Discussion on School Leaders’ Practices

62 The present study involves an investigation of twelve subjects from whole subjects who subject leader SL are 3 subjects, subject teacher ST are 3 subjects, and subject student SS are 6 subjects. This section summarizes the description and illustration given above. What has been revealed in the interview led researcher to discuss of the finding. Having noted all aspects relevant to the research questions, the researcher drew some conclusions about what kind of practices used by informant to improve the students’ speaking skill. Henceforth, what follows should be the description of the discussion. From the data analysis of interview, several facts were found about the practices in improving students’ speaking skill:

1. Discussion on School Leaders’ Practices

Based on findings of the research, there is a strong evidence that the schools’ leaders active role is very important in improving the students advancement, especially in English language speaking skill. It can be seen from their efforts to improve teachers qualities in English by conducting cooperation interlacing with any universities, for example STAIN Tulungagung for preparing TOEIC Test of English for International Communication Cambridge International Examination, join workshop and seminars, they are also given facilities about free internet hotspot to access the material in the world, LCD Projector and air conditioning in the class. Besides, It could not only seen from their efforts above, but also such as concerning to practices by the leader for the students in improving their speaking skill are established to Arabic – English area which are all students are required to use both languages to communicate, both with teachers and fellow students, yearly 63 program for students TOEFL, free internet hot spot, comfortable classroom, Addition English conversation lesson in local contents, open opportunities for so many English contest for students, student day program to show students’ skillfulness likes poetry reading, singing, and role play and so on. They expected to improve the students speaking skill is realistic. For that reason, it is good idea not to be ambitious when they make program. They try to increase their policy by providing some English educational program everytime. There are some experts’ theories in the review that makes difference between mediocrity and excellence. Davis 1989: 40 stataes that effective leadership are instrumental in creating a strong sense of community, an academically oriented school climate, high expectation for students achievement, and caring about young people. An organizational culture, consist values, rules and goals holds the school together. The author also mentiones 8 suggestions for creating an academic climate or culture. The principal can raise awareness of and gain consensus for school provements and higher achievement expectations, take an active role in school improvement strategies, create motivational devices and reward systems that support an academic orientation, monitor academic progress, use material and personnel creatively, maintain a safe, orderly, and pleasant environment, monitor teaching- learning practices, and observe-provide feedback teaching and learning.

2. Discussion on Teachers’ Practices