External Influences on the Development of Children

External Influences on the
Development of Children
(workshop on Space and Children, August 2-7,
2009, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta)
Wiwien Dinar Pratisti
Faculty of Psychology
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

Developmental Task of a child
Childhood is one stage oh human live which is
characterized by
• Learn physically skill for play and game
• Build a healthy self concept
• Learn to adapt with the environment
• Develop an understanding about gender
• Develop basic skill for reading, writing dan math
• Develop a knowledge which are used to
understand the daily activity
• Develop moral and values
• Develop the attitude toward social environment

• Gain the right personality

Developmental process in human life
The maturity of an individual gain by
• The process of maturity itself. A few aspect in
human life become mature because of the time
they passed by. Means that someone become
mature because of their age.
• The process of learning. Means that to get
maturity an individu must learn from the
environment. The environment devide in two
type: social and physically environment.

Factors that influence the
development of a child
• Genetic. Many aspect of child life came from their
parents. From Jensen research there are facts that IQ is
one aspect of human life which is pursue with this
• Fenotype. Gagne desribed that the development and

verbal skill of a child is a process of learning from his
environment. Children learn about social values from
their environment. If they could not get the right
treatment from their social environment, they can not
behave like a normal child. In reverse, chilren who get
the right treatment will behave normally. In education
scope, this is called optimism because we can stimulate
someone become better than before. The stimulation
colud be social regulatory or physical environment.

Stimulation for the development of
the children
• Physically: trees and hill, space.
• Chemis : gas and polution, soap, drugs.
• Organismic : biologically stucture for example
respiratory, cardiovasculer, neuro and muscular
• Socially : the performance, behavior and
interaction between mother, father,
sister/brother, peers, teacher and the individu

itself. The model of child rearing, the education
from the teacher.

Which stimulation we will

Adequate research
• Game or play is one of right stimulation for children.
Because children can learn something happilly and
• Research by Siagawati (2008) showed that traditional
game have values, for example leadership, teamwork,
social awareness
• Research by Masturi (2004) showed that traditional
game heightened the emphaty of children.
• Research By Pratisti (2007) showed that traditional game
was not give an effect in emotional intelligence. One of
the cause is there was not enough place for the game or
there was no playground. The game tooke place in the
street of the neighbourhood. When someone pass the

street the game had to be stopped. And the game would
continue after the person passed by.

• Give the children enough space and right
plays and equipment for their development
that they can feel freelly, take an
exploration from their environment and
their self to get right and healthy identity,
to minimize personal dissability, to develop
healthy personality.

• You can get the description and
knowledge from your jouney, this time.
• Enjoy your journey
• Don’ t forget the task
• Goodluck