or miscarriage or throw of the embryo deliberately before the right time. In the recent days, the problem of abortion in Indonesia is still being discussed because in the country, the case of abortion increases every year. It as proven by the report from television and mass media. Therefore, we should know what the casual factors the of abortion which occur on the teenagers are.

Based on the explation above, the writer wants to describe about teenagers. A teenager is a period that is very sensitive with troubles. Troubles that can make them trapped into the abortion. Besides that, the writer also describes the casual factor and the negative effect of abortion on teenagers in Indonesia.


1.2 Scope of the Study

In writing this paper, the writer has limited the scope of study in order to make it easier for the readers to understand. Here, the writer has limited the topic on definition teenagers, and the casual factors and the negative effects of abortion on teenagers in Indonesia.

1.3 Objective of the Study

By writing this paper, the writer wants to know the effects of abortion on teenagers in Indonesia. This simple paper will be easy to understand. Through this paper the writer hopes there is no misunderstanding between parents and their teenagers.

1.4 Significance of the Writing

By writing this paper, the writer will get much knowledge of teenagers especially about the characteristics of teenagers and the risk or the effects of abortion on them. Besides that, the information provided in this paper could increase the reader’s knowledge about abortion in order to make the readers know further about the risks of them. So, the writing of this paper is perhaps one way to decrease the percentage of abortion which occurs every year.




2.1 The Definition of Teenager

Who is a teenager? Usually people say that teenager is period of transition

between childhood and adult hood, or teens time. If a person shows certain behavior such as hard to be controlled, easy to be stimulated and etc it is the sign of teenager. But to define teenager is not simple, the problem is, we cannot stop by only defining that teenager is hard, we must start with a definition about teenager itself. There are several definitions of teenager.

2.1.1 Teenager according to the Law

In Indonesia itself teenager concept is not known in a portion of law that occurs. Indonesia law only knows children and adult, although the limit of that is given

differently. In relation to this law, it seems only law of marriage that knows the teenager concept although it is not being opened. Minimal age to get married according to the law is 16 years for women and 19 years for man (article 7 of the law number 1/1974 about

marriage). Because the age between 16-19 years until 21 years old can be the same as the


2.1.2 Teenager for Society in Indonesia

To define the teenager from a point of view of society in Indonesia is as difficult as determining the definition of teenager in general. The problem is because in Indonesia consists of various ethnic groups, traditions and social levels of economy and education. Despite of our general guidance we can limit the age between 11-24 years old and has not married yet, for teenager in Indonesia with judgments as follows:

The age of 11 years old is an age where in general sexual signs start appearing (physical criterion)

In Indonesia, the age of 11 years old has been assumed as an adult, according to tradition and religion. Society does not treat them as a child anymore (social criterion). In book of Angel saksis, the term of youth gives a new meaning. It means a changing period

between teen ages to adult.

2.1.3 Teenager according to Physical Development

In medical science and other related sciences, those teenagers are known as those who are undergoing a physical development phase where the human organs get mature. The word “growing up into maturity, but especially sociopsychology maturity”,

especially the socio-psychological marurity.


In 1974, WHO gave definition about teenager which is more conceptual. WHO defines teenager based on three criteria, they are biological, psychological, and social-economic. The definition sounds completely as follows:

Teenager is a period where:

1. An individual who is developing from the first time he/she shows his/her secondary sexual characteristics until he/she reaches sexual maturity.

2. An individual who is experiencing psychological development and identification pattern from childhood to adult.

3. There is a change from social-economic dependence to full of autonomous condition. (Muang man, 1980. Page: 9)

Next, WHO states a more concrete definition about the teenager. WHO divides teenager into two parts, they are: pre puberty is period from 10-14 years old, and post puberty is from 15-20 years old.

2.1.5 Teenager according to the Development Phase

In general, the groupings of teenager based on the phases are as follows:

12-14 years is called pre teenager (pre puberty)

15-17 years is called teenager (puberty)


The term “teenager” is still used for “youth’ whose age is between 18 and 24 years old. It shows that they are still on changing phase from the teenager world to adult world.

2.2 The Characteristics of Teenager

Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. In this period, the teenager undergoes many changes such as his/she body, personality, intelligence, and their role inside or outside the neighborhood. Their body looks like an adults, but they cannot be considered as adults. Their experience about adult world is not enough. Therefore, we should know the characteristics of teenager. There are some characteristics, they are:

1. Physical development

Physical condition changes quickly, it is faster than childhood and adulthood. To balance the fast development, teenagers need good nutrition (they need much more to eat and sleep). In this case, sometimes parents do not want to understand and to get angry if their children eat and sleep too much. Teenager’s physical development can be seen obviously from legs and arms, muscles of the body growth, so that he/she looks tall, but his/she head still resembles a child’s.

Many teenagers have problems with their skin, especially on faces. Owing to rapid growth, teenagers start to pay close attention to their appearance. All drawbacks are


often exaggerated but for some it can result in the low self esteem and becoming reserved, if their real appearance is far from their ideal picture of themselves.

2. Sexual Organ Development

Sexual organs development sometimes causes trouble such as fights, suicide, and the others. The characteristics of sexual development on boys are; the production of sperm, the testes and scrotum begin to increase in size, pubic hair begins to appear. They get menarche or on set of menstruation almost always after the peak rate of growth in height has occurred, and related quite closely to body weight, initial appearance of downy(non-pigmented pubic hair), the increase in size of uterus and vagina and pubic hair begins to appear. If the sexual development occurs early or late, it can cause troubles for them.

3. Anxiety

Anxiety is not quite a condition that dominates teenagers. They have much curiosity which can not be always compiled with. In one hand, they want to look for experience, because it can increase and attract their knowledge in their social intercourse. Besides that, they feel that they are not able to do everything yet. They want to know all the events that happen in a wider neighborhood, but they do not dare to show some


reactions or solutions to find experience and knowledge from the sources directly. Finally they are only dominated by anxiety that cause their desire unexpressed.

4. Conflict

Conflicts which occur in themselves also cause anxiety for themself or the others. Commonly conflict can become a dispute or conflict of opinions and views between teenagers and their parents. Then, this conflict may cause a desire to flee from their parents. But the desire to flee contrasted with the desire to get safe condition in their house. They do not dare to take the risks because they have left the safe condition around their family. In addition, the desire to flee is absolutely not followed by the ability to stand alone, without getting help anymore from their family especially in the matter of finance.

5. Curiosity about Many Things

In this phase they want to know many things through the efforts that they do in some fields. They want to know what adults are doing. For example, boys try to smoke secretly and start to try the sexual intercourse before marriage. They pretend to prove what adult can do, it can also be done by them. Girls begin to make up their face with new cosmetics. Even though, schools have forbidden the use of cosmetic or make up in school neighborhood , there are still many girl students who curious of that and want to try everything on teenagers can cause the negative effect if they are persuaded or asked


by someone to take drugs, marijuana , alcohol or the others. Finally they get great misfortune because they do not distribute their curiosity for useful things.

6. Desire to explore adolescence life more broadly

Not only the teenager had close environment (their family) which they want to investigate even the larger environment. The desire to explore and to investigate can be distributed well by the useful things. For instance, they can make an invention or modify furniture such as chairs, radio or other electronic equipments. Besides that, they can make wooden house equipments in their spare time, so there would be no useless activities or things.

7. Imagination and fantasy

Imagination and fantasy on boys refers to about prestige and career. Then on girls it refers to their feeling. It is because they sometimes feel sad and happy. Imagination or fantasy can be positive as an effort to be creative. Most of their creativities and experiments are done with their fantasy without needing much money. It just needs positive creativity. The positive imagination or fantasy gives them new idea and makes something useful for themselves and the others. In brief, there are seven characteristics of teenager that are worth-noting in order to know more about teenager’s life.


8. Relation with Parents

As it was told, a teenager feels grown up and his relations with parents change. He refuses to obey demands that earlier he did, he wants to have less control and more independence, and he wants to be equal.

But it is not always easy for parents to change the relations, because they are used too much control and coordination, and because they do not see the reasons to change something (a teenager is still a student and still dependant on them). Besides, teenagers often do not show any proof of more mature behavior it is very impotant if parents choose the democratic style of relations. At this age parents should give more freedom and independence, less control. Teen years are very important period for children to learn norms of social behavior and adults should help them with it.

The time of communication should increase. Parents should choose such a style of relations in which they can be as older and wiser friends, not to command but explain and guide. Relations should be cooperation based on respect of each other and where parents serve as example. Teeenagers should not only be given more independence and rights but more dut ies.

If there is no good contact and understanding between parents and teenagers, it will result in constant conflicts. This, in this turn, can have bad consequences for a teenager they will go to the street in search of people who wiil? Them and become a victim of drug sallers.


2.3 Understanding of Abortion

Abortion is a term which is used to show pregnancy ceasing or miscarriage or throw of the embryo deliberately before the right time.

Abortion is divided into two parts:

1. Spontaneous abortion which occurs without planning.

It can be caused by weak pregnancy, lack of immunity because of over activities, the wrong eating pattern and poison. About 25% of all pregnancies result in miscarriages, women older than 35 or younger than 17 years old a couples who have difficulty in achieving pregnancy, and women who have had at least two miscarriages occur during the first (first three months or 12 weeks of pregnancy). Some cases of miscarriages happen even before a woman realize that she has aborted.

Besides that, there are five kinds of spontaneous abortion in biomedical nomenclature, they are:

a. Miens abortion (threatened), where a pregnancy is threatened to undergo abortion. In this condition there is vagina hemorrhage, but the embryo is still a live, and the uterus is still closed.

b. Insipient abortion (continuing), when a pregnancy fails, and it indicated by bleeding and the embryo dies, usually the uterus is still closed.


c. Incomplete abortion which comes out because of half the conception result, usually the uterus is opened.

d. Complete abortion comes out because of all the conception result, so the uterus is closed again.

e. Missed abortion, when the embryo dies and usually there is no bleeding.

2. Induced Abortion

Induced abortion is an abortion which is done deliberately. It means that a pregnant woman deliberates to do miscarriage by her or by other help because she does not want her pregnancy.


3. The Negative Effects of Abortion on Teenagers

3.1 The Factors of Abortion on Teenagers

In the recent days the problem of abortion in Indonesia is still being discussed. It is proven by the report from television and mass media. Therefore, we should know what the casual factors of abortion which occur on teenagers. There are at least five casual factors of abortion on teenagers, they are:

1. Less attention from their parents. It causes teenagers to do sex before marriage easily. The frequency of doing the sex before marriage finally make the girls pregnant, in a condition where they are not ready to built a family and to become parents so they decide to do abortion as their last choice.

2. Raping on teenagers of course has effect for their future. Raping frequently becomes a factor of abortion.

3. The policy of prohibition for students in primary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools to get married may motivate abortion practice. A student who is pregnant will be dropped out of her school and will be prohibited to continue her study. Therefore, abortion becomes the best choice from the worst for them.


4. Unexpected Pregnancy. Most of the casual factors of unexpected pregnancy are caused by free sex. A woman who has experienced unexpected pregnancy feels uncomfortable in her life. Her pregnancy is considered as a burden in her life. Finally, she chooses abortion as the best way to escape from the burden.

5. Feeling of Guilt. Women may feel guilty and depressing because of the negative view of society to her because of her illegal pregnancy.

In brief, from the explation above, abortion done by teenagers are caused by some factors. Most of abortion practices are done illegally, and they make women’s death rate increase every year.

3.2 The Negative Effects of Abortion on Teenagers

The problem of abortion is still being discussed. The discussion about this problem has begun since years ago and has become the world routine discussion in every conference. It is caused by the absence of regulation to the manage abortion clearly. On the other hand, there are many people who disagree with the abortion. The reasons are abortion has broken the norms and religion and non medical reason, abortion is strong forbidden. Illegal abortion causes the increase of death risk because lack of medical facilities, even most of illegal abortions are done by traditional way that may increase the death risk.


The WHO’s report states that every year unsafe abortion occurs about 20 million cases. Whereas journal perempuan. Com-Jakarta states that there are bout two millions of women in Indonesia do abortion every year. From 2 million of women there are around 900 women doing unsafe or illegal abortion. Meanwhile for abortion all over the world noted that there are 46 million abortion cases done illegally. This illegal abortion is performed by doctors, midwives, and etc. It is dangerous because the helpers are not qualified and have no good skill, it is done in unhygienic places, no medical instrument and the method or procedure of abortion cannot be medically guaranteed. Those facts

reported by Atashendrartini Habsjah, a researcher from Institute of Women Health in the seminar ‘She Does Not Want Her Pregnancy ‘ held by Mitra Inti Institute in Jakarta Hilton Hotel ( Wednesday, August 11, 2004 ). As a result, there are some risks or effects

of legal and illegal abortion action.

In “ Facts of Life “ a book written by Bryan Clowes, there are some effects which are caused by legal abortion process. They are:

a. Being infected due to the careless and low ability in doing the abortion process.

b. Premature birth for the next pregnancy.

c. The biggest effect of abortion is physichological trauma which is suffered by women. It can make them frightened to be pregnant again.

d. There is evidence that abortion is associated with a decrease in both emotional and physical health. For some women these negative emotions may be very strong, and can appear within days or after many years. This psychological response is a form of post- traumatic stress disorder. Some of the symptoms are:


• Eating disordes

• Relationship problems • Guilt

• Depression

• Flashbacks of abortion • Suicidal thoughts • Sexual dysfunction • Alcohol and drug abuse

While for illegal abortion or without medical help WHO concludes that the risk is 100-500 times higher than legal abortion. The effects of illegal abortion are as follows:

1. It can cause uterine perforation.

Between 2 to 3% of all abortion patiens may suffer performation of their uterus, yet most of these injuries will remain undiagnosed and untreated unless laporoscopic visualization is performed. Such an examination may be useful when beginning an abortion malpractice suit. The risk of uterine perforation is increased for women who have previously given birth and for those who receive general anesthesia and may eventually evolue into problems, which require a hysterectomy, which itself may result in a number of additional complications and injuries including osteoporosis.


2. It can cause placenta previa which will case the embryo deformity

Abotion increases the risk of placenta previa in the next pregnancies (a life threatening condition for both the mother and her wanted pregnancy) by seven to fifteen folds. Abnormal development of the placenta due to uterine damage increases the risk of fetal malformation, perinatal death, and excessive bleeding during labor.

3. It can cause cervical, ovarian, and liver cancer

Women with one abortion relative risk of cervical cancer, compared to non-aborted women, and women with two or more abortion face a 4.92 relative risk. Similar elevated risks of ovarian and liver cancer have also been linked to single and multiple abortions. These increased cancer rates for post-aborted women are apparently linked to the unnatural disruption of the hormonal changes which accompany pregnancy and untreated cervical damage.

4. It can cause Anesthesia

Complications from general anesthesia used during abortion surgery may result in convulsions, heart attack, and extreme cases, death. It also increases the risk of other serious complications by two and a half time.

5. It can cause Immediate Complications

Approximately 10% of women undergoing elective abortion will suffer immediate complations, of which approximately one fitfth (2%) are considered life theatening. The nine most common major complications which can occur at the time of


an abortion are: infection, convulsions, hermorrhage, cervical injury, and endotoxic shock. The most common “minor” complications include: infection, bleeding, fever, second degree burns, chronic abdominal pain, vomiting, gastro-intestinal disturbances, and Rh sensitization.

6. It can cause Increased Risk for Contributing Health Risk Factor

Abortion is significaantly linked to behavioral changes such as promiscuity, smoking, drug, abuse, and eating disorders which all contribute to increased risk of health problems for excamples, promiscuity and abortion are each linked to increased rates of PID and ectopic pregnancies. Which contributes most is unclear, but apportionment may be irrelevant if the promiscurity itself a reaction to post-abortion trauma or loss of self esteem.

7. It can cause Breast Cancer

Medical experts are still researching and debating the linkage between abortion and breast cancer. Here are some important facts:

a. Carrying your first pregnancy to full term gives protection against cancer. Choosing abortion causes loss of that protection.

b. A number of reliable studies have concluded that there may be a link between abortion and the later development of breast cancer.

A 1994 study in the joulnal of the National Cancer Institude found; “Among women who

had been pregnant at least one, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experience an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women.”


8. Even it can cause the death.

The process of abortion not only has high risk from medical and physical side, but it has a strong effect towards mental condition of the woman. As well this indication is known in physichological science as “post abortion syndrome”. And it is written in “physichological reaction reported after abortion published in the post abortion review” The Time at Which an Abortion is usually done

3.3 The Time at Which an Abortion is usually done

The safest time to do abortion is in the first three month pregnancy (about 13 weeks of pregnancy). Abortion which is done at the second three month often because complication and future effect in.

3.4 The Process of Abortion

Abortion is usually done by a doctor. It can be done when the pregnancy is five abortion procedures.

1. Manual Vacum Aspiration: up to 7 weeks after last menstrual period (LMP)

This surgical abortion is done early in the pregnancy up until 7 weeks after the women’s last menstrual period. Along, thin tube is inserted into the uterus. Alarge syringe is attached to the tube and the embryo is suctioned out.


This is the most common surgical abortion procedure. Because the baby is larger, the doctor must first stretch open the cervix using metal rods. Opening the cervix may be painful, so local or general anesthesia is typically needed. After the servix is stretched open, the doctor inserts a hard plastic tube into the uterus, and then connects this tube to a suction machine. The suction pulls the fetus’body apart and out of the uterus. The doctor may also use a loop-shaped knife called a curette to scrape the fetus and fetal parts out of the uterus. (The doctor may refer to the fetus and fetal parts as the “products of conception”).

3. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): between 13 to 24 weeks after LMP

This surgical abortion is done during the second trimester of pregnancy. At this point in pregnancy, the fetus is too large to be broken up by suction alone and will not pass through the suction tubing. In this procedure, the cervix must be opened wider than in a first timester abortion. This is done by inserting numerous thin rods made of seaweed a day or two before the abortion. Once the cervix is stretched open the doctor pulls out the fetal parts with forceps. The fetus’skull is

crushed to ease remoral. A sharp tool (called a curette) is olso used to scrape out

the contents of the uterus, removing any remaining tissue.

4. Dilation and Extraction (D&X): from 20 weeks after LMP to full-term

These procedures typically take place over three days, use local anesthesia, and are associeted with a medication that stops the heart and causes the fetus to die. Also over the first two days, the cervix is gradually stretched open using


laminaria. On the third day, the amniotic sac is burst and drained. The remainder of the procedure is similar to the D&E procedure described earlier.

5. RU486, Mifepristone (Abortion Pill) within 4 to 7 weeks after LMP

This drug is only approved for use in women up to the 49th day after their last menstrual period. The procedure usually requires three office visits. On the first visit, the woman is given pills to cause the death of the embryo. Two days later, if the abortion has not occurred, she is given a second drug which causes cramps to expel the embryo. The last visit is to determine if the procedure has been completed. RU486 will not work in the case of an ectopic pregnancy. This is a

potentially life-threatening condition in which the embryo lodges outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. If an ectopic pregnancy is not diagnosed

early, the tube may burst, causing internal bleeding and in some cases, the death of the women.

Besides doctor, abortion is usually done by a midwife. She gives concoction of medicine such as nostrum to a mother to be and massages the stomach to take the embryo forcefully. It is very dangerous, because the massage does not always give a good result and possibility to bring the impact for the embryo such as physical defect and strong trauma for the mother to be.




4.1 Conclusions

From the description above, the writer can draw some conclusions as follows:

1. Teenager period is a changing age from childhood to adulthood or from puberty to adulthood usually it is starting from 14 years old on boys and 12 years old on girls.

2. Uncontrolled sexual behavior on teenagers can cause some troubls such as free sex (sex before marriage) and abortion of pregnancy.

3. The casual factors of abortion are less attention from their parents, raping on teenagers of course has effect for their future, unexpected pregnancy, feeling of guilt.

4. Abortion has some effects on teenagers both physical and mental for excample, depression, relationship problem, and guild, flashbacks of abortion, suicidal thoughts, and sexual dysfuction. Abortion also carries the risk of significant complication such as bleeding, infection, and damage to organ. In extreme cases it may lead to death.

5. Usually abortion is done by married and not married women. Abortion can be performed by a doctor or midwife.


4.2 Suggestions

Based on the analyses above, the writer can propose some suggestions for the parents, the teenagers, and the readers, as follows:

1. To understand teenagers, we should know their characteristics and the changes what happen on them both physically and mentally and change of sexsual behavior.

2. As parents, you should give right information about sex and abortion to your children. Do not think that sex and abortion are something taboo to be discussed. So that they know the effects if they are doing sex before right time and the risk abortion.

3. Respect the different opinion and invite her to discussing openly. There is nobady who will be respected by the teenagers but wise parents who can be friend.

4. In a condition where there are many abortion cases, education about reproduction health to teeagers should be given soon.

5. Parents, government or the teenager themselves have to realized and make effort to understand the values in society. So that the friction of values which happen in society does not only become the responsibility of one party, but also the responsibility of all.



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8. Even it can cause the death.

The process of abortion not only has high risk from medical and physical side, but it has a strong effect towards mental condition of the woman. As well this indication is known in physichological science as “post abortion syndrome”. And it is written in “physichological reaction reported after abortion published in the post abortion review” The Time at Which an Abortion is usually done

3.3 The Time at Which an Abortion is usually done

The safest time to do abortion is in the first three month pregnancy (about 13 weeks of pregnancy). Abortion which is done at the second three month often because complication and future effect in.

3.4 The Process of Abortion

Abortion is usually done by a doctor. It can be done when the pregnancy is five abortion procedures.

1. Manual Vacum Aspiration: up to 7 weeks after last menstrual period (LMP)

This surgical abortion is done early in the pregnancy up until 7 weeks after the women’s last menstrual period. Along, thin tube is inserted into the uterus. Alarge syringe is attached to the tube and the embryo is suctioned out.


This is the most common surgical abortion procedure. Because the baby is larger, the doctor must first stretch open the cervix using metal rods. Opening the cervix may be painful, so local or general anesthesia is typically needed. After the servix is stretched open, the doctor inserts a hard plastic tube into the uterus, and then connects this tube to a suction machine. The suction pulls the fetus’body apart and out of the uterus. The doctor may also use a loop-shaped knife called a curette to scrape the fetus and fetal parts out of the uterus. (The doctor may refer to the fetus and fetal parts as the “products of conception”).

3. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): between 13 to 24 weeks after LMP

This surgical abortion is done during the second trimester of pregnancy. At this point in pregnancy, the fetus is too large to be broken up by suction alone and will not pass through the suction tubing. In this procedure, the cervix must be opened wider than in a first timester abortion. This is done by inserting numerous thin rods made of seaweed a day or two before the abortion. Once the cervix is stretched open the doctor pulls out the fetal parts with forceps. The fetus’skull is

crushed to ease remoral. A sharp tool (called a curette) is olso used to scrape out

the contents of the uterus, removing any remaining tissue.

4. Dilation and Extraction (D&X): from 20 weeks after LMP to full-term


laminaria. On the third day, the amniotic sac is burst and drained. The remainder of the procedure is similar to the D&E procedure described earlier.

5. RU486, Mifepristone (Abortion Pill) within 4 to 7 weeks after LMP

This drug is only approved for use in women up to the 49th day after their last menstrual period. The procedure usually requires three office visits. On the first visit, the woman is given pills to cause the death of the embryo. Two days later, if the abortion has not occurred, she is given a second drug which causes cramps to expel the embryo. The last visit is to determine if the procedure has been completed. RU486 will not work in the case of an ectopic pregnancy. This is a

potentially life-threatening condition in which the embryo lodges outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. If an ectopic pregnancy is not diagnosed

early, the tube may burst, causing internal bleeding and in some cases, the death of the women.

Besides doctor, abortion is usually done by a midwife. She gives concoction of medicine such as nostrum to a mother to be and massages the stomach to take the embryo forcefully. It is very dangerous, because the massage does not always give a good result and possibility to bring the impact for the embryo such as physical defect and strong trauma for the mother to be.




4.1 Conclusions

From the description above, the writer can draw some conclusions as follows:

1. Teenager period is a changing age from childhood to adulthood or from puberty to adulthood usually it is starting from 14 years old on boys and 12 years old on girls.

2. Uncontrolled sexual behavior on teenagers can cause some troubls such as free sex (sex before marriage) and abortion of pregnancy.

3. The casual factors of abortion are less attention from their parents, raping on teenagers of course has effect for their future, unexpected pregnancy, feeling of guilt.

4. Abortion has some effects on teenagers both physical and mental for excample, depression, relationship problem, and guild, flashbacks of abortion, suicidal thoughts, and sexual dysfuction. Abortion also carries the risk of significant complication such as bleeding, infection, and damage to organ. In extreme cases it may lead to death.

5. Usually abortion is done by married and not married women. Abortion can be performed by a doctor or midwife.


4.2 Suggestions

Based on the analyses above, the writer can propose some suggestions for the parents, the teenagers, and the readers, as follows:

1. To understand teenagers, we should know their characteristics and the changes what happen on them both physically and mentally and change of sexsual behavior.

2. As parents, you should give right information about sex and abortion to your children. Do not think that sex and abortion are something taboo to be discussed. So that they know the effects if they are doing sex before right time and the risk abortion.

3. Respect the different opinion and invite her to discussing openly. There is nobady who will be respected by the teenagers but wise parents who can be friend.

4. In a condition where there are many abortion cases, education about reproduction health to teeagers should be given soon.

5. Parents, government or the teenager themselves have to realized and make effort to understand the values in society. So that the friction of values which happen in society does not only become the responsibility of one party, but also the responsibility of all.



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