Significance of Study INTRODUCTION


5.1 Conclusions

Based on data analysis and discussion, it is concluded that the language style and the television watchers’ interpretation towards the language used in facial skin care product advertisement broadcast on television as bellow: 1. There are seven types of language style used in facial skin care product advertisements, they are: hyperbola, rhetoric, association, mesodiplosis, anaphora, climax, and alliteration. Meanwhile, the use of anaphora language style is the more dominantly because anaphora is the language style that use repetition in the first line or the next sentence. In this case, the used anaphora is to pressure that the product promoted is good. And the use of repetition to make the words being remembered in the mind of society. 2. The viewers’ interpretation towards the language style and the performance of the model in facial skin care product advertisement were that the language and the performance of the model are interested and attractive that can make the viewers persuaded. 3. The viewers’ responses towards the language style used and the performance of the model included into three: first, they were interested to buy the product because of the use of language style in facial skin care product advertisement. Part of them were interested to buy the product with the performance of model and the other part were interested with the use of language and the performance of model but didn’t buy the product because of various consideration

1.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, the suggestion can be given to the: a. Lecturers of teaching sociolinguistic, whereas the study of language style can be conducted and elaborated in research field. b. For the students who want to study about sociolinguistic branch particularly about language style. It is hoped they can take benefit from discourse of advertisement both on television and in print media with the purpose to improve their knowledge about the development of language in society. c. For the reader of advertisements, it is hoped to be carefully in choosing the product and think out with the use of language style in advertisement. d. For the advisers should not exaggerate the quality of the products promoted if they do not as same as the original condition. Thus, the purposes of the ads not only make the product sold out in the market but also can give the society information about the usefulness of the products. REFRENCES Ade Nurdin, Yani Maryani, dan Mumu. 2004. Intisari Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia untuk SMU. Bandung: CV. Pustaka Setia. Basman, C. 2002. The Meaning of Interpretation .Journal and Interpretation Research 71, 7-9. Blumer, Herbert, 1986, “Symbolic Interactionism; Perspective, and Method, ” London: University of California Press Barkeley Los Angeles. Bovee, C. L. 1992. Contemporary Advertising 5 th Ed . Illinois: Richard D. Irwin. Inc Burnett, John. 2003. Core Concepts of Marketing2nd Ed. Wiley Sons, Canofl, Archie and Ann K. Buchholtz.2006.Busrness and Society; Ethics and Stakeholder Management ,6 edition, South –Western. Darmadi Durianto, Sugiarto, Anton.W.Widajaj, Hendrawan.S.2003. Invasi Pasar Dengan Iklan Yang Efektif, PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta. Dewi, Ratna A, Iklan dan Budaya Popular: Pembentukan Identitas Ideologis Kecantikan Perempuan oleh Iklan Analisis Semiotoka Iklan Cetak WRP Body Shape Prolene 2005_4.pdf Retrieved on 12 October 201. Dirksen, C.J. and Arthur Kroeger. 1968. Advertising Principle and Problems. Illinois: Richard D. Irwin. Inc Fransisca Mulyono, Informasi Product Dalam Iklan dan Perlindungan KonsumensIndonesia, cledownload205176. Gibson, dkk 1989.Organisasidan Manajemen Prilaku, Jakarta: penerbit Erlangga. Hams, S. H. 1992. Environmental Interpretation; APractical Guide with Big Ideas and Small Budgets . Colorado: Fulcrum Publisihing. Harimurti, Kridalaksana. 2001. Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Kempson, Ruth M. 1977. Semantics Theory. London: Cambridge University Press. Krippendof, K. 2003. Content Analysis: an Introduction to Its Methodology . London: Sage Publication. Makmun, Riyanto, Etika Persaingan dalam Iklan, Ragam Jurnal Pengembangan Humainora vol 11 No. 3, Desember2011. 720des_2011.pdf.Accessed on 24th Nopember 2012