Organization of the Paper

Meilyna Haryanti, 2014 Textbook evaluation in a private elementary school in Cimahi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | the textbooks, clarification of related terms, and concluding remark of the chapter are exposed. 4. CHAPTER IV: Findings and Discussion This chapter presents the findings and discussions of the data collected. The findings and discussions of the data were obtained from document analysis and interview to the teacher and some students. The concluding remark ends the chapter. 5. CHAPTER V: Conclusion and Suggestion The last chapter provides conclusion of the research based on the result of data analysis. Furthermore, it also states suggestions for the betterment of further research. Meilyna Haryanti, 2014 Textbook evaluation in a private elementary school in Cimahi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter provides the research methodology of the current research. Site and participants of the study, research design and methods, data collection, and data analysis techniques are explained. The clarification of related terms and concluding remark are also informed.

3.1 Site and participants

The research was conducted in a public elementary school in Cimahi. Since this research focused on evaluating English textbook for 4th and 5th graders from one publisher used in a private elementary school in Cimahi, then a series of textbook from one publisher that have been used by the teacher and the students was chosen in this research. The participants on this research were the English teacher and also random students, who have used this textbook from the beginning of the semester.

3.2 Research Design and Methods

This research employed a descriptive qualitative research by evaluating the textbooks using simple checklist from Komalaningsih 2009. Since checklist used as the tools for the evaluation process, the method used in this research is called the checklist method McGrath, 2002. Qualitative research is a kind of non-experiment research which is difficult to quantify and it is used interpretive analysis rather than statistical analysis Mackey Guss, 2005. Strauss Corbin 1990, p. 17 stated that qualitative research as “any kind of research that produces findings that are not arrived at by means of statistical Meilyna Haryanti, 2014 Textbook evaluation in a private elementary school in Cimahi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | procedures or other means of quantification”. In other words, generally qualitative research covered all the research with the non-numerical data which are intentionally tested using interpretative analysis Cresswell, 2009; see also Mackey Guss, 2005; Strauss Corbin, 1990; Hatch, 2002. There are some characteristics of the qualitative research which stated by Creswell 2002. Those characteristics are:  Exploring a problem and developing a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon  Having the literature review play a minor role but justify the problem  Stating the purpose and research questions in a general and broad way so as to the participants‟ experiences  Collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals so that the participants‟ views are obtained  Analysing the data for description and themes using text analysis and interpreting the larger meaning of the findings  Writing the report using flexible, emerging structures and evaluative criteria, and including the researchers‟ subjective reflexivity and bias Cresswell, 2002 There are three basic methods in the literature on textbook evaluation. Those three methods are the impressionistic method, the checklist method, and the in-depth method McGrath, 2002 see also Cunningsworth, 1995. In order to answer the research question on this research and also for its practicality, this research would use the checklist method. According to McGrath 2002 “a checklist consists of a list of items which is „referred to for comparison, identification or verification‟” Collins English Dictionary, 1992 stated on McGrath, 2002. There are a lot of criteria that can be taken into consideration to be applied on the checklist. Therefore, to get the criteria which are suitable for the research, the important and appropriate criteria would be