Framework for Priority Policies and Strategies Green Economy and Sustainable Development Source: Murniningtyas, 2015

3. Framework for Priority Policies and Strategies

On the onset of Global Economic Situation: • Subdued euro zone economy, decelerating China growth and Policy uncertainty in US Impact on Asia-Pacific including Indonesia • Decreased economic activity through the trade and finance channel • Estimated regional GDP loss of 3 since the onset of the global crisis five years ago - 870 billion • Loose monetary policies, quantitative easing QE, of the developed world including in US and the end of QE starting in 2014 Impact on Asia-Pacific including Indonesia • Short-term capital flows volatility • Rapid short-term currency appreciation turned into depreciation • Food and fuel price volatility increase during the commodity boom period of 2000s until 2011 and now food and fuel price decrease, currency appreciationdepreciation and volatility and end of oil subsidy for certain countries Impact on Asia-Pacific including Indonesia • Poverty and inflation 22 Modified from UN ESCAP, 2014 Inclusive and Sustainable Development Resource mobilization Higher Productivity and Sustained Growth Public debt and inflation Healthier and more educated labor force, Better environment, Resilient people, Inclusive society Strengthening social and environmental pillars by providing universal access to basic public services through well designed national public investment policies, that focus on: Education Health Income Security Energy security Human security Environmental protection Required public investment ECONOMIC PILLAR SOCIAL PILLAR ENVIRONMENTAL PILLAR Source: UN ESCAP, 2013 23

4. Green Economy and Sustainable Development Source: Murniningtyas, 2015

• Green Economy and Sustainable Development Concept • Principles of Green Economy • Economic Restructuring; Sustainable Consumption and Production • Internalizing Environmental Aspect into Economic and Social Pillars 24 Social Aspect 1. Equity 2. Health 3. Education 4. Security 5. Housing 6. Population Economic Aspect 1. Economic structure 2. Consumption and production pattern Environment Aspect 1. Atmosphere 2. Land 3. Coastal and sea 4. Clean water 5. Biodiversity Governance Aspect 1. Institutional framework institution, inter- relationship and rules 2. Capacity: institution and human resources Source: Framework for Construction of Sustainable Development Indicators, September, 2001 in Murniningtyas, 2015 Human DevelopmentMDG Governance Green Economy Environment and Biodiversity SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Disadvantage 1: environmental aspect is not as developed as economic and social pillars  needs data, measurement indicator Disadvantage 2: environmental valuation and internalization into economic and social pillars 25 1. Resource efficiency 2. Minimumclean waste 3. Renewable resources DEFINITION  AN ECONOMY WHICH: 1. Utilization of resources is efficient in particular non renewable resources: a. Resour es a e utilized lo ger b. Efficient – o aste Key: continuous increase in productivity – technology is key 2. Utilization of resources along its value chain such that: a. Zero waste b. Minimal waste – can be absorbed by the ecosystem Key: Technology for development of by-product; and Clean Technology for separation and recycling of waste, safe for the ecosystem 3. The use of renewable resources: a. No non-biodegradable waste b. Usage in support of environmental capacitygrowth regrowth maximum sustainable yield Sustainable use of resources and management of the environment for our future generation Source: Murniningtyas, 2015 26 1. Economic restructuring at macro level: a. Value added creation – value added chain in economic activity – industrymanufacturing technology is key b. Services – sector which relies on human resources, skills. 2. Sustainable consumption and production: a. Efficient consumption and zero waste versus affluent consumption with high waste b. Production: efficient use of resources and environmental friendly. Source: Murniningtyas, 2015 27 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Low Carbon Development SCP Green Economy ....... Sustainable Development Reducing water and land pollution • Resource efficient • Sustainable production • Sustainable consumption Green procurement Green standard • SCP • Economic structure Green financing Green banking Green jobs Including Governance Source: Murniningtyas, 2015 28 Sustainable Concumption and Production PRODUCTION: 1. Agriculture 2. Fisheries and Maritime 3. Energy and Mining 4. Industry 5. Services: finance; tourism, environment, expertise Consumption: 1. Households 2. Corporation 3. Living: City, Styleliving Law-regulations: Procurement, Standard Science and technology: Green technologi and knowledge Human resources: capacity for implementation Information and data: Communication, information and databaseindicator Source: Murniningtyas, 2015 29 TO INTERNALIZE ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT INTO ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PILLARS: 1. Address disadvantages 1 and 2 by: Completing data and valueenvironmental valuation: i people have to understand environmental attributescharacteristics disadvantage 1; ii understand disadvantage 2 as a result of economic and social impact on environment due to economic activities which have gone ignored 2. Enforcement of green economy through: i command and control regulation; andor ii polluters pay principles doing bad has its price. Source: Murniningtyas, 2015 30

5. Implementation and Priority Issues