“Let us agree clearly what I am to do…Give me a real chance to do it…Give me knowledge of my progress… Give me help when I need it…Give me recognition when I

have done it” (David Morley and Hermione Lovel ,1986)


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is still to day controversial issues and many business companies are still reluctant to practice because they consider CSR is a cost. Furthermore, some business companies practiced CSR using Stakeholder Theory, however were caught in a dilemma: between a desire to maximize the value of their companies and the demands of stakeholder theory to take into account the interests of all the stakeholders in a firm. This study argues that CSR is a strategic management and as a weapon of business firms to become more competitive.

CSR is an ethical business practice which in my point of view is an effort by corporate and its stakeholders working together increases the quality of life of the work place and local communities or society in general, and share responsibilities, risk and respects. Social aspects such as improving health and education, environmental care and community development are basically responsible for all.

Using Mode 2 of Grounded Theory, a new theory which is called “Competitive Stakeholder Theory ”, has been generated. The theory in broad perspectives states that: (1) CSR (Triple Bottom Line Philosophy) and Stakeholder Theory are competing theories considered as strategic management to achieve objectives through value maximizing. The goal of Stakeholder Theory is pro all stakeholders involved. Every stakeholder including shareholder shares and creates values together which are useful for themselves.(2) Competitive Stakeholder Theory is a dynamic process that contributed by Power and Control of stakeholders embedded in ethics/philosophy; existing issues; cost effective strategies; moral and trust; PDCA; recognition and creating values. They are continuous process and interrelated.

Values creations through this competitive stakeholder theory do not only gain more resources (man, money, materials, knowledge, skill, spirit, and attitude) but also more relationship, quality, transparency, cost effectiveness, risk reduction, new initiative, better image and political meanings for all stakeholders. Specifically, such as The land of Papua which has large areas would be future target for exploration and exploitation for natural Values creations through this competitive stakeholder theory do not only gain more resources (man, money, materials, knowledge, skill, spirit, and attitude) but also more relationship, quality, transparency, cost effectiveness, risk reduction, new initiative, better image and political meanings for all stakeholders. Specifically, such as The land of Papua which has large areas would be future target for exploration and exploitation for natural

Recommendations and Future Research

Although this study was carried out in CSR and uncertainty contexts, I believed that “Competitive Stakeholder Theory” could be applied in more developing contexts such as at stable situation and at unstable situation: turbulence, limited resources, remote areas, minimizing risk and other social issues. Business companies should not hesitate to implement CSR in both unproductive and productive phase with the stakeholder approach. CSR should become a proactive effort. The integrated health approaches were suggested particularly in remote areas and low resources areas. As limitations of this study and space for future research, it needs more comprehensively investigation of simultaneous CSR progress including health, economics, environment and education during exploration phase. It should be proposed a CSR study particularly stakeholder theory which applied both exploration and production phases. Study of impacts of CSR in remote areas towards communities, company, government and non government organization in the long run and particularly emphasis of communities’ perspectives and culture changes as impact of investment may be much interesting. Studies of this Competitive Stakeholder Theory application in different contexts and how to measure CSR and Stakeholder Theory through value maximizing in systematic and simple way should be more proposed.


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My sincere thanks to Nations Petroleum Oil and Gas Company Rombebai BV and Indonesian Health Department (Depkes RI) for their financial and material supports of this CSR; Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR) which supports me a scholarship. My promoter: Prof.Dr.Djumilah Zain,SE and co promoters:Prof.Armanu Thoyib,SE.,M.Sc,Ph.D and Dr.Mintarti Rahayu,SE.,MS (Brawijaya University) for most valuable comments. Thank you very much for supports and comments from Prof.Dr.B.Kambuaya,MBA (University of Cenderawasih); Prof.Dr. Salladien (University of Malang), Big Leung,PhD (Australia), Prof. Andrew Wicks (The Darden School-UVA Virginia),Prof.Dr. Ubud Salim,SE.,MA; Prof.Dr.Eka.Afnan Troena,SE and Prof. MS.Idrus, SE.,M.Ec.,PhD (University of Brawijaya). Communities in remote Mamberamo,Papua and for those people I could not mention one by one to make this study to be real.