Do you agree with this statement? List your arguments. Proc

14 Do you agree with this statement? List your arguments. Proc

edures Topics for discussion

14.1 “The Software Lions” recently completed compilation of their SQA procedures

and work

manual. The following are the “purpose” and “method” sections taken from the “certification of professional employees” procedure.

2. Purpose

in 2.1. To determine the professional positions that require certification and the respective struction updating processes.

2.2. To define the process by which a candidate is certified.

5. Method

s 5.1. Candidates for a position that requires certification, whether new or long-term

employees, must successfully pass the relevant certification examination before entry into the position.

5.2. The content and format of the certification examinations will be prepared by the Quality Assurance Unit after consultation with the Chief Software Engineer. The certi- fication examinations will be approved by the General Manager of the company.

5.3. A list of Examiners will be determined for every position that requires certification. 5.4. A candidate for a position that requires certification will be directed to one of the list-

ed Examiners. 5.5. The Examiner will report the results of the certification examinations to the Quality Assurance Unit. The candidate will be able to appeal against the results. In special cir- cumstances, the candidate can be re-examined.

5.6. The department that is interested in a candidate’s appointment will be informed about the certification examination results. 5.7. The Quality Assurance Unit will update the content and format of the certification examinations in response to organizational changes and information technology developments.

5.8. Management will receive a summary report of the certification examinations and their results.

(1) Read the sections of the proposed procedure carefully and list your comments while referring to any defects and shortcomings (usually incom- plete sections).

(2) For each item listed in question (1), suggest an appropriate change, addition or deletion in order to correct the detected defects or shortcomings.

14.2 “Wild Solutions” is a medium-sized software house, employing about 250 staff. The new SQA manager has decided to prepare several new procedures to replace very old and outdated procedures. You are asked to join him in his efforts and prepare a draft for the procedure entitled “Progress control of software develop- ment projects”.

The procedure should deal with the following subjects: (a) Preparation of a timetable, manpower resources usage plan and budget

(c) Progress reporting for those parts of the project carried out by subcontrac-

tors, partners and the customer(s) (d) Control process for progress reporting


(e) Updating of the timetable, manpower resources usage plan and budget (f) Responses to deviations from the timetable, manpower resources usage

for di

plan and budget in parts carried out by the company

(g) Responses to deviations from the timetable, manpower resources usage plan and budget in parts carried out by subcontractors


(h) Responses to deviations from the timetable, manpower resources usage

ss ion

plan and budget in parts carried out by partners or customers.

(1) Sketch what you imagine to be the company’s organizational chart. The chart will serve for your procedure draft. (2) Prepare a draft of the “Progress control of software development projects” procedure. The procedure should cover all eight subjects listed above. Add appendices if required.

(3) List your assumptions regarding the procedure. 14.3 As an SQA unit member, you are required to prepare the first draft of a new procedure. (1) Suggest what sources of information may be used to prepare the draft.

(2) Mark those sources mentioned in your answer to (1) that are essential for a good draft.

14.4 It is recommended that the new and updated procedures be prepared by an ad hoc committee rather than by an expert member of the SQA unit or a consultant.

(1) List the expected advantages of the “committee” option in preparing new and updated procedures. Does reliance on “expert” option have any advan- tages at this stage?

(2) List the expected advantages of the “committee” option to be realized in the implementation stage.

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