Student’s Perception on Student Centered Learning Methods in
the Teaching and Learning Practice at PBI UMY Batch 2012

A Skripsi
Submitted to Faculty of Language Education
As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Dewi Tri Wulandari

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Students Centered Learning (SCL) is a learning mode to put the learner at
the center of learning process. In the process of learning activitites in EED UMY

batch 2012, almost every learning activity applies this method to their courses.
There are two objectives of this research, first, to find out the advantages of the
implementation of SCL for students of EED UMY batch 2012. Second, to explore
the disadvantages of the implementation of SCL in students’ learning at EED
UMY batch 2012.
This was a qualitative research. The participants of this research were
students of English Education in class A, B, and C. The data collection method
used is interview. The result of the research reveals that there are six advantages
of using SCL method based on the students’ perception, that is, students become
more active, confidence, and independent, get valuable input of sharing ideas and
opinion, feel relax, and students and lectures have role in the learning process.
The disadvantages of using SCL method in this research are that they need more
time, not appropriate for large class, and students are accustomed to use mother
language during SCL learning process.
Keywords : SCL method, perception student, advantages of SCL method,
disadvantages of SCL method



Chapter One
This chapter presents the introduction of this research. Here, the researcher
discusses the research background, problem identification and limitation, research
questions, research purposes, and research significances.
Learning process has changed from the lecturer-centered into a Student
Centered Learning (SCL). This change is expected to encourage students to get
involved actively to build the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. Students have
the opportunity and facilities to construct their own knowledge so that they will
obtain a deep understanding, and finally increase the quality of the students.
Student Centered Learning emphasizes students as builders of knowledge while
the lecturer-centered learning focuses on the lecturer as an agent that give
knowledge (Alkaz, 2014). Student Centered Learning (SCL) is a learning mode
which has put the learner at the center of learning process. In applying the concept
of Student Centered Leaning, students are expected as active, independent, and
responsible participants in their learning. They are also demanded to take the
initiative to identify the learning needs and to find sources of information to be
able to answer the needs of learning.

In the process of learning activities in English Education Department
(EED) of UMY batch 2012, almost every learning activity applies student
centered methods. Some lecturers at EED UMY 2012 applied this method to their
courses. For example, in the course of "Material Design" in the fifth semester,


each group of the students must make their own lesson plans, with a theme which
has been determined by the course lecturer. After that, the students can use the
material to conduct a teaching practice at the high school. In this case, the students
are expected to be able to understand and be able to deliver the lesson based on
lesson plans that they have made.
Then next example is on the learning process on the course "Instructional
Design" for EED 2012 students. The students are instructed to create groups that
contain 3 to 4 students. Then, they create concept of learning material with the
theme that has been given by the lecturer. On learning that, students are expected
to work in a team with a project that has been agreed. Actually, there are a lot of
learning methods that could improve students’ interest, but most of the lecturers
use this SCL method.
Indeed, students have been familiar with SCL method in their learning

activities in class. There are many opinions and statement from them who agreed
with the statement that the SCL method make them more energetic and more
active in the class. It is because they are free to present any ideas and knowledge
to classmates about what they know that’s while the lecturers as facilitators have
role to help and encourage students to develop their skills without relinquishing
the traditional role as a source of information, advice, and knowledge (Jones,
On the contrary, some of the students have a statement that SCL methods
make them confused to understand the lesson, because some of them are
accustomed with teacher-centered learning. Then, it makes them feel difficult in


understanding the lessons because they should be independent learners in the
lesson. In addition, the lectures have role as only facilitators in the classroom and
not as knowledge resource in the classroom. The students are uncomfortable when
they have to use English language with classmate in the classroom. Therefore,
some of them are not confident with the results of their individual tasks. In SCL
methods, it should be known that the student have to be independent and
responsible with their own knowledge. Indeed, SCL forces the student to study

hard in classroom. Also, most of the students are usually using English when they
are interacting with lecturer but with classmate they are using mother tongue.
In applying the concept of Student Centered Leaning, learners are
expected to be active participants in their learning. Also, learners should be
independent, responsible, and initiative to identify learning needs, to find sources
of information to answer their needs, to build and present their knowledge based
on the needs and resources.Within certain limits, students can choose for
themselves what will be learned. Student Centered Learning emphasizes the
interest, needs, and abilities of individuals. Actually, this learning model should
develop quality of human resources needed by the community such as creativity,
leadership, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-discipline, critical thinking, ability
to communicate and work in teams, technical expertise, and global insight to be
able to always adapt to change and development (Napoli, 2004).
Based on the background above, the writer is interested in conducting
research on student perception on Student Centered Learning method in the
teaching and learning practice at PBI UMY batch 2012. Presumably, not all


students agree with this method of student center learning. It was known based on

the experience of the researcher who is also a student of UMY EED at batch 2012.
Therefore, this research can present students’ perceptions about the
implementation of the Student Centered Learning on their course.
Identification of the Problem
Learning process has changed from the lecturer-centered into a Student
Centered Learning (SCL). In the application of SCL in the learning process at
EED UMY 2012, students really need to be given a greater role in achieving the
goal of learning. SCL method demands high participation of students, because
students are the center of attention during the learning process.
Based on the background of this research there are some of the problem
identified, namely: How is the implementation of student-centered learning
method in EED UMY 2012, such as the impacts to the students when student
centered learning implemented in the classroom with 2 credit semester system?;
How is the effectiveness of SCL method implemented to the students EED UMY
2012, certainly there are some the students who are less active in the classroom
with SCL method?; and How are the EED UMY 2012 students’ perceptions when
the SCL method applied of their classroom?.
Limitation of the Problems
There is a statement that each student is a unique individual. Students have
unique processes, materials and learning methods which adapt easily to their

interest, talent, speed, style and learning strategies. These differences trigger
different approach in learning skills (learn how to learn) such as problem solving,


critical thinking and reflective as well as the skills to work in teams. Therefore,
Student Centered Learning can be said as the method that optimizes students’
differences and personal skills. This study will focus on the implementation of
SCL and will be limited only in English Education Department UMY 2012. In
this research, the researcher will focus on investigating disadvantages and
advantages of this SCL process on the EED UMY students’ batch 2012.
Research Questions
Based on the background above, the researcher formulates two research
questions. They are:
1. What are the advantages of the implementation of the SCL in students’
perception in learning activities at EED UMY batch 2012?
2. What are the disadvantages of the implementation of the SCL in
students’ perception in learning activities at EED UMY batch 2012?
Objective of the Research
This study aims to accomplish two objectives. They are:

1. To find out the advantages of the implementation of the SCL for
students’ perception of EED UMY batch 2012.
2. To find out the disadvantages of the implementation of the SCL for
students’ perception of EED UMY batch 2012.
Significances of the Research
There are three main points of this study. This study will offer a valuable
contribution to the students, teachers, and future researchers.


Students. This study will help the students to explore advantages and
disadvantages of the methods. So, they could observe opinions about the
perceptions and self-reliance in learning from their friends. Since it might not all
students come to an agreement with this method, hopefully by finding out this
disadvantages and advantages of the method, students could know how to prepare
in the class before starting SCL method.
Lecturers.This research contains information on students' perceptions of
SCL which has been applied in their class. By knowing the advantages and
disadvantages can supporting the preparation teachers on understanding any
difficulties when received by students during the lesson.

Future researchers.This study could encourage future researcher in
guiding their careful research that would later related to the SCL. Future
researchers can use this result as a guide to conduct their research on SCL as well.
Outline of the Research
This thesis consists of five chapters; an introduction, literature review,
methodology, finding and discussion, and conclusions.
Chapter one discusses the introduction of study. This chapter consists of a
background, problem statement, problem definition, research questions,
significance of the research, and the research lines.
Chapter Two present the related literature review. Definition of perception,
definition of the Student Centered Learning, type of SCL, advantages and
disadvantages of SCL, then Theoretical Framework and hypothesis.


Chapter Three discusses the research methodology. This study will use
descriptive qualitative methods. Setting and Participant of this research student is
PBI UMY 2012. Data collection methods will be used interviews. The data
analysis will employ qualitative approach.
Chapter four discusses the finding. This chapter explains the findings of

the research question in detail.
Chapter five presents the conclusion. This chapter consists of conclusion,
and recommendation.


Chapter Two
Literature Review
The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of EED UMY
students’ batch 2012 on the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation
of the SCL methods in learning activities. This chapter discusses in detail several
literatures and theory supporting this research. First, this chapter gives some
description about the terms used in this paper. Also, this chapter explains the SCL
in complete. Finally, this chapter explains the conceptual framework of the study.
There are some definitions of perception from the experts. According to
Froese and Leavens (2014), perception is a procedure by which person established
construe their physical imitation to explain the meaning to their surroundings. In
addition, Wirth and Perkins (2007) state that perception is a process of people to
recognize information or data that they get, imitate it, and make evaluation

process with the previous data in the people’s retention. Boeree (2009) states that
perception is a process which individuals choose, manage, and interpret the input
from their senses to give meaning and order to the world around them. In short,
simple definition of perception is an intentional mental process of choosing to
organizing and interpreting specific thing that somebody obtained.
Student Centered Learning
Froyd and Simpson (2008) said that “SCL is instructional approach in
which the content, activities, materials, and pace of learning are affected by the
students” (p.2). This learning model places the student (learner) in the center of


the learning process. The instructor provides students opportunities to learn
independently and from one another and trains students the skills they need to do
so effectively. According to (Jones, 2007, p.29) in “SCL methods, students do
not depend on their teacher all the time, waiting for instructions, words of
approval, correction, advice, or praise, but they are look at each other and
communicate with each other”. We are responsible for helping students work
independently, monitoring them while they are working together, and lecturers
giving them feedback afterward. Additionally, a more simplistic definition by
(Said, 2010, p.1) that is “Student-centered instruction is a form of active learning
where students are engaged and involved in what they are studying”. In line with
those definitions, we can simplify that meaning of student centered learning is
learning activities where a student plays role as a leader to him/herself concerning
any matters.
Types of Student Centered Learning
There are many types of SCL. The discussion bellow will explore the
types one by one.
Collaborative Learning. According to Prince (2004), collaborative
learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups
of students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a
product. On Collaborative Learning students are encouraged to be able to have
and do the learning by working in teams, learning to face the challenges (Conlan,


Inquiry Based Learning. Spronken-Smith (2008) state that Inquiry-based
learning (IBL) is a pedagogy which best enables students to experience the
processes of knowledge creation and the key attributes are learning stimulated by
inquiry, a student-centered approach, a move to self-directed learning, and an
active approach to learning. Students should develop research skills and become
life-long learners. There is strong educational theoretical support for the use of
inquiry approaches and IBL is being adopted across the full spectrum of
disciplines at all levels from within-class activities, through inquiry courses and
even inquiry degree programmes. Evidence is gradually accumulating that shows
IBL can enhance student engagement, academic achievement and higher order
learning outcomes. Benefits can also accrue for teachers through the integration of
teaching and research, increased enjoyment and interaction with students, and the
rewards gained from enhanced learning outcomes for students.
Cooperative Learning. According to Felder (2007), the term Cooperative
Learning (CL) refers to students working in team on an assignment or project
under conditions in which certain criteria are satisfied, including that the team
members be held individually accountable for the complete, content of the
assignment or project. Cooperative learning is instruction that involves students
working in teams to accomplish certain common goals.
Problem-based Learning. Actually Problem-based Learning According
(Hamelo-Silver, 2004, p.3) is a “focused, experiential learning organized around
the investigation, explanation, and a resolution of meaningful problems”,
According to Educational Development Centre (2013), the students work in small


collaborative groups and learn what they need to know in order to solve a
problem. At the time of class lessons students are given at the problem, then the
students discuss the problem in small groups, then they clarifies the facts of a case
of the problem, then defines the problem, then design an action plan to completing
the problem. The teacher acts as a facilitator to guide student learning through the
learning. At the completion of each problem, students reflect on the abstract
knowledge gained. The teacher helps students learn the cognitive skills needed for
problem solving and collaboration.
Team-based Learning. Team-Based Learning (TBL) probably relies on
small-group interaction more heavily than any other commonly-used strategy
instructional in post-secondary education. This conclusion is based on three facts
according to Michaelsen, Sweett &Parmalee (2009).First, with TBL, group work
is central to both exposing students to and increasing their ability to apply the
course content. Second, with TBL, the vast majority of class time is used for
group work. Third, courses taught with TBL typically involve multiple group
assignments that are specifically designed and sequenced to both improve learning
and promote the development of self-managed learning teams.
Peer Instruction Learning. In a research article teaching tips from
Educational Development Center (2013) states that peer instruction is an
interactive technique which promotes active learning among students. As the
name implies, students in the class are called upon to explain concepts to one
another. The role of the teacher is to design questions that will effectively assess
and promote comprehension of key and difficult concepts and to give students the


opportunity to test and share their knowledge with their peers. Peer instruction
may be used in conjunction with other pedagogical practices, such as flipped
classrooms. It does not have to rely on the use of any one educational technology
and it can be extended beyond the strict space of the classroom by incorporating
Concept Tests into a Moodle page, for example. The main thrust behind the use of
peer instruction is to ensure that students are actively engaged throughout the
learning process (Quitadamo, Brahler, & Crouch, 2009)
Project-based Lerning. According to Programs of the Intel ® Education,
(2007), project-based learning is an instructional model that involves students in
investigations of compelling problems that culminate in authentic products.
Projects that make stronger classroom learning opportunities can vary widely in
subject matter and scope, and can be delivered at a wide range of grade levels.
Nonetheless, they tend to share defining features. Projects grow out of challenging
questions that cannot be answered by rote learning. Projects put students in an
active role such as: problem solver, decision maker, investigator, or
documentarian. Projects serve specific, significant educational goals; they are not
diversions or adds-ons to the "real" curriculum.
Active Learning. Active learning is generally defined as any instructional
method that engages students in the learning process. In short, active learning
requires students to do meaningful learning activities and think about what they
are doing (Prince, 2004).
Peer Led Team Learning. Peer leaders are not expected to be content
experts or surrogate instructors; rather they are students who have successfully


completed the course and have been trained in small group dynamics and learning
theory. In their search for more effective ways to teach, many instructors employ
small groups to improve student learning outcomes. Small group learning is
considered a best practice in undergraduate education (Quitadamo, Brahler&
Crouch, 2009).
Advantages of Student Centered Learning
According to Froyd and Simpson (2008), when students are working
together in English, they can talk more, share their ideas, learn from each other,
are more involved, feel more secure and less anxious, use English in a meaningful
realistic way, enjoy using English to communicate. In addition, student centered
classroom activity that can enhance the student active and communicative
learning, one of the activities that can provide SCL is a group work activity
(Jones, 2007).
Learner motivation and actual learning increase when learners have a stake
in their own learning and are treated as co-creators in the learning process (TEAL
Centre Staff, 2010). In addition, learners who meet with success in assuming new
responsibilities gain self-confidence and feel good about themselves (Said, 2010).
Moreover, learners demonstrate higher achievement when they can attribute
success to their own abilities and effort instead of luck (Daymalyn, 2000).
SCL method in classrooms can make students understand themselves in
the lessons, helping students develop an improvement plans within the
competence of learning, and then students canto easily interact among his
classmates in the lesson (Huda, 2013).


When in groups or pairs, students can work together without worrying
about losing face in front of the whole class when they say something unusual or
incorrect. According (Jones, 2007,p.39) states “They can experiment with their
Learning and take risks. Special activities can help them be more creative”.
Afterwards, from the perception by experts, we can draw out that
advantages on SCL method can make the student be responsible person,
enhancing their capability in learning, does not only rely to teacher. In SCL
methods, the teacher plays as motivator and students be centered in classroom.
Disadvantages of Student Centered Learning
The following are the disadvantages encountered during the
implementation of the Student centered learning (Froyd & Simpson, 2013)
Takes more time. In using the SCL method in a class, certainly many
activities carried out by students. In group activities and discussions, and learning
activities that involve students as a leader, a teacher cannot limit the ability of
students because teachers only act as a motivator and facilitator, it makes the
method SCL is enough to spend a lot of time, sometimes a lot of assignment that
must be done at home. In addition According to (Jones, 2007, p.15) It is “better
for students to be given a time limit, so that they can pace themselves and deal
with questions in more depth. Knowing how long they have, students will feel
they can say more and share their ideas and opinions in a more relaxed way”. A
time limit encourages students to take their time, and in doing so, have a
stimulating exchange of views as they explore a topic in depth and share ideas.


Not suitable for large classes. In the classroom which is full of many
students that will make the classroom noisy. In a group discussion, learning SCL
student needed awareness of students to able to comprehend situation his class,
because all the resources and learning center is on students. According to Jones
(2007), the ideal size for a student-centered language class is probably 12. (The
number 12 can be divided into 6 pairs, or 4 groups of 3, or 3 groups of 4, or 2
groups of 6 – and 12 students can easily hear one another in a whole-class
Not enough learning materials. Because the learning is centered on the
students, all ideas and opinions that they give on the learning process are certainly
their responsibilities. Actually, it all should be from students. The students can
choose the options to understand what they want to learn and what they want to
know. Here, the teachers are acting as the facilitator.
Feel nervous. When learning in the classroom, especially in the SCL
method students must dare to express the opinions and ideas to his friends. It
makes them nervous and feels embarrassed to express his opinion. Some students
assume that the opinions which they express will not be accepted by classmates.
Speak in their native language, not in English. During the discussion in
the classroom within the SCL method, students feel more comfortable when they
use the native language. They are able to deliver their opinions and ideas with
details when using native language. In addition according Jones (2007, p.15) some
students feel more comfortable when they can take their time. The pressure of a
conversation in English may lead them to panic. Here, a different kind of


preparation can help: Making notes before students start and preparing what
they’ll say can be less scary than thinking on their feet and trying to think of what
to say and how to say it.
Not enjoy working together. When the SCL method simplemented in the
classroom, all students must be involved and active during the lesson. It makes all
the students must work together and form a group. However, there are some
students who are uncomfortable going learn together in activities. It might
because they feel more enjoy doing the work of their own. Students find it
difficult to work in team because they have not been taught team skills.
Additionally, the students may be likely to regard the activities such as games are
not useful.
In line with those disadvantages about SCL method in the class, we can
take a perception that not all of students agreed about the method because
sometimes student feel bored up with situation which require students to work in
groups. Probably, students cannot enjoy working together. Teacher should be
teaching about team skills in learning in order to make the students more
understand to adapt on SCL method.
Conceptual Framework
A paradigm in the learning process that had been centered on the lecturer
is changed to student-centered learning. SCL is expected to encourage students to
be actively involved in building the knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Through
the learning process with the active involvement of students, the lecturers did not
take the students’ right to learning the real sense. In the process of SCL, the


students have the opportunity and facilities to construct their own knowledge so
that they will gain a deep understanding, and can ultimately increase the quality of
students. Thus, a study about student perception on the practice of student
centered learning is very important to be conducted.
Based on the literature, this section presents the theoretical framework
which is to answer the research question, namely the advantages and
disadvantages of SCL obtained from the student's practice SCL. Theories are used
to provide basic to investigate students' perceptions of the SCL method. This
chapter mentions 11 methods of SCL. They are Collaborative Learning, Inquiry
Based Learning, Cooperative Learning, Problem-based Learning, Team-based
Learning, Peer Instruction Learning, Project-based Learning, Active Learning,
Just in Time Teaching, Small Group Learning, Small Group Learning, Peer Led
Team Learning.


Chapter Three
This chapter discusses the methodology that will be used in this study.
The methodology will be presented in four parts. Part one presents the research
design used in the study. The next part presents the populations and sample taken
in this study. Afterward, the part discusses data collection and reason of choosing
the method. Finally, data analysis is elaborated at the end of this chapter.
Design of the Research
This study used a qualitative research methodology. Qualitative research
methodology was used because the researcher studied about students’ perception
on Student Centered Learning method in the teaching and learning practice at PBI
UMY Batch 2012. In this way, data is associated with the motivation for choosing
a subject, the conduct of study, and ultimately the analysis (Center for Teaching,
Theoretically, qualitative research is different from quantitative one,
particularly in creating research design because in general it does not have pattern.
Qualitative research design consists of three models, which are descriptive,
verification and grounded research format. This research used qualitative method
with descriptive design. According to Koentjaraningrat (1993), descriptive design
gives the research accurate image on certain individuals and group about situation
occurred. Furthermore, according to David Williams (1995) as cited by (Maleong,
2007, p.5), “Qualitative research is data collection which is on a natural
background by using natural method and conducted by an individual or researcher


interested naturally”. Qualitative research aims to get wider image on a thing
according to individuals observed. It relates to ideas, perceptions, opinions or
beliefs of individuals who are observed and cannot be measured in numbers.
According to Nawawi (2003, p.64), descriptive method is research
methods which focusesattention on actual problems or phenomenon during the
research conducted, and draws facts on problems observed as in line with rational
and accurate interpretation. Descriptive research is a research which tries to
interpret existing problems, solve based on data, present, and analyze (Narbuko &
Achmadi, 2010).
The strength of qualitative research is its ability to provide complex textual
descriptions of how people experience a given research issue. Since this study
revealed a problem related with a person experiences when they encountered a
particular phenomenon, then qualitative research was used to make a description
of how students' perceptions of PBI UMY 2012 toward the SCL method through
an interview.
Research Setting and Participant
This study used an approach to study phenomenology which reveal the
meaning of a concept or a phenomenon experience based on the awareness that
occurred in some individuals. This research was conducted in a natural situation,
so there was no limit in defining or understanding the phenomenon studied.
Setting. This research took place at English Education Department of
UMY (University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta). This research was conducted
in UMY because the researcher knew that student centered learning method had


been applied to students of English Education Department in batch 2012. As this
research aims to understand the perception of student at PBI UMY to Student
Centered Learning method, the most appropriate setting of this research was at
PBI UMY 2012.
Participant. In this research, the researcher selected six students from
class A, B and C of EED UMY 2012. The reason for choosing the students in
batch 2012 was because their class ever and certainly had experienced Student
Centered Learning. Secondly, they were easily accessible to be found on campus.
The selection of the participants was done to make the information obtained to be
able to represent the perceptions and responses regarding to the SCL method
applied on each class EED UMY batch in 2012. Participant in this study were six
people, consisting of three classes, namely A, B and C. The each class was
represented by two participants.
Data Collection Method
According to Arikunto (2006, p.139), purposive sampling is done by
collection subject which is based on certain purpose. This technique is usually
done because of someconsiderations, such as: time, effort and fund
limitation,thus, it cannot collect large and far sample. It is sampling determination
with certain consideration. This sample is more appropriate to be used in
qualitative research or research which cannot make a generalization. There are no
too many sample numbers considered in qualitative research. Criterion or
consideration utilized in this research were students of PBI UMY who were still


active and a standard students in the teaching-learning activities and able to give
information required by the researcher.
The research data source according to (Arikunto, 1990, p.116) is
formulated as a thing or people, the place in which the researcher is able to
observe, read or ask on the data. Furthermore, Arikunto explains that
classification of data source is divided into 3 types (3P), which are:
a. Person is a party of the researcher to ask on variables which are being
b. Paper is a document, letter, information, archive, guidance, decree etc.
in which the researcher reads or learns something concerning the
research data.
c. Place is a room, laboratory (which consists of equipment, workshop,
class etc.) in which an event concerning the research activity occurs.
This research investigated students' perceptions on the implementation of
Student Centered Learning in their class. Data was collected through interview.
Interviews was conducted openly, means that respondents had free demand
opportunity to express opinions, views, and feelings without tightly regulated by
researchers. This interview aimed to find out what the students think and; how
their views on SCL are. In this research, instrument to collect data from
respondents was by using a voice recorder. The researcher provided papers to
anticipate the respondent looks a little difficulty in explaining perceptions. The
language used in this study interview was Indonesian so that the respondents


could freely express their opinions. Therefore, the researchers could easily
understand the detailed information from the respondent.
Data Analysis
After collecting the data by conducting interview. When conducting
interview, the researcher must explain what the purpose of the interview, a
description of what the researchers expected of the respondent, in order to direct
the respondent's mind, so that the respondent knows what would have delivered
(Nugroho, 2011). The next step was analyzing the data. The purpose of this
research was to investigate and understand the data along with to answer the
research questions. There were three steps applied in this research to gather,
interpret, and conclude the data. The steps include transcribing the data, coding
the data, and categorizing the data.
The first step to analyze the data was transcribing each interview which
was conducted from each participant. The researcher used a recorder in order to
record on the phone during process of interviewing. Words, phrases, and
sentences spoken by participants were completely transcribed. After transcribing,
the second step was coding the data. Coding is a process conducted after reading
the data. The final step was categorizing the data. Categorizing is to highlight and
to relate every point from coding. The research compared all data taken from the
interview, and then each code was put in each category.
For the validity of the data, the researcher conducted member checking
which aims to know whether the information obtained was in accordance with
what the participants mean or not. Member checking is primarily used in


qualitative inquiry methodology and defined as a quality control process where a
researcher seeks to improve the accuracy, credibility and validity of what has been
recorded during a research interview (Harper & Cole, 2012). The result obtained
from member checking toward 6 respondents in this research revealed that there
were no changes and words repetition in all of the result of interview transcribes.
All respondents similarly stated that the result of the interview conducted was
same with the transcribe results. Member checking was conducted in the end of
the interview by repeating answers or idea based on respondents’ statement that
had been recorded, so that the respondent could correct what was not suitable with
their opinion, reducing or adding data if it had lack.


Chapter Four
Findings and Discussion
This chapter presents the research findings and discussion from the
implementation of Students Centered Learning at EED UMY at batch 2012. The
data was collected from the research instrument that the researcher used. In this
case, the researcher used interview to collect the data.
Advantages of Implementation the SCL in Students Learning Activities in
EED UMY 2012
During the data collection, the researcher had asked some questions to
interviewees based on the interview guide. In this case, the researcher asked six
persons for collecting the data. After each of interviewee was interviewed, the
researcher processed the data based on technique of analyzing data which was
described in chapter 3, after processing the data, the researcher found some
student’s perceptions of the advantages of SCL learning in the class.
Finding 1: SCL Method emphasizes students to be more active in
participating on speaking activity in the class.SCL is a learning method that
emphasizing students to be more active in communicating activity in the class,
this quote described from interviewee on the interview section. The statement was
described next page:
“SCL encouraged students to participate in the classroom. So they should
more speak in that activity”
(By: Gusti) Interviewed on March, 18 2016


"Certainly involved, especially in speaking practice because all
learningcenter exists on the students. So if they want to get knowledge,
they must be active”
(By: Ani) Interviewed on March, 18 2016

The researcher added in order to get a valid data, the researcher was
conducting another interview section with different class but in the same
questions. On that data, the interviewee explained that by doing discussion
activity also made students active in speaking and communicating in learning
process. The statements were described below:
"As it is called, in student centered learning the students are demanded to
participate in teaching learning activity, whether to discuss a topic or solve
a certain problem. Discussing something makes students to be active in
(By: Ardiani) Interviewed on March, 23 2016

"Many students are active in class C, because we are often given group
work for a discussion. So we more communicate and speak actively,
encourage us who were silent to give an opinion”
(By: Astri) Interviewed on April, 04 2016

From the interviewee’s opinions above, the researcher concluded that
speaking activity made them motivated to be active in speaking and teaching


learning process, just like discussion in group made them active to speak. In Line
with Jones (2007) a student centered classroom activity can enhance the student
active and communicative learning. One of the activities that can provide SCL is a
group work activity. In group work activity, there were a lot of chances for
students to actively use the language the learnt.
This case was also influencing the collaborative skills. Students are
encouraged and helped to develop and practice trust-building, leadership,
decision-making, communication and conflict management skills (Felder, 2007).
By speaking activity in SCL method that made students to active on
communicating in activity in the class and all the students was active in all the
learning activity. This case also was explained by Said (2010, p.1) that “studentcentered instruction is a form of active learning where students are engaged and
involved in what they are studying”.
Finding 2: SCL method in speaking activity build students a selfconfidence directly in improving students’ ability. In SCL process in class at
EED UMY 2012, speaking activity was one of the activities that teach students to
build self-confidence and to teach students to improve their speaking’s ability.
This case was described by interviewee below:

"So speaking activity has good aim, which is to train students to speak
actively, build our self confidence because we often practice in class”
(By: Ardiani) Interviewed on March, 24 2016


“Speaking activity helps students to improve their speaking ability, so
they are demanded to communicate and interact with other students”
(By: Dina) interviewed on March, 31 2016

“Speaking activity can improve students’ speaking ability because in
SCL we can participate actively in class activity. Besides, it is a n
instrument in which students should express their ideas in front of their
(By: Astri) Interviewed on April, 04 2016

SCL method was not only making students willing to participate but also
this method can construct a self-confidence and improve students’ speaking
ability with speaking activity. This activity was helping students as the students
had to responsible to express their ideas and opinions in front of their friends. So,
it also built their self-confidence indirectly.This situation was also explained by
Said (2010) who meet with success in assuming new responsibilities to gain selfconfidence and feel good about themselves.
Based on opinion above, self-confidence was earned when they had
responsibility to be active with their friends in the class. This situation was also
explained by Froyd and Simpson (2008) who said that when students were
working together in English, they could talk more, share ideas, learn from each
other, are more involved in activities, feel more secure and enjoy using English to


Finding 3: The students got valuable input when sharing ideas and
opinions with their classmate. In SCL learning process, sharing activity was one
of the activities that made students gain a lot of knowledge, made their mind
opened because they were opened each other about their opinion and gave
feedback each other with their classmate. This case was described by interviewee
Sharing activity is always related to ideas or insight sharing. It often
occurs in SCL Learning at PBI. We may do not know about something
that other friends know.
(By: Wahyu) Interviewed on March, 28 2016

Sharing Activity builds ideas and knowledge sharing in class SCL. For
example when we are given a case, a lecturer gives a certain topic. Then
a friend expresses ideas on the topic. Furthermore it is completed by
other students that will support the ideas.
(By: Astri) Interviewed on April, 4 2016

Based on all the interviewee’s statements above, the researcher concluded
that SCL method in sharing activity made students sharing ideas and sharing
knowledge with their classmate. By that activity, the students gain many
advantages especially when each of them was sharing about their opinions or
ideas, giving feedback each other, just like Mc. Combs and Miller (2007) said


that student are encouraged to reflect on their own learning, share their insights
with their peers, and apply new learning to real-life.
Sharing activity was not only influencing students’ knowledge, but also
made students completing each other about their opinion. In order to get a clearly
statements or opinion, the teacher divided the students into groups for class
discussion in collaborative learning. According to (prince, 2004), that is
collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that
involves groups of students working together to solve problem, complete a task.
After that, the researcher explained the statements from interviewee who
said that by sharing ideas and knowledge with their classmate, the students could
easy to develop an improvement plans within the competence of learning. Those
statements were described below:

Usually the lecture asks us to divide into groups. For exemple one group
consists of five people. We usually have discussion share our ideas,
express our opinion, discuss a problem of learning, how to the right
answer, when one of our members have the opinion that it makes sense
and can be received by members of the group, then the opinion is used.
(By: Dina) Interviewed on March, 31 2016

Based on the interviewee statements’ above, SCL method made the
students could easily develop an improvement plans within the competence of
learning. By sharing ideas’ activity, the student could easily interact with his


classmates to solve a problem in learning. The same thing was also explained by
Huda (2013),that SCL in classroom can make student understand themselves in
the lesson, helping students develop an improvement plans within the competence
of learning, and then students can to easily interact among his classmates in the
Finding 4: SCL Method promotes good academic environment for the
students. In the condition of SCL method at EED UMY 2012 in the class, the
students explained that they felt enjoyed and relaxed in exploring the knowledge
in their mind. Those statements were described below:

"I feel SCL is fun and comfortable. There is no demand. We are able to
develop studying method in exploring and opinion freely. Because the
aim of SCL is to make students being centered”
(By: Astri) Interviewed on March, 18 2016

Further, we can see the something in the following interview with different
class but in the same questions. On that data, the interviewee explained that the
condition of SCL learning method in the class made the students felt enjoyed and
relaxed in teaching learning activity. The statements were described below:

“In my opinion, students prefer SCL learning. We would get bored if
teacher always teaches and we only listen to him. SCL makes students


more creative, safer, without demand from the lecturer, do more group
working but lecturer encourages and support students”
(By: Wahyu) Interviewed on March, 23 2016

“I feel enjoyment and fun. Because I’m one of SCL supporters in learning
haha. Moreover, I like to give opinion and we are free to give our ideas in
(By: Astri) Interviewed on April, 04 2016

Moreover, we can also see the fact from the following questions. The
statements were described below:

“So far, my classmates enjoy it. Nobody complains. Moreover there are
many discussions. Many activities are done in group. Lecturer is only a
person who support us in the activity”
(By: Wahyu) Interviewed on March, 28 2016

Based on the statements above, the researcher concluded that the condition
of SCL learning method in the class made the students felt enjoyed and relaxed
in teaching learning activity. The students could interact each other and freely in
exploring knowledge in the class. In this case, the factor that made the students
felt enjoyed was a lecturer who could motivate them learning process. This
conclusion was strengthened by Jones (2007, p.39), who said that when in groups


or pairs, “students can work together without worrying about losing face in front
of the whole class when they say something unusual or incorrect”. Jones (2007)
add, the studentscould have experiment with their learning and take risks. Special
activities can help them be more creative.
By doing teamwork, the students felt relaxed and did not worry in doing
their tasks in the class. The students also could do some experiments with their
own knowledge. The other factor that made the students felt enjoyed was the role
of lecturer that supported and directed them into a learning material. Based on
Educational Development (2013), the teachers act as a facilitator to guide student
learning through the learning. At the completion of each problem, students reflect
on the abstract knowledge gained. The teacher helps students learn the cognitive
skills needed for problem solving and collaboration.
Finding 5: SCL Method made students to be autonomous
learners.Based on students’ capability in searching learning material at EED
UMY 2012, the students were being trained to be independent and not dependent
on the lecturer. Those statements were described from the result of interview

“Sometimes we still got confused about a course and we do not know the
objective of it. In this condition, students start to find various sources
from Internet and library. If they still do not understand, they look for
their lecturer.”
(By: Astri) Interviewed on March, 18 2016


“In my opinion and experience in class C, thematerial of SCL should be
made to deepen and we try to find out with our group friends because
students are demanded to be active and independent in the learnt
(By: Ani) Interviewed on March, 23 2016

In addition, the fact is also seem in the following questions, the statements were
described below:

“As students, we are demanded to be independent in SCL method. We
must try to find out learning material from books, internet or ask friends
with discussion if we are in group fulfills learning material
as long as the lecturer monitor us”
(By: Dina) Interviewed on March, 31 2016

Students must force themselves to be an independent learner because the
lecturer does not facilitate many things. He is only a facilitator when
students are confused.
(By: Astri) Interviewed on March, 31 2016

Based on the interviewee’s statements above, SCL method made students
to be active and independent. The students were required to be creative and active


in searching learning material from any sources in order to make them not to
dependent on lecturer. When the students were confused or the learning material
was not clear, the lecturer directed them and explained that material. This case
was described by Froyd and Simpson (2008, p.2) who said that about this learning
model places the student (learner) in the center of the learning process. The
instructor provides students opportunities to learn independently from one another
and trains students the skills they need to do so effectively.
The lecturer gave a chance and space for the students to be active in class
without made them being dependent on the lecturer.In fact, in SCL, all the
learning focus on the students itself. According Said (2010, p.1), a student
centered learning a process wher