Review of related Literature

By using that method and the literary psychology principles, the data will be selected from the text of the novel before it is interpreted and analyzed. Then, the conclusion of the data will be made to support the ideas of the researcher.

1.7 Review of related Literature

To support the idea of studying this thesis, I collected several books which related to the main object of the analysis, the book contains some informations which is design to assist this thesis, they are: Wellek and Austin Warren 1997:73 used to understand one of the extrinsic approach to the study of literature; the relation of literature and psychology, by “psychology of literature’, such as: the study of the creative process, and also the study of the psychological types and laws present within works of literature, or, finally, the effects of literature upon its readers. Both of the studies become the analysis of this thesis. Researcher Conclusion Method: Descriptive Qualitative Data Selected- Interpreted- Analysis Data: Characters and Quotation from the text of the novel Source of Data: The Lost Girl Universitas Sumatera Utara Wade and Carol Tavris 2007:343, gives me information that psychopath or antisocial personality disorder is the people who have absolutely no conscience. The basic characteristic of psychopath is inability to feel the normal emotions and also the psychopaths do not have the sense of regret, and also they have no fear of punishment, shame, guilt, and empathy for the suffering caused by themselves to others. The characteristics above clearly portrayed in Fred and Rose West in this story. Derek Russell Davis 1984:1, explains the causes of the disorder among others: external agents affecting the brain directly, e.g. alcohol, drug or violence producing injury; and events and circumstances outside the person which compose his experience. In this story, Rose’s mother was consumed ECT to suffer from depression. It caused prenatal injury to Rose and she grew up into a moody teenager and performed poorly at school. Rose also worked as a prostitute. In addition, Fred and Rose had a bad memory about their parents when they were child, Fred saw his father had sex with his daughters, Fred also sexually abuse by her mother and Rose sexually abused by her father. W. Lawrence Neuman 1997:331 used to understand the qualitative method and the characteristics of qualitative research, they are: importance of the context, the case study method, the researcher’s integrity, grounded theory, process, and interpretation. In qualitative methods, understanding the context is very important. it is emphasize for understanding the social world. The researchers hold the meaning of a social action or statement depends, in an important way, on the context in which it appears. When a researcher removes an event, social action, answer to a question, or conversation from the social context in which it appears, or ignores the context, social meaning and significance are distorted. Universitas Sumatera Utara The case study method, the researcher may use a case study approach. He or she might gather a large amount of information on one or few cases, go into greater depth, and get more details on the cases being examined. The researcher’s integrity, qualitative researchers ensure that their research accurately reflects the evidence and have checks on their evidence. Grounded theory, a qualitative researcher begins with a research question and little else. Theory develops during the data collection process. This more inductive method means that theory is built from data or grounded in the data. Process, qualitative researchers look at the sequence of events and pay attention to what happens first, second, third, and so on. Because qualitative researchers examine the same case or set of cases over time, they can see an issue evolve, a conflict emerge, or a social relationship develop. The reseacher can detect process and casual relations. Interpretations, the data are in the form of words, including quotes or descriptions of particular events. The researcher interprets data by giving them meaning, translating them, or making them understandable. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

a. Novel