Internet The New York Times

xxiii who have not comparable opportunity to judge the worth of statements, inventions, discoveries, or successes. i. To offer entertainment In human interest editorial of essay nature, the pathos and comedy is reflected which entertain as it informs

D. Internet

The information age has brought human being into a more advanced civilization. Information becomes very crucial and important, so man develops technology in communication media, the internet. In the beginning of the development of internet, internet or Inter-Networking can be imagined as large collections of information that are on-line available for us to explore and to use. On the other hand, it can be defined as computers that store information, and a network that can be accessed to find all information in computers. In general, internet can be seen as a kind of a global or international communication network among computers networks Wahana Komputer Team, 1996, p.1. Today, Internet is not only really a single large computer network, or even a group of computer networks. Lani Sidharta states that the internet is a source of information, which can reach all over the world 1996: xvii. This means that the internet is more than a computer network. The information itself is important because it offers utility, recreation, and amusement. As the information resources, Internet can be the first global forum and the first global library Hahn, 1996.p.4 xxiv

E. The New York Times

The New York Times was founded on September 18 , 1851 by Henry Jarvis Raymond and George Jones . It was originally intended to publish every morning except on Sundays. However, during the Civil War the New York Times started publishing Sunday issues along with other major dailies. It won its first Pulitzer Prize for news reports and articles about World War I in 1918. In 1919 it first made its trans-Atlantic delivery to London . The New York Times also started an international edition in 1946, but stopped publishing it in 1967 and joined with the owners of the Herald Tribune and The Washington Post to publish the International Herald Tribune in Paris . More recently, in 1996 The New York Times went online, giving access to readers all over the world on the web at . The New York Time’s core purpose is to enhance society by creating, collecting and distributing high- quality news, information and entertainment. The New York Times is an internationally known daily newspaper published in New York City and distributed in the United States and many other nations worldwide. It is owned by The New York Times Company , which also publishes other major newspapers like International Herald Tribune and The Boston Globe , among 40 other newspapers This newspaper is organized into the following three sections: 1 News xxv Includes International , National , Washington , Business , Technology , Science , Health , Sports , New York Region , Education , Weather , Obituaries , and Corrections. 2 Opinion Includes Editorials , Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor . 3 Features Includes Arts , Books , Movies , Theater , Travel , NYC Guide, Dining Wine , Home Garden, Fashion Style , Crossword Games, Cartoons , Magazine , and Week in Review

F. Arab News