Type of Research Method


3.1 Type of Research Method

The writer uses field research to collect the data. According to Ratna, “field research is a method, which require the writer to come to the area to collect and analyze the object, and transfer the gained data to the paperwork”2010: 189. The field research uses quantitative research as the method of research and use the questionnaire and interview approach to collect the data. Interview is a way to collect data, face to face, having a conversation, whether individual to individual or individual to groups. Aside from the interview, the writer also uses questionnaire. Questionnaire is generally used in quantitative method. In other word, as a characteristic, aside from using interview in order to get deeper information object: informant, this method is also using questionnaire object: respondent.According to Ratna, the benefits of questionnaire are: a Questions can be prepared well and compiled neatly before entering the area, b Questionnaire can reach a wide population in a short time to reduce the research fee, c The result of the questionnaire can be used by other researchers, even with a different field. 2010: 238-239 According to Daymond and Holloway in Ratna, “research with interview can achieve rich information, and the result most likely to be great” 2010: 231. And according to Black and Champion in Ratna, “interview consists of three main factors: a interview quality, b object of interview quality, c research quality. If these factors collaborate well, a beautiful result and art of communication will be gained” 2010: 232. Black and Champion in Ratna states that “there are two function of questionnaire: a description, whether toward individual or group, like: age, sex, and job, and b measurement, like: social range, traffic disciplines or product selling” 2010: 239. Variety of ways to spread and to fill the questionnaire are: a face to face, whether in groups or individual and b send it via post or internet e-mail, or short message service.

3.2. Data Source