Summary of the Novel

1. Introduction

Human is essentially a social being. They cannot live alone, in other words, a human needs other humans. They socialize with each other, establish strong relationship and produce a harmonious society. Social humans are naturally able to communicate well with the surrounding environment as well as humans are influenced by the environment itself. Therefore, as a social being, humans are united in a society to respect other humans with various backgrounds. On the other hand, in social l ife, intimidation or commonly called bullying often occurs. “Bullying is commonly an aggressive behavior because of the imbalance power within a group. Bullying occurs when a group of people disrupt a person’s physical or psychological condition and is done continuously. Insulting, changing nicknames, or even isolating the victims of bullying by ignoring and leaving them outcast or teased are also included in the practice of bullying”. http:www.academia.edu7010281INTIMIDASI_BULLYING_Masalah_Remaja Bullying is also the main theme in Carrie novel, by Stephen King. The bullying in this novel is described clearly from the beginning until the end of the story as its central insight. It makes this novel interesting to read because Carrie, the main character is an unpopular weird girl with a secret super power. Being bullied had become her lifetime experience because of her weirdness. Carrie always wanted to be normal like the other girls in her school. The climax is when she was humiliated in front of her school friends at the school prom that she could not handle it anymore. She decided to take revenge with her secret super power she killed those who had mocked her at school tragically.

2. Summary and the Author

2.1 Summary of the Novel

Carrie, written by Stephen King is the story of Carietta White, a telekinetic girl in Chamberlain. Her mother is a fanatic in her faith. She set Carrie and taught the not common way then she had grown up as an unpopular girl since she was in Elementary School until the Senior High School. Her friends abused her, they called her with some disgusting names, bullied her physical, made fun of her faith and so on. One day at the Ewen High School, the school where Carrie studied at, the girls finished their shower after playing volleyball. Her friend, Chris Hargensen found out that Carrie was bleeding and shout that Carrie had her period at that time. Carrie thought that she was bleeding to death and called for help. Sue Snell laughed out loud and shouted to Carrie to clean up the mess. No one knew that it was the first period for Carrie, even Carrie didn’t know because her mother never gave her any information about it. Things got worse they threw some tampons toward her and bullied her at the shower room. Carrie freaked out, she screamed until she cracked the lamps with her uncontrollable telekinetic secret power. The girls suddenly scattered when Miss Desjardin, the gym teacher came up to fix the situation. She helped Carrie and took her to the vice principal. Mr. Morton, the vice principal gave compensation to Carrie and allowed her to go home. After that, Mr. Morton discussed with Miss Desjardin about the penalty to who was involved in the bullying action to Carrie White. Miss Desjardin punished the girls, Chris Hargensen, Tina Blake, Helen Shyres, Rachel Spies, Sue Snell and the others with suspension for several days of what they have done to Carrie White, and they could not go to the prom, Sue Snell was the one who was really upset. Miss Desjardin and Chris were involved into arguments because Chris did not obey the rule and Sue Snell started to dislike Chris. Sue Snell was dating Tommy Ross, one of the popular golden boys at school , she was really upset about Miss Desjardin’s punishment and she felt guilty about Carrie White. She asked Tommy to invite Carrie to the prom night replacing her in return. The kind Tommy accepted her wish because he loved her. Tommy met Carrie and asked her to replace Sue for the prom night, Carrie was shocked. She thought that Tommy would fool her and laughed at her. At first, Carrie rejected politely, she knew that her mother would not let her go. Tommy tried to explain that he did this because he knew that she was a good girl, and she deserved an invitation then finally Carrie found that Tommy said that honestly and accepted the invitation. Meanwhile, Chris with her boyfriend Billy Nolan, one of the bad boys at school, was planning to do something bad. The prom night would crown the new prom king and queen. The king and queen would b e voted by the other students, Tommy and Sue were nominated but Sue’s name was crossed out and was replaced by Carrie’s. Due to the suspensions, Chris planned a sly trap with her boyfriend, Billy Nolan, to humiliate Carrie at the Prom night. Chris promoted her friends to vote for Tommy and Carrie for the prom king and queen and sabotage the vote cards. While Billy set the trap at the prom night stage with pig blood. When the crowning moment came, Tommy and Carrie were crowned as the prom king and queen, everybody in the party felt funny, and did not expect this, or some that knew what was the idea of this crowning moment. Pig blood spilled out from the ceiling and flushed Carrie. Everybody laughed, mocked and insulted Carrie. Carrie and Tommy did not know what was happening. Carrie’s anger was even unstoppable. She was angry. Suddenly she could control her telekinetic power to punish everybody in the party, even Tommy, the kind guy. She was angry to be bullied in her life. She could not handle that anymore. She set the school on fire with her mind power and burnt them to death. After burning the city, in the same night Carrie went home bloody, she had a fight with her mother. Her mother stabbed her shoulder with a knife, Carrie fought back, she killed her mother with her mind power. After that Carrie looked for Chris and Billy Nolan, who were the masterminds of the pig blood at the party. She met them at the Cavalier. Billy tried to hit her with his car, but Billy and Chris hit a building and burnt together. At the end Sue found Carrie was dying losing much blood, Carrie tried to make a mind contact and told Sue what was happening, but too late, Carrie was dead, and Sue called the police for help. It made Sue came to the court for her witnessing.

2.2 About the Author