Negative Impoliteness Types of Impoliteness Strategies Used in Sherlock

calls John by his doctor title instead of John’s name. In addition, Sherlock employs unpalatable questions by asking “What for?” when John asks him to save the woman’s life, and “Why don’t you go and cry by their beside and see what good it does them?” which shows that he is being unsympathetic about the woman’s condition and challenges John with his question.

c. Negative Impoliteness

Negative impoliteness strategy is used in order to harm the addressee’s negative face Culpeper, 2005: 41. If positive impoliteness strategy is designed to attack the addressee’s will or need to be accepted by others, negative impoliteness is designed to attack the addressee’s need to be independent or to have freedom of action. However, as well as positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness also has some output strategies which can be used in employing the strategy. The output strategies of negative impoliteness strategy are frightening the other, condescending, scorning or ridiculing, being contemptuous, not treating the other seriously, b elittling the other, invading the other’s space, explicitly associating the other with a negative aspect, and putting the other’s indebtedness on record. The first example of negative impoliteness strategy is a conversation which happens when Sherlock brings John to a crime scene and they meet Agent Donovan. Donovan : Er, who is this? Sherlock : Colleague of mine, Doctor Watson. Doctor Watson, Sergeant Sally Donovan. His voice drips with sarcasm Old friend. Donovan : A colleague? How do you get a colleague? What, did he follow you home? Sherlock : Silent 14-1NIENNR Sherlock and Agent Donovan do not have a good relationship because Agent Donovan thinks that Sherlock is very weird since he loves to solve cases without being paid. In the example, Donovan employs the negative impoliteness strategy by asking an unpalatable question, “How do you get a colleague?” She uses one of the negative impoliteness output strategies, condescending, to attack Sherlock’s negative face. Furthermore, she goes further by asking John whether Sherlock follows him home. She makes fun of Sherlock for coming to the crime scene with John and introduces John as his colleague. Another example of negative impoliteness strategy is a negotiation between Jim Moriarty and John Watson. Moriarty forces John to meet Sherlock after he put a jacket filled with bomb on John. After Sherlock comes out, Moriarty shows himself to John and Sherlock. Sherlock then points his gun at Moriarty. However, it turns out that Moriarty has a sniper who aims his gun at John from afar. John then seizes Moriarty from behind so the sniper’s aim is targeted at him. John : If your sniper pulls that trigger Mr. Moriarty, then we both go up. Moriarty : Isn’t he sweet? I can see why you like having him around. But then people do get so sentimental about their pets. They’re so touchingly loyal. But, oops You’ve rather shown your hand there, doctor Watson. John : Silent 74-3NICRNR Moriarty performs negative impoliteness strategies because he wants to ridicule Sherlock. He believes that Sherlock and him have the same level of intelligence, thus he thinks that Sherlock’s relationship with John is not a friendship. He also does not tak e John’s words seriously when John says that both of them will go up if Moriarty’s sniper pulls the trigger. Moreover, he also performs one kind of negative impoliteness output strategies which is associating other with negative aspect. In this case, Moriarty associates John with pet because John is very loyal to Sherlock. The last example of negative impoliteness strategy can be seen in the conversation between Moriarty and Sherlock. Moriarty threats Sherlock because he wants Sherlock to stop intervening with his business. Moriarty : Kill you? N- no, don’t be obvious. I mean, I’m gonna kill you anyway someday. I don’t wanna rush it, though. I’m saving it up for something special. No-no- no-no- no. If you don’t stop prying, I’ll burn you. I’ll burn the heart out of you. Sherlock : I have been reliably informed that I don’t have one. 76-3NICRDE Moriarty performs the negative impoliteness strategy using three kinds of output strategies. He uses the condescending, scorning or ridiculing, and being contemptuous output strategies at the same time when he says that he is going to kill Sherlock someday. His utterances indicate that killing Sherlock is not a difficult thing that he does not want to rush it. Another negative impoliteness output strategy that he uses is frightening the other. Moriarty threats Sherlock that he will burn Sherlock if Sherlock does not stop prying.

d. Off-record Impoliteness