Students’ Perception on Presentation Method in English Learning at English
Education Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Batch 2012

A Skripsi
Submitted to Faculty of Language Education as a Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Helda Ana Firliana

Department of English Education
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Chapter One

In this chapter, the researcher discussed about some parts namely
background of the research, identification of the problem, limitation of the
problem, formulation of the problem, Purposes of the research and for the last is
significance of the research. Finally, the outline of the remaining chapter is given.
Background of the Research
English is applied as foreign language in Indonesia. Based on Brown
(2007), to be successful in English learning, both the teachers and students have to
know how to apply the teaching method. Then, Harizaj (2015) said that “learning
English effectively is affected by methodology, teacher’s attitudes, beliefs and
also by student’s motivation to learn” (p.1). It is also related to the result of
Malawi Institute of Education (2004), they stated that in the teaching activity,
teacher should know each detail that want to be used in the teaching. Appropriate
teaching methods, the strengths and weaknesses of each method, the purpose each
can serve, how each method can be used in practice are some details. The teachers
who want to teach in the classroom, should know and understand about kind of
method that can be applied in the class. This can be concluded that teachers
should find the appropriate teaching method for students.
Teachers play is an important role in making a planning. How the students
receive the material or knowledge depends on the teachers. Teacher should know


how to choose the appropriate method in the class. It means that how is the impact
of the method that teacher used. Teacher is a person who has to guide and
accompany students (Mehmood & Rehman, 2011). Mehmood and Rehman,
(2011) also stated that “the effective teaching methodology is to be adopted
according to the needs of students so that proper guidance can be given” (p.1). It
means that an effective teaching method is a teaching method that can sufficient
and appropriate for students’ need so that students can achieve their objective in
learning. Actually, learning language is about practice. Here, students have to
practice directly in speaking, writing, and reading. So, students are not only
listening and being passive in the class. Scott (2005) as cited in Enein (2011)
stated that “learning to speak a foreign language requires more that knowing its
grammatical and semantic rules. Students should know how native speakers use
language in real life situation” (p.12). On the other hand, Callahan, Clark, and
Kellough, (1998) as cited in Zaine, (2015) said that students do not use the same
method. This is caused by each student has different ability in receiving the
material. Each student has their own solution for problem in learning.
Renewal and improvement in education system makes teacher have to

think creatively to create students to be active in the classroom. According to
Cassie and Constantine (1977) as cited in Zaine (2015), “presentation is a way or
strategic for students to speak in public. Presentation makes students speak louder
and explain the slides for the audiences” (p.9). So, it can be concluded that
presentation creates students to be an active learner. They can speak more using


the target language in the classroom. Learning and practice have an important role
to make students speak English fluently.
Presentation is the method that can increase student’s self-confidence. On
the other hand, according to Riddel (2003) “situational presentations are
controlled and effective ways to introduce language at certain levels” (p.30). It
can be concluded that presentation can be classified as appropriate method to
teach language. This is caused by through presentation students will have more
chances to practice the target language.
There are a lot of benefits in applying presentation method in English
learning, but it has some challenges. There are some students who feel difficult in
doing presentation. According to Emden and Becker (2004) as cited in Einen
(2011), stated that “many learners are worried about talking to an audience and

this is understandable. They may feel both nervous and vulnerable when they look
for the first time at a roomful of people waiting to listen to them. It’s a natural
reaction” (p.19). In other word, students feel both nervous and vulnerable when
they have to speak in front of the audience.
On the other hand, sometimes the presenter is less detail in presenting and
explaining the material. Not all of students can explain clearly about their
presentation. Surely, it will make both of presenter and audience be confusing
about the lesson. It is related to Severeid (1999) who said that presentation can
lead to confusing and unsettling. It means that besides create an interactive skill
for the students in one side, presentation also can lead to confuse and stress. This
is similar with researcher’s feeling when having presentation because in English


education department all lecturers use presentation in class. The researcher felt
that there is a heavy burden when did a presentation. There is a reason why
researcher would like to do a research about students’ perception on using
presentation method in learning English. The researcher has curiosity on how
students’ perception when the teacher asked them to present in the class at English
Education Department University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. It can enrich

teacher and students’ knowledge about the benefit and difficulties on applying
presentation in the activity class.
Identification of the Problem
Knowing students’ perception is useful way to know how media, material
and method used by teacher in the classroom. According to Kreitner and Kinicki
(1995) as cited in Mayangsari (2014), perception is a mental and cognitive
process that enables us to interpret and understand our surrounding such as how
the environment, situation and also the other supporting aspect. Each student has
different perception about the method which is used in the classroom. Although,
teacher gives the same material and method in the class but each student has
different ability in catching the material. Thus, with the perception from students
about learning activities and process in the class, teacher will know whether their
media, material, and the method will be successful and effective or not.
Related to the background, the researcher would like to know how
students’ perception in implementing presentation method at English Education
Department in UMY. Become an English teacher is not easy. The difficulties on
teaching English are caused by some reasons. Firstly, English is only used as a


foreign language. It means that the students only speak English in the classroom
for learning purpose. The students do not speak English for their daily
conversation. That is why students feeling hard to speak English fluently. Besides
that, they confuse how to start a conversation. So, sometimes presentation method
is not working for some students.
Based on the researcher’s experience in studying at EED UMY, the
lecturers were applying presentation method from early semester. It is a good way
to learn language because the students can practice their speaking ability directly.
In the other hand, the researcher and some students had not had good skill in
speaking English, because not all of the students who enrolled in English
Department have good knowledge and background in English. When the
researcher and some students wanted to have presentation in front of the class, the
students and the researcher have to memorize what will be explained in the
presentation. Many students are anxious with their presentation. This leads to be
nervous, so that students cannot get the maximal result in presenting their
assignment. It is in line with Lee and Park (2008) who said that “presentation may
be a stressful task for learners who are not yet readily equipped with the skills of
preparing” (p.19). For passive students, applying presentation is not easy. They
will feel nervous, afraid, and the other negative feeling so that many students
cannot get the best result for their study.

Limitation of the Problem
Based on the identification of the problem, the researcher will focus
mostly on the students’ perception on the use of presentation method in English


learning at English Education Department University Muhammadiyah of
Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background, identification of the problem, and limitation of
the problem, the researcher formulates two research questions as follows:

What is students’ perception toward the benefit on using presentation
method at English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of


What is students’ perception toward the difficulties on using presentation

method at English Department of Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta?

Purposes of the Research
Based on some research questions, there are two purposes of this research:

To find out students’ perception toward the benefit on using presentation
method in learning English at English Department Muhammadiyah
University of Yogyakarta.


To identify students’ perception toward the difficulties on using presentation
method in learning English at English Department Muhammadiyah
University of Yogyakarta.

Significances of the Research
This study is expectantly hoped to give a valuable contribution for
teachers/lecturers, students, the researcher, other researchers, and education
institution that include especially in learning process implementation.


Teacher/Lecturer. Hopefully either teachers or lecturers can understand
the perception of students about using presentation method in English teaching.
Based on the students’ perception, teachers can know how the impact on applying
presentation method for students. The teachers also can get the evidence about
some benefits and problems in applying the presentation method in the classroom.
Then, the teacher be able to minimize the weakness on using presentation method
in learning English.
Students. The researcher hopes that this research can be used for students
to giving the knowledge about presentation method. So, they can realize how
presentation method is. Then, they can prepare maximally and also get the
maximum benefits of presentation method.
The researcher. This research hopefully can increase a wonderful
knowledge for the researcher about how the presentation method in English
teaching is working. The research is expected be able to give the evidence about
the benefits and difficulties on using presentation method for student based on
students’ perception.
Other researchers. This research could be a references for the other

researcher who want to conduct the same research. On the other hand, if the other
researcher wants to be teachers in the future, they also could use this research as
the knowledge on applying presentation method in the class. So, they could know
about how presentation method gives effect to the student.


Chapter Two
Literature Review

In this chapter, the researcher presents some literature related to the
students’ perception, teaching method, and presentation method. Also, the
researcher presents the conceptual framework in this research.
Students’ Perception
In the teaching activity, knowing students’ perception is significant part
for teacher. Teachers have to know how the feeling and opinion of students about
teachers’ method on delivering knowledge. Because when the teacher knows
about students’ feeling, it makes easier for the teacher to evaluate their method in
the class. According to Henry, (2003), perception is the process in which we as
human can take or feel a sensation from the environment and we can interpret

them. Interpret the sensation that we feel and share with the other using our
knowledge. Based on the Hendrie’s definition, can be concluded that students’
perception is knowing the sensation or students’ opinion about the environment in
the class. Students have to know and interpret the style, method, media, and
material that teachers use. Based on the students’ perception, teachers are able to
improve their style, media, method, and material that they use in line with
students’ desire.
On the other hand, knowing students’ perception makes teacher more
comprehend about what they students’ need in teaching activity. So, they can be


easier to get deeper understanding. In the learning and teaching activities, students
receive stimulation in the form of information such as course materials that
provided by the teacher to the student with a particular method. Students will give
a meaning of stimulus, a process of giving meaning by the student is called
student perception (Damelia, 2015). The other opinion is from Aziz (2009) as
cited in Ahmed and Ampadu (2012) who argued that:
Collecting data from students regarding their teachers’ teaching provides
meaningful data of what their teacher does. The collecting data from
students about their teachers’ teaching is a valuable as their perceptions
are colored by challenging and interesting experiences that allow them to
observe learning and teaching behaviors more intimately than their
teachers. That is, students’ perceptions of their teachers’ teaching
contribute very much in improving the teaching and learning of the
subject as it provides valuable suggestions and directions for the
teacher’s future improvement (p.3).
Based on some opinion, it can be concluded that students’ perception is the
part of improving the quality of teaching and learning method for the teacher. It is
mean that students’ perception can make students share and express their feeling
of how about the method of their teacher on giving the material. Then, teacher can
use it to introspect and improve the teaching method. Some opinion above said
that students’ perception is the direct suggestion and it will beneficial for teacher.


Teaching Method
Teaching and learning are a contract between two parties for which they
both need to agree the term. It is not a one-side affair. Teachers need to
understand what student wants and expectations just as much as they are
determined to push their own methodological beliefs. However, this does not
merely mean that they have to abandon their own theories because the students
are not used for what their teacher wants to do. It means, instead, that some
accommodation has to be reached between what the two parties want and expect.
With so many different approaches and method available, many teachers are
unsure of which to choose and how to go about making that choice.
The originators of a method have arrived at decision about types of
activities, roles of teachers and learners, the kind of material which will
be helpful, and some model of syllabus organization. Methods include
various procedures and techniques as part of their standard fare. When
methods have fixed procedures, are informed by a clearly articulated
approach, they are easy to describe (Harmer, 2002, p.78).
Besides, according to Vijayalaksmi, (2004) as cited Mehmood and
Rehman (2011), “teaching is both an art and science. Able teachers always find
ways and means to improve their teaching techniques. With the change in time the
teachers are asked to employ newer methods for teaching their pupils more
effectively so that they must be able to cope with the demand of the age. The
latest techniques of teaching are a need of hour” (p.1). There are several teaching
methods which are used to teach various disciplines. The important teaching


methods that are commonly used by the teachers are such as direct instruction or
lecturing, inquiry based learning, cooperative learning and group discussion.
In teaching English, there are many available methods. Collaborative
learning, cooperative learning, problem based learning, student center learning,
and active learning. One of the effective method is active learning method.
according to Prince (2004) as cited at Maat (2014), active learning is a learning
where the students engage in activities such as reading, writing, discussions, or
problem-solving that promotes analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the class
content. Active learning instructional can be created and used to engage in
thinking critically or creatively, speaking with partner, in a small group, or with
the entire class, expressing ideas through writing, exploring personal attitudes and
values, giving and receiving feedback, and reflection upon the learning process
(Eison, 2010). Eison (2010) also mentioned that presentation is the kind of active
learning. On the other hand, Price (2004) said that:
Active learning is generally as any instructional method that engages
students in the learning process. In short, active learning requires
students to do meaningful learning activities and think about what they
doing. While this definition could include traditional activities that are
introduced into the classroom. The core elements of active learning are
student activity and engagement in the learning process. Active learning
is often contrasted to the traditional lecture where students passively
receive information from the instructor (p.1).


Faust and Paulson (1998) said that “active learning is any learning activity
engaged in by students in the classroom other than listening passively to an
instructor’s lecture. As we will show below, this includes everything from
listening practices that help students absorb what they hear, to stort writing
exercises in which students react to lecture material, to complex group exercises
in which students apply course material to “real life” situation and / or new
problem. The term cooperative learning covers the subset of active-learning
activities that students do in groups of three or more, rather that alone or in pair”
(p.4). On the other hand, Harizaj (2015) said that:
Teachers have to refer to the practical use of this method rather than
theory. Student’s goals are teacher’s goals. Communication in English
language is the most important principle by applying interaction as much
as possible, facilitating the learning process and making it meaningful to
our students. Using guided discussion may help a lot of teachers who want
to differentiate strategies and have effective teaching in their own classes.
Active learning happens through interaction. Through discussion students
build confidence in their own learning and social relationship which will
help them in real life (p.6).
Based on some opinions above, the researcher could know that the
importance goal of learning is students’ communication. Each teacher has design
the teaching method which can give opportunity for students to improve their
communication skill. Applying active learning is one of some way in building the
communicating teaching practice.


Presentation Method
Definition of Presentation Method. Presentation is a method or style in
which the students get the opportunity to practice language in situation which
encourages them to communicate their needs, ideas, and opinions in front of the
audience. The definition is related with Tkachenko (2014), she said that
“presentation is described as a speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or
piece of work is shown and explained to an audience” (p.2). In line with the
definition, there is other definition which said that “the study of presentation is a
chance for students to gain insight into knowledge and skills that make a good
lecturer which often turns to become their vocation. The mastery of the subject
topic and the good will to interact with others will allow them to actually enjoy
sharing their knowledge in a constructive way for both their audience and
themselves with structured planning and organization” (Zivkovic, 2014, p.463).
On one hand, “presentation class provides them with a chance to learn
English on their own to explain about the topic and be able to answer the
questions theirs peers had with a close interaction between the presenter and the
classmates. Student presentation might help students participate more actively,
have them ready for future presentation, and provide them to learn new
vocabulary and knowledge in English and to appropriately use what they learned
in class” (Lee & Park, 2008, p.2).
The other definition explains that a presentation is an informative talk or
sharing about their knowledge. It means that an activity in which a knowledgeable
person shares their knowledge to the other person. Then, according to Zarefsky


(1996) as cited in Suprawanlai (2005), “presentation is presentation is one form
speeches in which the purpose is to inform and to persuade” (p.23). Based on the
definitions above, the researcher can take out the component that an activity in
which the students get a topic of material from the teacher, then the teachers asks
students to explain and share knowledge the topic of material with the audience.
Generally, teacher ask the students to present their presentation as their
assignment. It has the purpose to give as opportunities for the students to practice
their speaking ability and develop their critical thinking. On the other hand,
students can learn by their way and make the students be having a big chance to
create and develop their own material.
In practicing presentation, it is different with the speech. According to
Dunckel & Parnham (1989) as cited in Suprawanlai (2005) state that “presentation
differs from other speeches because it targeted specific audience, who expects
explicit information, intelligent persuasion, and credible content” (p.23). It means
that the presenter will give an explanation the material based on the audience.
Because the audience joins the presentation activity to get information and
knowledge. So, the presenter has to make sure that the audience is understand and
clear with the explanation. To make a good presentation, among presenter,
audience and the content of presentation should have perfect preparation. It
related with Enein (2011) as cited in Siddons (2008) states three essential
ingredients of a presentation:

The audience


The presenter



The presentation

Based on the Einen, each of these three ingredients is vital to a successful
presentation. So, for the presenter is not only preparing for the presentation, they
also have to prepare their selves and the audience. It related with an opinion in
which said that “the most importantly of all, even if the presentation is perfect and
the presenter inspired and charismatic, if the audience isn’t interested or engaged,
then the presentation will certainly fail.” (Wallwork, 2010 cited at Enein, 2011,
The benefits of presentation method. On implementing a presentation,
it has a lot of benefits for the students. Firstly, it was mentioned by Burder and
Byrd (2003) that presentation can be used to share and discuss information in a
short time, to explain difficult ideas, to stimulate student desire to learn, to present
information in a certain way or adapt it to a particular group, or to introduce or
explain learning tasks. On the other hand, Opitz and Tufts (2010) said that
presentations such as these can be used successfully as a substitute for interactive
practiced without seemingly negatively influencing student performance in
practical/applied tests or examinations. In learning English, practice is the more
importance than theory. So, practicing presentation is successful for change the
test or examination. Then, an added benefit is that it allows students in a large and
diverse class to get to know one another. According to King (2002) as cited in
Miles (2007), “It has also been argued that by doing oral presentations and
increasing student anxiety levels, we as teachers are actually contradicting the
important aspect of language acquisition” (p.104). Based on some benefits that


have mentioned, can be conclude that presentation is the effective way for the
students in practice their speaking and develop their critical thinking. Because
when the students present in front of the audience, they have to explain in detail
and clearly. So, the audience also could take the benefits of the presentation.
On the other hand, based on the as Emden and backer (2004) cited Enein
(2011), The benefits of student presentations will be influenced by the situation
but they can be summarized as providing opportunities for:
1. Student-centered participation in their learning. It means that the learning
activities is centered in the students. The opportunities make students to
explore more about their ability. So, the students have a big part on their
2. Develop new knowledge and perspectives on a topic. It means that when the
presenter gives clear explanation and give good reason on the presentation,
so, the audience can learn new knowledge and have deeply understand from
the presentation. On the other hand, presentation is the challenges learning
for the presenter, because they have to learn how to explain a material for the
audience in clearly.
3. Practice in a known environment/situation. Presentation is a practice for the
students in the safely environment. It means that usually teacher ask for the
student to present in front of the class for their assignment. So, the presenter
only will perform in front of their classmate. It makes easily for the presenter
because the presenter already knows the audience. Both of the presenter and


the audience are familiar each other. So, it makes decrease the nervousness
for the presenter.
4. Increasing confidence to speak and present in front of an audience.
Presentation can practice the presenters to perform in front of the audience.
On the other hand, they have to share and explain their knowledge for the
audience. To present in front of the class, students need high bravery. So,
presentation will practice the students to confidence and brave to speak in
front of the audience. On the other hand, presentation also can help students
to decrease their anxiety.
Presentation is the appropriate way to give training or practicing for
students who want increase their confidence, speaking ability and critical
thinking. It related with Miles (2007), he said that “There are two findings of note
from this simple survey. Firstly, it relates to general oral communication skills
(improving their English and speaking, gaining confidence in speaking and
challenging themselves to speak more). The more traditional presentation skills
such as using power point, and the intangible skills teachers always claim come
from doing presentations (getting job skills, working better in groups, organizing
your thoughts better)” (p.105). So, based on the statement, presentation also could
train students to be better in group work. Because when they do a group
presentation, it requires students to create and able to manage their group and
present the best perform. Riddel (2003) also said that “presentation makes
language more real than just a series of roles and explanations. The students see
the language in situation that is real and that provides the meaning. If it works,


well, the presentation is interesting, even enjoyable. Above all, it’s much better
that giving an explanation of a language point” (p.30). The point in which can
take from Riddel is when the presentation has good and well working, students
will interest and enjoy the study. Then, students can learn in the real language
learning. It is mean that they can practice in the classroom.
The difficulties on applying presentation method. In applying
presentation, not all of students are success and appropriate for them. Necessarily,
there are some students that feel difficult in practice their presentation. The first
difficulty, sometimes “The presentation is not effective because it does not
properly address the needs of the intended audience. The audience is not
persuaded” (Wilder, 2008, p.45). It means that, sometimes the presenters do not
get their point and the audience cannot figure out about what the presenter is
explaining. So, it will make the audience do not care with the discussion. Based
on the problem, both of presenter and audience will be disadvantaged. They also
mentioned that presentation often do not actively engage students in learning,
permit passive learning, and generally do not provide the teacher with
opportunities to check student understanding. Zivkovic (2014) mentioned that
“teaching students to design effective presentations implies developing their
insightful and well-trained thinking strategies that can produce clarity in
communication that actually improves the quality of thought and vice versa”
Presentation should not be used when objectives other than knowledge
acquisition are sought: the information is complex, abstract, or detailed; learner


participant is important; higher cognitive learning is sought; or students are below
average in ability (Gage & Berliner, 1998 as cited in Burder & Byrd, 2003). On
the other hand, Miles (2007) also said that “students were not actually so much
interested in learning how to do presentations, as they were in learning how to
communicate their ideas in an informal manner” (p.106). On the other hand,
Suprawanlai (2005) said that “the reason why it is important for the students to
learn presentation skill is that most of the times a person will be asked to give
presentation in front of the public, unfortunately for most people, giving a
systematic, informative, and persuasive presentation are frightening” (p.8). Based
on the Suprawanlai, it can be concluded that learning presentation skill is
important because in the future, the people has to present or speaking in public.
When they don’t have an experiences on presenting in front of the class, they
couldn’t face their frightening.
Be connected with the frightening, Ziddons (2008) had mentioned some
poor reasons why students feel difficult on doing presentation. The first reason is
the audience is not interested in what you are going to say, or does not need to
hear it. Audience expression is the most important for the presenter. When the
audience shows their face in bored and unclear with the presentation, the presenter
has to act or explain more their material in interesting presentation. But in the
reality, the presenter will feel down and could not handle the audience when the
audience shows that they are not interest or think that they do not need to hear the


The second reason, if the audience does not know why they are there, or
the presenters not sure why they are presenting. Not all the students are serious in
their learning. It is caused by their self-motivation on learning. Sometime students
who do not have motivation and serious learning, they do not know what for they
learn in the class. So, both of the audience and presenter who do not have
motivation, the would not get the maximal result. The third reason is when the
presenter does not have objectives for the presentation. The objectives of the
presentation are important, because when the presenters do not have an objective,
presenter will speak and present in unspecific material. The fourth reason is if the
audience feel that they have better things to do. It will make down for the
presenter without prepare more. And the last reason when the presenter is in way
halfhearted about the presentation. Doing activity in the halfhearted, it will get
halfhearted result. So, when students practice their presentation in halfhearted,
both of the presenter and audience wouldn’t get the maximal result or in mastery
in material.
Based on the psychology, “the important factor on inhibiting their
presentation or public speaking is self-confidence. A someone who has less in
self-confidence, they would avoid of their presentation or public speaking. They
are afraid if the audience or their partner would be ridicule or blame their fault.
So, they would be passive and silent in the discussion.” (Rachmat 2009 as cited
Wahyuni, 2014, p.52). Wahyuni (2014) also explain that when someone feels
afraid to make a communication is known as communication apprehension. A
student who have communication apprehension, they would be passive students.


Because they would only speak if they are in recessive condition or perforce
condition. when someone has low self-esteem feeling, they would have
difficulties to communicate their ideas or concept for the other. On the other hand,
they also would avoid to speak on public because they are afraid when the
audience blame them. self-confidence is a belief of individual for the ability to
show they behavior or to achieving their goal (cited Taylor, 2011 as cited
Wahyuni, 2014). So, based on the Wahyuni, building and developing selfconfidence on students is essential for students. Because, when they could be
confidence and belief to their selves, they couldn’t present even speaking in front
of the class.
Burder and Byrd (2003) also explain some tips in using presentation
method. Teacher and student thoroughly plan and prepare presentation, know the
content like an expert, limit the length of the presentation to the tolerance levels of
the particular age group, present in a way that is interesting to students, provide
appropriate level of structure and sequence, maintain flexibility, provide
organizers, use the presentation with combination with other method, use
instructional media and materials, summarize the content, and provide follow-up
In addition, teaching behaviors such as clarity, enthusiasm, and smooth
transitions are all necessary for the presentation if the students are to be motivated
and learn the material. Some teacher like to provide students with a note-taking
outline to help students to follow the lecture and fill in selected information. On
the other hand, based on a review of the research by Rosen shine and Stevens


(1986) on Burder and Byrd (2003), several useful aspects of clear presentations
are described as follow:
a) Clearly set goals and main points.
b) Provide step-by-step presentation.
c) Use specific and concrete procedures.
d) Check for students or audiences’ understanding.
Review of Related Study
Study from Melia (2013) investigated about students’ speaking
performance in class presentation. So, this study gets an analysis how students’
speaking performance in doing presentation. A study that conducted at the third
year students of English Department STKIP PGRI West Sumatra finds that
students have lowest level for each speaking standard, except for fluency standard
in speaking. The researcher also mentions some factors that influencing the
students. There are caused of lack of vocabulary, did not prepare their material
and did not understand about the material. This study did an investigation
December 02th, 2013 until December 25th, 2013. The researcher used video of
observation in analyzing the data. This research suggests that the students should
prepare well before doing presentation. Then, the lecturer also should help the
students to encourage students’ speaking performance especially in the
Another study from Sewasew et al (2015) reports about the comparison of
PPT and traditional lecture method in material among university students at
Ethiopia. This study was conducted in Gondar University in 2012/2013 academic


year. This study was comparing some aspects of teaching method both of PPT and
lecture technique. The first result is discussing about the comparison in learning
effect. It said that the lecture method is very effective in teaching/learning process
for students rather than using PPT. Then, the other results such as students’
attitude, and dullness show that lecture method is more effective for students than
PPT. For the students’ attitude is caused that students have more positive effect
than PPT. Then for the dullness, this study shows that PPT makes students duller
that lecture method. It means that students become bored and tired with PPT.
Based the reviews of related study above about an analysis of students’
speaking performance in class presentation from Melia (2013) and a comparative
study on power point presentation and traditional lecture method in material
understandability, effectiveness, and attitude from Sewasew (2015) have
similarities and also distinctions. The similar of this study is have the same aim.
The researcher wants to investigate the problem that concern about presentation
method. But, among the research also has different result like as the review above.
Conceptual Framework
Learning English consists of some skills. There are speaking, reading,
writing, and listening. To get maximal result in language learning, the teacher has
to create a learning method that could make balance among speaking, reading,
writing, and listening. Without practicing, the learners cannot achieve the goal in
learning English. The goal of learning English is that the students be able to
communicate clearly and fluently in English.


Students have to practice producing skill. It is including speaking and
writing skill. When students have more practice in language learning, students
will have more chances to rehearse language production. It needs practice and
repetition in learning English.
There are many strategy and method that can be applied to product a
language. One of them is using presentation. Applying presentation in learning
English is the best way to achieve a success. Presentation is a way in which
students be able to enhance their ability and their self-confident. On the other
hand, both of presenter and audience could create their way in learning. Because,
students are the principal part in presentation method. Presentation is the way that
could provide a place for student to practicing learning. So, presentation would
give a lot of benefit for students.
On applying a presentation, generally teacher would give the title of
material that would be presented by students. Then, the presentation would be
applying in individual or group presentation. when the students could prepare
maximal and practice the presentation in seriously, they would get a lot of benefit
in their learning. The key to success in presenting their presentation are
preparation. The presenter has to prepare among the audience, presentation, and
the presenter.
The most difficulty of presentation is nervousness. That natural nature of
human. Many students have good preparation but they are fail in the presentation
caused of nervousness. Many students were worry to make a mistake in their
presentation. Stammered and nervousness, it would create the other problem that


make student be difficult in practicing and presenting their slide. It would create a
frightened, shyness, low self-confidence and the other problem that could be the
difficulties for students in presenting in front of the audience.


Chapter Three

This chapter discussed about methodology that is used to conduct this
study. This chapter consists of several procedures to answer the research questions
which had been discussed in chapter one. The discussion in this chapter is
research design, data collection, participants and setting, and data analysis.
Design of the Research
This research discovered about students’ perception on using presentation
as a method in English teaching. The researcher used qualitative research as the
research design. The reason on choosing qualitative research because this research
finds out about the students’ perception in using presentation method in the class
activities so that, the researcher needed to collect the data about the perception or
perspective students in using presentation method. According to Creswell (2003),
“qualitative approach is one in which the inquirer often makes knowledge claims
based primarily on constructivist perspectives or advocacy participatory
perspectives or both” (p.8). In the other book, Creswell (2014) also said that “if a
concept or phenomenon needs to be explored and understood because little
research has been done on it, then it merits a qualitative approach. Qualitative
research is especially useful when the researcher does not know the important
variables to examine” (p.32). Based on two previous explanations, it could be
concluded that qualitative research is a research which will give the explanation,


clarification, and more argument for the researcher. It related to the purpose of
this research which wanted to know about students’ perception on using
presentation method in the learning activity.
Participants of the Research
The researcher conducted this research in English Education Department
(EED) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta batch 2012. The researcher
chose batch 2012 as the participant because they are in last semester now so that
they had gotten a lot of experiences in using presentation in the class. The other
reason is they already got “academic presentation” subject. In academic
presentation class, the students learnt all of about presentation. It is including how
to prepare well the presentation, how to be good presenter, how to face answer
and question section, and the last duty for academic presentation class is
practicing to presents the proposal. So that students should have good ability
about presentation after join academic presentation class.
In this research, the researcher uses six students as the participant. The
researcher thinks that six participants is sufficient for the research when the
researcher got the data. “you can stop collecting data when the categories (or
themes) are saturated; when gathering fresh data, no longer sparks new insights or
reveals new properties” (Charsmaz:2006 cited at Creswell: 2014, p.201). The
researcher used GPA as the criteria in dividing participants. The researcher
divided participants into three categories. The first category is two students who
has low GPA level (students who have score 2.38 – 2.16). The second category is
two students who have middle GPA (students who have score 3.60 – 3.41 of the


GPA). The third category is two students who have high GPA level (students who
have score 3.90 – 3.72).
The researcher chose participants based on the three categories of GPA
because it would make the researcher getting rich information from the
participants. Then using categories of GPA, the researcher could get the data from
all perception or perspective of students. The data is not only from the students
who have high GPA level, but also middle and low GPA. The researcher thinks
that both students who have low and middle GPA is the students who has some
difficulties in learning. So, the researcher has to know what is the difficulties of
the students when they were doing presentation method.
Setting of the Research
The researcher conducted the research at the English Education
Department of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. There are two reasons
in choosing English Education Department of University Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta as the setting in this research. Firstly, almost all of the lecture at
English Department at UMY was applying presentation method in their teaching
since the beginning semester. The second reason is because the researcher would
like to know how the perception and the effect of using presentation method in
language teaching and learning on batch 2012 in English Education Department
of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Data Collection Method
Interview was used in this research to collect the data. According to
Creswell (2012), “interview provides useful information when you cannot directly


observe participants, and it can permit participants to describe detailed personal
information. The interview also has better control over the types of information
received, because the interview can ask the specific questions to elicit the
information” (p.218). It is in line with the purpose of the researcher which wanted
to know in deep information about students’ perception on using presentation
method. Because the researcher could not observe directly. So that, interview can
help the researcher in collecting rich and valid data. It is similar with Creswell
(2014) who stated that “interview is an activity in which the individual is allowed
to talk openly about a topic, largely without the use of specific question” (p.29).
The researcher would use open ended interview to collect the data. Open
ended interview would help the researcher in collecting the data, because open
ended interview can make the participant be free to share their opinion or
perspective to answer the research questions. It is in line with Creswell (2014):
In qualitative interview, the researcher conducts face-to-face interviews
with the participants, telephone interviews, or engages in focus group
interviews with six to eight interviewees in each group. These interviews
involve unstructured and generally open-ended questions that are few in
number and intended to elicit views and opinions from the participants
The researcher used recorder to record the process on interview, so that
each word could be heard by researcher clearly. In the interview process, the
researcher used Bahasa Indonesia. It made both of researcher and participants feel


unimpeded and had clear understanding for the communication. After the
researcher got the data, the researcher checked the data result. The researcher sent
the transcript of interview by email to all of the participants for member checking.
Then, all of the participants said that the transcript is appropriate with their answer
in the interview process. The researcher would have to reach the participant to
make sure when there is unconvincing idea. It is caused by the researcher has to
make sure that all of the data is valid and true. Valid data in qualitative is very
important, because “validity is one of the strengths of qualitative research and is
based on determining whether the findings are accurate from the standpoint of the
researcher, the participant, or the readers of an account (Creswell & Miller, 2000
cited at in Creswell:2014, p.212).
On collecting the data, there were some steps. Firstly, before doing the
interview, the researcher asked permission from the Administration Staff of
English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The
researcher asked about the information on the average of students’ GPA batch
2012. Then, after the researcher got the data about GPA of the students, the
researcher would choose six students at random based on categories of the
average of students, such as low GPA, middle GPA, and high GPA. The next step,
the researcher contacted the candidates who were willing to be the participants of
interview. After the candidates have found, the researcher would arrange the
schedule with the participants for the interview section. On the interview section,
the researcher has set the category of all questions based on the research question


on the appendix. The interview only would focus on the students’ perception on
presentation method in learning English activity.
Data Analysis
The researcher would use qualitative data to analyze the finding of this
research. After collecting the data based on the interview, there were three steps to
analyze the data. The steps would include transcribing the data, checking the data,
and coding the data. The first step was transcribing the data. According to
Creswell (2012), “transcribing is the process of converting audiotape recordings
or field notes into text data” (p.239). It means that the data from the recording
should be changed in the text data. Then, after transcribe the data, the researcher
would check the result of the transcribing. The researcher would ask the
participant about the validity of the data. It means that the result of data
transcribing was same with the answer of the participants.
Then, the next step is doing a coding where there are three steps in coding.
According to Rossman and Rallis (2012) cited in Creswell (2014), “coding is the
process of organizing the data by bracketing chunks (or text or image segments)
and writing a word representing a category in the margins” (p.208). It means that
the researcher would make an image like table, draft or write a text to classify the
result of interview based on category to answer the research question. There are
open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Based on Creswell (2014) can be
concluded that open coding is a process that the researcher will generate
categories of information. After doing open coding, the researcher would select
one of the categories and positioning it within a theoretical model. This process is


axial coding. Then, for the last coding process is selective coding. In selective
coding, the researcher explicated a story from the interconnection of these


Chapter Four
Finding and Discussion

This chapter presents about the result of the data that has gathered and
analyzed by the researcher. This chapter would report and discuss about the
finding of study. The researcher used interview to gather the data and information
to answer the research questions.
There are two major researc

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