Pendidikan Lingkungan dan Taman Nasional: Strategi Konservasi Dunia dan Kegitan Interprestasi Alam

Media Konservasi Vol. LII (2),April 1991 : 1 - 9

Strategi Konservasi Dunia dan Kegiatan Interpretasi lam'
(Environmental Education and National Parks:
The WCS, Values, and Naturalist Interpretive Activities)
Daniel H. ~ e n n i n ~dan
' Ani pakpahan3

This paper deals with environnlental education aspects of National Parks in ternts of
the World Consen~ationStmtegy ( WCS),values, and nahlralist interpretive activities.
National Parks can provide the "nanrre" or natural environnlent base for environmental education. Vahies need to be enlphasized when dealing with
environmental education in National Park The three inlpol-rant objectives/vahres of
the WCS sho~lldbe applied to National Park and associated environntental edrlcation
efforts. In addition, some ecological principles can be applied to environmental
education activities. "Thinking ecologically" is a vital part of environntental
education. A s part of environntental education, naturalist interpretive actitities are
presented with challenges to interpret how living resources (particcilar!~through the
WCS), can contribute to public rinderstanding and support for consemation maesures
outside National Park. Sonre suggestions for nzeeting the challenges are discussed.

The paper is also presented sonle of National P a r h values.

Makalah ini merupakan makalah tejemahan. Naskah asli ditulis oleh penulis pertama, kemudian
ditejemahkan dan diedit kembali dleh penulis kedua atas permintaan penulis pertama.
Proffesor, Political Science and Environmental Affairs, Eastern Montana College, Billings, Montana,
Staf pengajar Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB, Bogor.