RESEARCH METHOD THE USE STORY - MAPPING TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING READING SKILL AT THE SECOND YEAR OF SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 6 The Use Of Story - Mapping Technique In Teaching Reading Skill At The Second Year Of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Surakarta In 2014/2015 Academic Y

result of the research problem. The result is also to measure the students’ comprehension ability on English reading skill. The researcher analyzes the data using three steps of technique for analyzing data namely; data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion or verification. 1. Data Reduction There are many data that have been collected, so the researcher needs to reduce the data to get the clearer image and to make it easier to be analyzed. The step of data reduction is making note on the general meeting of the teaching learning process that is done by the teacher and learners. 2. Data Display Narratively, the researcher displays the data, because it is easier to understand what happened and to plan the next work based on the understanding things. After the data are displayed, the researcher tries to describe and discuss the finding of the researcher in the form of systematic classification. 3. Drawing Conclusion The researcher draws conclusion about the process and activity of reading teaching-learning, and the story mapping technique which are applied by the teacher.


The findings are the procedure of teaching reading by using story mapping technique and the identification of the result of using story mapping in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text to the second year students of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Surakarta

1. Research Finding

Based on the observation in teaching reading of narrative text which was conducted from 12 until 20 January 2015, the reseacher found that the teaching-learning process in the VIIIA class was going well. The researcher concludes that the procedures of teaching reading using story mapping are as follows: a Introducing the concept of story mapping and its benefits. The teacher tells the students that story mapping will be helpful in understanding narrative text. b Explaining the generic structure of narrative text which will be the component of story map. The components of narrative is title, setting where and when, main characters, problem, events, and resolution. c The teacher asks the students to read the story which is given to them. The teacher emphasizes some points of content which are important to be understood by the students. d The teacher asks the students to fill out the story map worksheet. e The teacher guides them to find their error in order that the students will read the story again and correct their error. The teacher uses direct question to make them focus on the target of reading. f After filling the story map, the teacher and the students discuss the worksheet. The teacher asks the students to read it while the teacher is still questioning about the story mapping elements. The teacher gives feedback and evaluation to the their answers. g The teacher gives some exercises to evaluate the students’ understanding. It is done individually to take the daily score of the students. Based on the observation and interview, the reseacher found that the story mapping technique gives positive impact to the success of teaching reading of narrative text. The story mapping technique consists of narrative